The force is with me

Maybe I'm biased because Volkswagen's new North American production facility is almost within spittin' distance of my house.  Or maybe it's because I'm in love with a bug. Or maybe it's because they're kinda crunchy.  Or maybe...

Need a hero?

"A hero's not afraid to give his lifeA hero's gonna save me just in time."~ "Hero," by SkilletYes…in case you didn't know…I love Rock & Roll, so put another dime in the jukebox, baby.  From Skillet's album,...

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

While the East Coast is blanketed under Winter's arctic fury, what better way to forget about it than to sing about it?  I woke up humming this tune, and to my mind's ear I sounded just like Zooey Deschanel in her not-at-all provocative shower scene from...

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