I suppose “she” coulda been a serial blog-stalker, wielding a bloody axe with a trail of body bags in her recent past…or a 37-year-old scary man sitting alone in his dimly-lit basement, hunched over a pc with a watery gleam in his bulging eyes, blogging under the guise of a winsom and delightful blog designer…! I guess that coulda been the case….

It’s not my blogmates who freak me out with this kind of scenario, but my peeps IRL who love to make me second guess who each and everyone of you “are”. In real life. When you aren’t sitting here reading or writing or both.

Guess what, y’all?

Today I met Susie of the cyber-famous Bluebird Blogs, template designer extraordinaire, and creator of my oh-so-fashionable tiny corner of the blogoverse, PENSIEVE sweet PENSIEVE! Over lunch. Guess where? (note: I did not suggest the venue, she did…not that I minded 😉 )

Truly, really, we didn’t just meet so I’d have yet another excuse for changchangchangalicous eats; we discovered close to the end of our (ahem) “professional relationship” that we lived about half an hour from each other–HOW COOL IS THAT?? Ever since then, we’ve been working on our date, but first I went out of town, then she went out of town…you know the drill. Life, coming atcha, full steam.

So, today was THE day, and it was bloggerific :). She was exactly “who” I expected, NOTHING to do with body bags or covert “plans”. Just a lovely lady with quite a talent. It was such a nice lunch date, we’re already talking about the next one.

To add a bit of neato-torpedo to our meeting (and coincidence…at least to me, anyway) I was the 25,000 visitor to her personal blog. Seems I have quite the penchant for being a milestone-kind-of-gal.
Off to power clean…people (in real life) are coming over and I’ll get to taste test the THIRD and final pound of my Folgers Gourmet, if I’m not mistaken, a Lively Columbian ;).

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