Ok, so this might be funny only to me, but if you wanna see an “extremely revealing photograph” of me, you have GOT to visit Willow Tree today. Somehow, someway, his paparazzi hounds were able to sneak outside my window and snap of picture of what I look like “without all the primping…that she does to make herself look good”. This puts Marnie’s nekkid pics to shame.
Excuse me while I get some cleaner to wipe the coffee from my monitor.
(Thanks, Pete, I needed that 😉 ).
Can anyone tell me why my profile pic moved to the bottom of that page? And more so, how to fix it??
Now that is just hilarious! I needed the laugh!
Those could have been MY legs. My husband is out of town for two weeks and I’ve stopped shaving.
good morning!
what a way to wake up 🙂
good job willowtree 😉
I saw that earlier!! hehe…Robin, you’ve really let yourself go….:P
Um… Robin? After all the discussion of you being a pensieve, we’ve come to learn that you’re really a Hobbit 😉
HAHAHAHA! Too hilarious!
Cheeky, it was a good one, huh?
Sally, you’re speaking my language. I’m going for the Euro look. Or Survivor.
LCO, WT knows I believe in cyber paybacks…he’ll get his, he will;).
Claudia, I’m just happy to know which “C” you are 🙂 (see me smiling?). I felt very “at home” at the Animal Kingdom last week.
Mike, is that better than a troll?
Kelly, And WHAT are YOU laughing about, young lady?! >:[ (giggle, giggle)
That is funny. You can tell it is becoming winter =)))
I just hope you choose to keep your current avatar…I don’t think I could stomach seeing the unkempt Robin’s legs/feet/toes.
And no, I don’t have a clue why your profile picture is at the bottom of the page…I’m still trying to figure out why my entire blog keeps disappearing.
Oh.my.goodness – that is just too funny…I am still giggling…I am glad that I didn’t take a sipp of my late afternoon/early evening coffee…
my profile moved once when I added something to my template that was too large for the area I was trying to fit it into… so it squished all my info down. (like my butt in my jeans)
was that techie or what?
the feet were great.
that reminds me, I watched the BigFoot special on the Sci-Fi channel last night.
Why is it I’m getting the feeling y’all are laughing AT me instead of WITH me???? Just because I prefer the “au naturale” look as the temperatures fall.
Swampy, I’ve thought about changing my pic (not to “that” one), but I can’t pull the trigger…I LOVE that one because it represents one of my happiest places on planet earth!
Pamela…you have a gift…not a techie-blogger-gift, but definitely a gift! Makes me wonder if it changed when I said I live in Tennefreakinsee…hmmm, I’ll go check. If it works, then, heck, maybe you ARE a gifted techie-blogger chick:).