So I end the week of my first bloggiversary not knowing quite how to spell “bloggeversary” and not having written half the posts I thought I’d write this week. They’re all swirling in my pensieve, but stapling my tail to the chair is a whole ‘nother thing.

The title for this? The number of this post! Two-hundred. For some reason I like that this milestone fell the week of celebrating one year of blogging.

Actually, I’m in the middle of writing what I thought would be my 200th entry, one where I’m thinking not just soabboxing. But … ah, life … called me away from keyboard and blog. Since it’s the weekend, I’m not sure if I’ll finish it. Who knows? Soccer and football and church, oh my!

Anyhoo, you know bloggers are notorious for stealing borrowing ideas from other bloggers, and yep, that’s what I’m getting ready to do. Thing is, I CANNOT remember where I saw this to give credit where credit’s due, so if it’s YOU, please email me or comment so I can link back to the original. I remember when I saw it, I mentioned liking it or wanting to do something similar for my bloggaversary (did you notice it’s spelled three different ways?) . Wish I had thought of it on my own :).

For those who “do”, a toast~

For those who “don’t” but would like to join in the

festivities, there’s always another way 😉


Champagne toast courtesy of

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