Looks like that auspicious Aussie
Willowtree is hosting this week’s Fun Monday.  He asked participants to post pictures of their blogging environment.  Although it’s Sunday evening in the States, it’s almost noon on Monday down under.   Because Willowtree is such a sensitive softy,  he’s listed participants in reverse alphabetical order, so those at the end (like me) will get visited earlier.  Nice guy, he is, and it’s because of that this is up on Sunday….Bloggin_spot

Picture #1 is my main bloggin’ spot.  See how clean it is?  Neat?  Almost clinical?  Sterile??  That sounds like me, doesn’t it?  Totally organized, a place for everything and everything in it’s place.  Y e a h, THAT’S me.

This is the first and LAST time this area will look so pristine.  The cabinets were painted last week, and although the paint was dry Friday, we were slightly busy so I haven’t had a chance to get everything back on the shelves.


The color is difficult to see, but the walls are a burnt orange, the back of the cabinets and the ceiling are a sky blue and the trim is white.  Soon it will all tie together, it really looks cool, and although I was a bit nervous about the color selection, it’s tickling my fancy.Stuff

I thought I’d show you what I’ll be doing tomorrow.   Yep, this is all the stuff that WAS on the shelves.  I might re-think what goes back up, it might be a good time to purge. 

Last, this is me…speed-blogging, how I usually blog…bloggin’ at the speed of light.  I had some pictures that were less blurry, but somehow this one seemed more accurate.  I usually type with the keyboard in my lap, though, it helps relieve carpel tunnel that creeps in from time to time.


Okay, guys, this is fast and furious, go visit Willowtree for the rest of today’s Fun Monday players :).  I’ll check in tomorrow for a looksee at your spots du blog.

Oooooooo, and as always, it’s never too late to be added to the list!  Comment/email to Willowtree  so he can add you, and let me know here so I’ll know to visit you over the next day or so.

Here’s the list for your convenience. 

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