A powerful encouragement for anyone who has wrestled with their faith.
My circumstances might not have been as dramatic as the father begging Jesus for a miracle, but I felt just as desperate in my faith. Feeling lost in a spiritual desert, this was the most honest prayer I could offer. Can you relate to struggling in your faith but longing to believe?
Faith is tidy and neat for some, never unwavering and always so sure. And maybe that’s how you used to feel, but now your once-sure beliefs are less certain, the prescribed faith of your youth no longer enough.
Perhaps life isn’t turning out like you thought it would. Heartbreak and challenges stir doubt. Sunday school answers fall short. God seems distant. Inviting you to find hope and healing in your own story within the pages of mine, in For All Who Wander, I want to help you:
- Abandon the guilt and shame attached to your questions or doubts.
- Broaden your understanding of God’s grace and faithfulness.
- Release hostage-holding lies to enable you to embrace your identity, hope, and value in Christ.
- Reframe your view of difficulties and disappointments as you understand their redemptive and transformative value.
- Trust that God is working in your wandering to restore and strengthen your faith.
As you walk through my story, you’ll find out for yourself that sometimes wandering is the path that leads you back to God.
“Robin Dance is a trusted guide for every wanderer — she’s long been an authentic voice of deep wisdom in my own life. You’ll be changed by the vulnerable stories of Robin Dance as I have, time and again. If you’re trying to know how to best navigate your one life — know that you are holding life-giving, life-changing knowledge in your hands. For all who wander — there’s wild hope in this wonder.”
That Sounds Fun
5 Minute Mom
Jesus Led Adventure
The Alli Worthington Show
Group Answers
Mornings with Carmen LaBerge
Open Door Sisterhood
press, reviews, and special features
Publisher’s Weekly – Review
“In this uplifting memoir, Dance (A Moment to Breathe) offers hope for Christians who have wrestled with doubts about their faith. Welcoming skepticism … Dance acknowledges some of her largest insecurities, including comparing herself harshly with others and struggling with the self-imposed pressure that as a Christian she “should know more” about her faith.”
Ann Voskamp – guest post
It was in the early days of writing for (in)courage that I first met Robin Dance, a southern belle of grace and a gift to me. I am deeply, deeply grateful for her…her courage, her vulnerability, her transparency, and her wisdom. The world needs her words – I have so many times – and you’ll be changed by the vulnerable stories she shares in her much anticipated book, For All Who Wander. If you’re trying to know how to best navigate your one life, know that, in it, you’ll be holding life-giving, life-changing knowledge because she’s chasing the One who gives life and changes lives. There have been moments Robin’s friendship has healed me, and her love, care, and wise prayers have meant the world to me. I love her beautiful heart and wish she lived around the corner, and if you haven’t yet met, it is my absolute joy to introduce her to you as we welcome her to the farm’s front porch today…
Milk & Honey – author interview
At first glance it might seem like this message is only for people who are struggling in their faith or have been there before. But this book also gives people who are rock solid in their faith a glimpse into the heart and mind of someone who has come extremely close to walking away from the church, their faith and even God.
This book is also helpful for pastors and church leaders whos aren’t always privy to the thoughts of those sitting in their congregations. This book may prompt them to seek out the unique perspective of their members and to be intentional when they preach or teach about encouraging members who may be struggling with doubt and uncertainty.
Facts & Trends, Hope for the Wanderers and Doubters in Your Church
Crosswalk.com, 5 Changes to Make When You’re Struggling with Unbelief