I can tell you this, it ain’t just honey!
OH, MY WORD! I am cracking up just THINKING about this memory! I guess spending lots of time with my father and siblings over the past few months has allowed my thoughts to wander back to childhood.
We had various home rememdies when we were young. Wet tobacco on bee stings….baking soda for ulcers…globs of Mentholatum crammed up your nose for anything upper respiratory… Mercurochrome for cuts (OUCH!)………and home-made cough syrup for the obvious.
Once when I had a croupy cough in the fifth grade, I took a SueBee jar full of the latter to school, to swig whenever I had need. My teacher, Conradine Henderson, noticed me drinking out of the jar. She meandered over to my desk to investigate. I handed it to her, she unscrewed the lid and took a sniff, then exclaimed “What in the HAAAEEEEL are you drinking?!” (I’m close to rolling on the floor right now, I can see–and hear!–this like it was yesterday). I was taken aback by her candor and shock, it certainly was the FIRST time I had EVER heard a teacher use profanity! I don’t remember what happened after, I don’t even know if I told her the list of ingredients. I do think she confiscated it for the rest of the day.
And to this day for the life of me, I can’t figure out how honey, sugar and peach brandy was supposed to make me better.
made my day….lost my breath laughing at this one….i think it may be my fav… not that i don’t like the deep stuff…but quite frankly i enjoyed the relief
HOW glad am I that you “got” this one…! It was fun to write and remember, and thinking about it again on a day when I’ve been very “heavy” gave me reason to smile.
so funny – i snorted out a little bit of snot by accident. good thing I am alone at the computer and no one saw!
too funny – i could just hear her!!
hmmmm. I think it’s not so much to make you better but to drink enough of the brandy that you don’t care anymore that you don’t feel better! Just a thought.
Raw onion for bee stings. Banana peel or garlic for warts. Glue paper and a hammer for rats.
Very funny story!
Janice is my new bf because she admitted what I’ve wanted to say on more than one occasion :). Anna V MIGHT just be on to something…hmmmmm… RG, is STINK supposed to cure stuff? lol Did you read my “home invasion” posts…we had an infestation this summer and I didn’t try your rememdy. Maybe next time (please don’t let there be a next time!).
Funny–We always give my aunt a hard time for using the number 4, fo-ore. Two very distinct syllables.
You guys haven’t heard funny until you come visit the fam “Way Down Yonder on the Chattahootchee”. Really! Grew up on the Chattahootchee and there are some funny sayings. I would post some but it would sound like I am quoting Jeff Foxworthy
lol! I read this before but didn’t comment (for shame for shame!)
well bless your heart, I bet it sure did taste good 🙂 dh is rofl 2
My mom told me that a grandmother I never met drank all their homemade cough syrup when she came to visit. It warmed her tummy…..
I also had Miss Henderson several years before Robin; she was a great teacher. I recently located her in Tampa. she is 70 and is still a substitute teacher. She played the ukulele, and played kickball with us.
Tom May