you’ve tried to post but Blogger wouldn’t let you because you’re not a “member”. If you’re trying to comment, click “comment” at the bottom of the entry; it’ll take you to a “Leave Your Comment” screen. Chose “other” as your identity and all you have to do is include your name (or if you’re funny like some would-be commedians I know, you’ll make up a name). If you choose anonymous, I’ll kick your tail.

Now that I’ve shared my blog address with a few of y’all and gotten over the stage fright, I wanna hear from ya (and yeah, those of you who email me directly are fine…). Don’t be shy, there are no “wrong” comments. LOL, if I don’t like ’em, I can always delete ’em ;).

Still digesting, processing my week last week…oh, yeah, and playing “catch up” in general. You know how it is when you’ve been “gone” a week (in spite of the fact I was sleeping in my own bed)…

Blog on………………………..

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