Looks like that auspicious Aussie Willowtree is hosting this week’s Fun Monday. He asked participants to post pictures of their blogging environment. Although it’s Sunday evening in the States, it’s almost noon on Monday down under. Because Willowtree is such a sensitive softy, he’s listed participants in reverse alphabetical order, so those at the end (like me) will get visited earlier. Nice guy, he is, and it’s because of that this is up on Sunday….
Picture #1 is my main bloggin’ spot. See how clean it is? Neat? Almost clinical? Sterile?? That sounds like me, doesn’t it? Totally organized, a place for everything and everything in it’s place. Y e a h, THAT’S me.
This is the first and LAST time this area will look so pristine. The cabinets were painted last week, and although the paint was dry Friday, we were slightly busy so I haven’t had a chance to get everything back on the shelves.
The color is difficult to see, but the walls are a burnt orange, the back of the cabinets and the ceiling are a sky blue and the trim is white. Soon it will all tie together, it really looks cool, and although I was a bit nervous about the color selection, it’s tickling my fancy.
I thought I’d show you what I’ll be doing tomorrow. Yep, this is all the stuff that WAS on the shelves. I might re-think what goes back up, it might be a good time to purge.
Last, this is me…speed-blogging, how I usually blog…bloggin’ at the speed of light. I had some pictures that were less blurry, but somehow this one seemed more accurate. I usually type with the keyboard in my lap, though, it helps relieve carpel tunnel that creeps in from time to time.
Okay, guys, this is fast and furious, go visit Willowtree for the rest of today’s Fun Monday players :). I’ll check in tomorrow for a looksee at your spots du blog.
Here’s the list for your convenience.
Sweeeet! That looks like a great blogging space. I’m glad you’re going to fill it back up with stuff, it does look a little sterile, surreal actually, who has shelves with nothing on them 😉
I like the colour.
Wow, I love the color of your walls! And those shelves to the side are great — that’s what I need for my blogging area.
Nice colors – but dang, I was hoping to hear about the HOTLANTA trip today.
Dear Robin. Did you know orange is the colour of creativity? Perfect for your blogging environment. I love the photo at the end! It’s rather artistic.
Awesome. Very nice creative blogging spot.
you were moving so fast the camera couldn’t capture your image.
Fortunately, I was able to sit still for my picture.
I like the colors too.
I hope someone has a bathroom fun monday. I have a pretty bathroom.
Bad idea Pamela, I must have the world’s worst bathroom!
Love the last photo Robin, can you teach me how to speed blog?
C’mon . . re-do that picture of you in a “sharp” version!
oh dear I’m beginning to wish I had tidied up my desk as there are so many well organised bloggers out there. We need another picture added once you have put everything back in place (or not as the case may be).
I love the color!
I like the speed blogging picture. 🙂
Willowtree, Maybe I’ll take a picture when I’m done cramming them full of stuff. lol, Maybe not ;).
Southern Girl, in our old house, we had several built-in bookcases in several rooms…here, everything has to be in one place. It makes it hard to decide what goes where.
Karmyn, lol, tomorrow?
LMM, NO, I had never heard the color orange tied to creativity before your mention. Durn…I should be VERY creative then (so what’s the problem? 🙂 ).
Mark, a comment on the run? That doesn’t sound like you at all…
Pamela, lol to your “sitting still picture”…I think you forgot your make up or something ;). I think bathrooms would be a GREAT Fun Monday (except I need some time to get our wallpaper up…and ordered before that!).
Beccy, it’s a gift 😉 (or is that a curse?).
Erik, me thinks you’re rather visual….hmmmmm.
Chris, I’m debated posting a later photo when my area looks more “real”…the problem is, will I remember to do that?
Jenny, you strike me as a color girl…I mean, I betcha Hailey had some help picking out that tutu :).
Thanks Brian, it’s how I feel most of the time (and look like???).
I LOVE the color in the room. Especially that the back of the cabinets are that light blue. Very nice.
carpel tunnel sucks donkey balls.
love the burnt orange color!
did you know there’s no rhyme in the english language for “orange”. nor did enid.
love the colour, and the motion blur as you blog 🙂
It’s just disgusting how neat and tidy your pile of stuff is that goes on the shelves. That’s going to look so nice when it’s all put together.
I wish I were you.
Very nice! I’m so jealous 😉 All those shelves…
I like the wall color. So lively. My oldest son’s room has that same orangish color (or close to it), but accented with a BRIGHT blue.
Love the color and the built ins, very jealous!
T TOTALLY AWESOME! I love your space! ! ! Orange is my favorite color and that is just so gorgeous!
I love those shelves! I want me some shelves like that.
Mary, I’ll post a photo (soon) of the painting that “inspired” our choice of ceiling color (sounds much fancier than it is, lol).
Nikki, my now, you have quite a way with words! Especially to describe carpel tunnel :/. This color looks even better in person, I never get tired of it….
Enid, that sounds like a challenge. Hmmmm, porrange…lorrange…coorange. I think you’re right! ha! Don’t you feel like a body in motion sometimes?
Min, as much as I’d like to take credit for the “neat piles”, I can’t….that’s courtesy of my husband. He’s the yin to my yang, what can I say?
Mom-2-3, I thought the blue was going to be a bit darker, actually. Still, it’s cool and crisp and the room has a nice feel. Definitely different (but I’d love to see your son’s room 🙂 ).
Amy, built ins are GREAT! I wish we had ’em elsewhere (in our old house, we did!).
Shauna, why thank you sweets! I must like orange b/c I have a pair of orange shoes…several shirts/sweaters, and I was eyeing a REALLY nice pair of shoes this weekend (could NOT justify ’em, though). Glad it looks decent on me :).
Sally, well……you’ve got a picture, that’s a starting point, isn’t it???? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Robin, can I have your shelves? I cleaned out my quilting room yesterday and now, faced with very similar piles, am having trouble replacing any of it! Help! I’m buried in stuff!! 🙂
Melissa…I sooo hear your pain…I’m at about 95% and it’s the last 5% that’s killin’ me!
Okay, that’s it. I must PAINT MY OFFICE. Then I will be able to find things again. My desk, shelves, and (gasp) floor, look more like the blurry photo of you. Total chaos.
But I DID meet my first deadline;))
So fun to see your bloggin’ spot!
Post…post…you want to know why I haven’t posted! Well I am in the middle of exams and trying to keep three classes afloat. I haven’t had time to blog in forever and I don’t even get to read blogs too often. All the executives are out of the office on this lovely friday afternoon so I am browsing around…I love your “blog” space. I can’t wait to get back into my study and do some of that myself…I miss those quiet or rushed moments of thoughts that just can’t wait to hit a blank page…where is the time gone? I am here silently reading…keep it up spicey. PS – love the old beach pic of Tad, what a cutie. Later
Oooo, I almost forgot to come back here and check in!
Kelly, be sure to take BEFORE and AFTER pictures! And CONGRATULATIONS on meeting your first deadline! You definitely have what it takes!
Jen, I soooo feel your pain! You know I’ve toyed with returning to school for years now, but I can’t seem to pull the trigger (I’m a chicken, not a robin 😉 ). I LOVE that you check in on me WHENEVER you can :)–it’s nice to know you’re there/here/there wherever, lol!