Meet Shelly. She’s one of my two “regular” commentors (and by regular I mean she’s posted more than once). She’s offline right now, *(^&%$ computer problems. This pic is from one of our early morning coffee times (mmmmm, make that CARAMEL MACHIATO!!!). Funny thing is, when we meet for coffee after school drop off, we usually chat it up til lunchtime. On this particular day they were giving out free bananas. Starbucks/bananas, Starbucks/bananas…doesn’t quite go together but then I learned it was to hype their new summer drink. I’m sticking to my favorites.

Good stuff, just hanging out. That “being” thing.

People may have a bone to pick with Starbucks, but personally I’m GLAD for whatever part they had in the coffeehouse revolution. Evidently I’m not the only person who thinks so based on the insane number of people willing to stand in line to cough up four bucks for a hot cuppa joe. Maybe Starbucks (and other local like places) is the “Cheers” of our generation.

I googled God & Starbucks, you’d be amazed at the number of related posts. Here’s one I found interesting; here’s another. Hope you enjoy reading them with a steaming mug of something good in hand :).

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