to get me riled up.
Yesterday Rachel and I needed to pick up a baby blanket for a Youth group project. We found one at a department store, then walked through girls’ clothes before paying. This meant we walked by girls’ accessories…including socks, belts, underwear. Note, I said GIRLS department, not juniors, not women’s, GIRLS.
Rows & rows of cute, adorable, colorful, PADDED bras! Where’s my frowny face when I need it? Where’s the mad bluebird?? Sexy, Victoria’s Secrets-type bras for 10-year-olds! I happen to have a daughter who isn’t rushing to grow up too fast…this repulses her as much as it does me. IT’S INFURIATING!
I cannot imagine what it’s like for a young girl growing up today…the images they’re bombarded with that are impossible to attain (at least in a “healthy” way). I am convinced it’s our job as parents to FILL these girls with a proper view of feminity. The world will fight you on this, and if you have a daughter who isn’t blind, it already is. If we are not intentional, the void will be filled with…something…and it will NOT be a biblical standard for beauty.
Start here and here. Then make it your business to find out what that means…and teach it to your daughters. Of course, I guess the step before that is you gotta believe that it’s true yourself (and so do I).
oh! It’s ridiculous!
What’s worse is mom’s that buy this garbage for their little girls
And, it’s not just promoting & selling it to them, it’s explointing them & putting images of men in front of them & telling them they are just an object & they should want men to ogle them.
I’m disgusted right along with you.
You know – I was always sad that I wasn’t blessed with a girl, but reading about how girls are being bombarded in a young age – I guess I am blessed that I had a son. I don’t know how I would deal with it…