…Thomas cried for the hour following his visit to Santa’s lap, totally traumatized by the fat scary man with white hair, long beard, and strange clothes. Although Thomas WAS a character from the womb-to-this-day, he did not LIKE characters of any sort. At Chuck E Cheese, he closed his eyes when Chuck E appeared; Thomas very much believed “If I can’t see you, you don’t exist”. At amusement parks, if strolling characters came within 20 feet invaded his “personal bubble”, he clung to me like white on rice, closed his eyes and wailed like a banshee. So, it only makes sense he’d react to Santa Claus the same way, right?
So, keenly aware of his aversion to pretend people or beasts, why would I put this poor child through this ordeal?
Because I’m a mother, that’s why, and we have certain rights…like photo opportunities. And because at this same age, Rachel cried at the sight of Santa and I didn’t MAKE HER SUCK IT UP have her picture taken with him that year–to this day, I regret it. I wasn’t about to let another Santa photo opp pass me by, regardless of the consequence. I’m sure Santa was thrilled, of course I had to snap several pictures.
This remains one of my favorite pictures of them…just look at the expression on Rachel’s face, lol. Wonder what she was thinking?
Here’s another favorite Christmas photo. Rachel’s lips are pursed and juicy because she was kissing the angels in her arms. Rachel got away with murder when she was little, her way around “not” touching breakable things was to kiss them. Who could say “no” when she’d toddle-speak, “But I juss wanna tiss dem”?? Those are very nice Lee Middleton dolls…I bought the girl angel before Rachel was born, the companion boy version after. I’ve never played with or collected dolls (I loved stuffed animals as a child, not dollies, except for the Barbie phase….), but when I saw that doll, I had to have it. HAD TO! $130 later, it was mine, and I still can’t believe I plunked down that chunk of change for a doll……not just once, but TWICE!
Anyway, that’s beside the point, lol. I captured that look in between kisses, she always handled special things with tenderness and affection….because she wanted to make daggum sure she’d get to “tiss” the next pretty thing she wanted to get her chubby little girl hands on. I don’t think I ever said “no” and remarkably, she never broke a thing.
What absolutely GORGEOUS children!! Rachel has such beautiful eyes! I could probably say the same thing about Thomas, but, well….it’s kinda hard to tell from the picture – LOL!
Rachel looks just like you, doesn’t she?
I have a similar pic of Jammin’ with Santa. I’ll have to post it.
Oh – isn’t it amazing how much you let your 2nd child get away with – like holding dolls or breakables, that were totally cherished and put away from the first one.
When will you damn mothers realise that Department store Santas are CREEPY! Why do you put your children through that just for the sake of a photo. No, I don’t have issues with Santa, why do you ask?
Oh my, what beautiful children. I, too, was guilty of plopping my kids in Santa’s lap. Now, I don’t care if the Grandkids have Santa pics or not. Most of the Santa’s are creepy anyway. I agree with DubYaT.
that santa is kind of scary.
My favorite santa video is that kid on “funniest videos” when he turns to santa and says: “Your breath stinks”
sweet pictures of your kids, tho.
Our local newspaper had bunches of pictures of Santa and screamin’ kids.
Don’t you think that is tradition now? Everyone has to have their screamin’ Santa picture.
Your Santa photo is classic!! I hope you stash that photo away, to be shown at his wedding.
Classic. Priceless.
My SEVEN year old hit the floor and did the army crawl to hide between my legs when Santa approached us in the mall last year.
Her comment as we drove by the mall this year, “Yeah, I don’t really like Santa all that much.”
Susan, now I think she does, then I couldn’t see it…but, oh, how I love that you do :).
Karmyn, she was my FIRST! But she sure knew how to charm her way into anything she wanted, without even tryin’ :). Can’t wait to see your two.
WT, Nine months gestation, sleep deprivation, gastro-irritation, constipation, labor and delivery….we earn these little “gimmes”…!
SW, Funny, we had some really good ones along the way, but recently a bit more…not so good. It is an odd tradition when you stop to think @ it.
I dunno, Pamela…I know plenty of friends who thought I was wretched at the time.
Marnie, yeah…..I agree with YOU @ the wedding 🙂 and thanks for your closing words ;).
Erin, bless her heart! I giggled when I read that.
Those are very sweet pictures!
I’m lucky that my daughter was never afraid of Santa. She always insisted she wanted to go see Santa every year and sit on his lap. I have a photo of her on Santa’s lap for each of her 8 years. She still believes in him!
Now see I see this as great bribery when they are teenagers. It is the only thing we have going once they are bigger than us.
When I visited my husband’s family’s place the first time when we were dating. They showed me “family video”. They knew I was the one because I did not run screaming from the room =)
Merry Christmas friend.
I know you’ve heard it already but dang, those kids are cute!! Those big eyes!! Rachel looks like a doll herself!
Hmmm I can relate. My daughter was never afraid but my little guy sure was. This was the first year he met Santa with wonder, awe and smiles! ;o) He gets out of trouble by using good manners “No thank you mom” when he doesn’t want to do or eat something. My daughter mastered the art of changing the subject….LOL
Holly’s Corner
Yeah, I took my baby sister (who’s 17 years younger than me) to see Santa when she was 2. She danced with excitement all the way through the line, but the second I put her on Santa’s lap she screamed her little lungs out!! Ah, memories!!
My little Bethany did just fine this year. ‘Course, she’s only 6 months old, but she simply looked astonished, which I found incredibly appropriate. Wonder how she’ll do next year!!
And your children are simply beautiful!