Even though he STINKS as a blogger, he ROCKS as a friend. Go on over to Chaz’s place and tell him HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <--You've just gotta click that link, the freakin' internet rocks just for me being able to find this!!! Of course, he won't know y'all are sending him well wishes because he's checking his blog, it’ll be from the email notifications….

Oh…..and this gratuitous MM pic is for Willowtree by request, but boy does it fit the audio link (give it time to load).

I’ll probably get shot for posting this picture of Chaz & his beautiful family, I really wanted the one I took of his legs (freshly shaven from a l o n g ride), but somehow those shots didn’t make it from the camera to my computer…hmmmm, I wonder how he got a hold of my camera and deleted them without me knowing. Anyway, this is what the birthday boys gets for ignoring my coming out party (he’s too busy burning new cds for his #1 rated spin class :/).

What’s your excuse for not inviting us to THIS party?

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