I’ve been reluctant to show my family, particularly my extended family, my blog. Not because I plan on writing any randy exposé in PENSIEVE; perhaps it’s because they could dispute or give you another side of any story I might tell (hehe). Slowly, they’re finding it and I’m surprised they don’t ask more questions. I’m not surprised they NEVER post, they don’t mind telling me what they think to my face.
Case in point, my brother J. Wanna hear his response? (Be prepared to string him up and hang him over the bridge of your choice.)
“We need to find something else for you to do…you’re going to die an old lady with a lot of cats….” He is NOT paying me a compliment (I know catlovahs read this).
Smack, smack, take that you mutha!!
I totally hear you girl!!
I inadvertently gave my sis-in-law my blog address (I don’t remember doing it) – and then when she said she had read it, I had a mild heart-attack panic trying to remember if I had ever written anything bad about her.
But – since my blog isn’t really a complainy bitchy blog – then I don’t have to worry about who reads it too much. I’m still careful with my words.
I really hope that my family never finds my blog. They shouldn’t care since they get the live and in color version.
But still..
I have to say I pretty much regret giving my blog address to family members – my sister and brother in law misinterpreted something I wrote, and now are not talking to us…..
I mostly talk about dead people.
gotta be careful about whom you share the blog addy with;)
my sister’s read mine. I’ve sent the link to my dad when I posted Happy father’s day.
yesterday he says to me “A blog?! What is a blog? I don’t know what a blog is”
I said “I sent you the link”
But he still has no clue what I’m talking about!
LOL – I gave my Dad my blog addy because of the Father’s Day post – just like Malissa, and he checked it a few times but he won’t get anything other than dial-up to connect to the internet and he is too impatient to wait for all of it to come up so he doesn’t check it. 🙂
Plus I watch what I say. Because if anyone does find it, I want my hiney covered. 🙂 Plus, I am pretty good about only typing stuff that I would actually say to someone’s face.
Julie – are you kidding! You want your hiney covered? The way you write you’re wearing metal pants. I defy anyone to find anything nasty on your blog.
You too Robin, you’re pretty safe.
My brother asked for my address the other day, I told him I’d forgotten it.
You know I HAVE told my family but they don’t acknowlege it. My Mom says “the Lord has given you beautiful words dear”. Then I wrote a Happy Birthday to my sister in law on my blog, sent her the link via email…have not heard a word. And my sister has not said anything at all.
The only indication I got was an email from a distant cousin emailed me and said “I remember that picture when was that taken”. AH HA!!! Caught someone in the family reading my blog.
It is like if we “don’t acknowlege it, she will stop doing it”. But the thing is I don’t talk bad about ANYONE! So I can not figure them out.
My husband just laughs at me, and I show him some of the funny posts I read. But he did not “check out my blog either” unless I say something.
Oh well. It is for me, not them =)
Love the kitty pics – especially that last one!
And alas – my family reads mine too…I didn’t give it to them mind you. My niece started reading it first…(she found the link from where I updated at my Mom’s house once – she is too smart for her own good), and then she showed it to her Mom (my sis), and then my parents – ugh – so now they all read it.
I was completely floored when something happend and mom said – “now don’t go putting that on your blog” – I was totally offended – It’s my blog – I will put whatever I want to on it….always have – always will!
First of all, we don’t own them- THEY own US. We just live in their furry world… I had 6 cats at one time once, whew! There is nothing wrong with loving so many furbabies! So many cats, so little time. 🙂 I hope one of your furballs leaves him a present in his shoe the next time he visits, LOL!
I love the soup nazi *LOL*
Like Laurel Wreath said…you write your blogs for you…not “them”. 🙂
I doubt my family will ever read my blog, but they do not know I have it either *LOL* If I did give my mom the link I think she would read it, but I don’t know if I would want her to do so. I have not written anything bad about anyone and I would never want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I just like having something that is “mine” and to share with who ever wants to read it. If no one reads it …oh well it is “mine” 🙂
quick response to you barking when you catch on fire. (Hot dog?)
It was an actual sound..
the quick fire went “woooof”
and then the curl of smoke was left where she’d been standing before she took off “like a flash”