by Robin | Feb 29, 2008 | BIG Announcements, Contests, Pensieve's Picture Puzzler, Photos
…solicit the help of everyone in your email address book then try, try again. Ladies and gentleman, I was beginning to have my doubts, but after getting a little help from her friends……..we have a winner for this month’s Pensieve Picture...
by Robin | Feb 28, 2008 | Contests, Ouch!, Pensieve's Picture Puzzler
Believe it or not ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner for Pensieve’s Picture Puzzler……and I’m having techie difficulties in getting it posted :/! As soon as I can get to my pictures, I’ll let ya know who came up with the winning...
by Robin | Feb 27, 2008 | Contests, Pensieve's Picture Puzzler, Photos
I t h i n k the original mystery picture might’ve been a bit too difficult to guess what it is; let’s look at a more complete view of this unusual 1900s antique and see if anyone knows what it is now. Remember, a fantastic Southern "Lady and...
by Robin | Feb 26, 2008 | Contests, Favorite things, Pensieve's Picture Puzzler, Personal, Photos
Several weeks ago, we had a family outing downtown. After frisbeeing in Coolidge Park, we found ourselves on a path that led to an evolving retail district–interesting shops beyond typical mall fare. One of our first stops was Rock Creek, a fantastic...
by Robin | Feb 26, 2008 | Contests, Pensieve's Picture Puzzler
It’s time for… Wanna know what you’re playing for? Mystery picture coming soon…check back between now and tomorrow morning :). (Thanks to Phil for putting together the Paula, Jamie & Bobby Deen prize...
by Robin | Feb 7, 2008 | Blogging, Contests, Giveaways, Pensieve's Picture Puzzler, Personal
Patience is a virtue? Good things come to those who wait? [Insert your own cliche here.] If you’ve won something from "Robin @ PENSIEVE" in the past month (Pensieve’s Picture Puzzler, Snackalicious Super Dishes Cookbooks, SSD Buttermints, or a...