1) $1,000* to the first person to CORRECTLY identify what in the world these are:
2) Woke up at four friggin’ a.m. again….round 37 of Insomnia vs. Sandman. This morning there was a treat, though. Not long after I was awakened, it started raining. Hard! Waaahoooo! a) I LOVELOVELOVE the cadence of rain, especially when I’m snuggled under covers with no where to be…at 4:00 in the morning, snuggled under covers IS where I’m supposed to be. b) someone took a yellow crayon and colored the Tennessee Valley. I think it was God. No…wait… it wasn’t a yellow crayon, it was yellow dusting powder. I am soooo thnkin’ of Amelia Bedelia "dusting the furniture" right now, lol. c) In other words, THE GREAT POLLEN BEAST HAS ATTACKED WITH A VENGEANCE and a nice, steady rain is like running Chattanooga through the Goo Goo car wash…a REALLY BIG car wash :). Bye-bye itchy eyes, buh-bye scratchy throat and runny nose! No more cars inviting young ones to commit obnoxious-but-predictable acts of graffiti, usually including the words "Wash me" for the less imaginative.
3) I’ve been blogging by the skin of my teeth this week…between technical difficulties and just tons o’ stuff to do, I’ve barely been able to write, let alone, read my 213 (crap! that many???) feeds. a) I had NO idea that writing about black, pointed-toe ROACH STOMPERS would bring anyone to tears. Y’all are sweet, if I could send each and every one of you a pounder of Peanut M&Ms, I would. Better yet, I’d love to take you all out for a S-M-O-K-I-N-G Caramel Macchiato; with whole milk, it’d only set you back 310 calories. Of course, I prefer half-and-half for the ultimate indulgence, Mmmmmm! b) for my post about GLOVE LOVE, i) I adore the new vocabulary word I picked up from theotherbear: "swish", as in "My black leopard-print gloves are so stinkin’ adorable, they’re absolutely SWISH! ii) I also learned from Chris B, that basic yellow rubber gloves are called "marigolds" and iii) in comments, I learned A LOT about my readers: Mark’s postcard was really a subversive love note, Claudia cleans in black leather and fishnets, Karmyn called my gloves "spiffy", Kristy thought they were "flippin cute", Jenny "loved ’em", Beccy, "decadent", Suz wants a maid, Tracey’s a movie trivia buff, and LCO can SING! Too dang many peeps to link, go read the comments and then check out these favorite bloggers of mine 🙂 c) and yesterday’s post was just lame, even if I do **heart** Demotivators.
I’m sorry guys, here’s what you have to look forward to next week:
4) Tags. Beaver dam! a) Willowtree got me with the *()^&*(% Seven Song Meme (I think he did this to torture me because he KNOWS I.CAN’T.MAKE.A. DECISION!!!), I think I figured out a way to minimize my answers. b) Drama Mama Stephanie tagged me with the the down and dirty of being a mom. Again, that will make me slow down enough to think about my answer before I blog it. I’ve enjoyed reading other responses to this one…there are sooo many ways to handle it, but I think as a mom, we share a certain camaraderie…a sistah-hood. We ALL know the "secret handshake" involves wiping someone else’s nose AND behind :/. c) And MaryMert…oh, my law, she gave me an early birthday present: she included me as one of Thinking Blogger Award recipients. Geezaree, she was soooo ding-dang SWEET! Among other things, she said, "…Robin’s is another writer of such
great talent. She writes what she feels, and doesn’t leave a thing to
be desired. Robin is another blogger who can put anything into words
and it sounds so elegant.. but truly heart felt and brutally honest."
Wow, she blew so much air up my skirt, I’m afraid I’m flashing everyone in town with my Hanky Panky’s unmentionables. MaryMert and I go back to before she came out of her Dork Closet ;).
5) And now, for another picture…$1,000* if you can tell me what the heck is WRONG with THIS picture!!!
Wait, I’ll even give you a CLOSER look:
If you visit my first PENSIEVE blog (** s i g h **, I miss the design), you’ll get a BIG clue. All I have to say on this one is FIVE MONTHS, PEOPLE!
6) For all you cutie-patooties who have been extending your birthday wishes, you weren’t late…or on time…you were EARLY! But I thank you anyway.
And for my LAST randomrie, and because I could NOT end on boring ol’ #6, I’ll give you one more:
7) TODAY is my birthday!! Waahoooo!!! Forty-four. Yes, 4-4…I am totally owning EVERY year, because by golly, I’ve LIVED every freakin’ year…I’ve got the weight…and wrinkles and gray hair (although my special shampoo takes care of that one) to show for it. And the near-20-year marriage, and the three precious kids. Call me weird, I happen to l i k e my 40s, it feels g o o d in the skin I’m in these days (although, frankly, I wouldn’t mind giving up the wrinkles :/).
And look at the HEALTHY GREEN SNACK Tad and the kids got me for my birthday!!! DY-NO-MITE DOES come in small packages ;)!
Happy weekend, y’all, we have company on the way (‘nother WAHHOOOO!), Tad’s brother and his WONDERFUL family, so you know what I’m up to next…*(&*)^ cleaning my house :/. I’ll be back in the swing of things early next week! Thanks for sticking with me :).
* after I purchase the winning lottery ticket 🙂
Oopsie…….I meant to include this with the photos on #5. It’s just sooooo sad to me. T e a r s :/.
it’s your birthday! it’s your birthday!!
Happy birthday hugs to you!!! 🙂
Happy birthday!
And goggles? Fashionable goggles? For either motorcycles or swimming (although not scuba diving).
And you stole my word! Randomries. I wrote it in my latest novel. A crit partner called me brilliant (well, not exactly brilliant, but he noted my creativity), and then you stole it!
You have now reached the ultimate pinnacle of life – no, not turning 44, but having an IPOD.
I hope you have a spectacular day. You do know that you can have that caramal macchioato today because calories don’t count on your birthday.
(fancy schmancy swim goggles and a freaking hole in your brand new bathroom????)
OH, MY! Have you had some coffee today, Sweetie? Just a li’l bit? Mmm-hmmm. Thought so.
Okay, the eyewear is googles that you wear when you’re changing baby diapers so you don’t get pee in the eye. And it looks like you were either in Bed, Bath, and Beyond or Linens and Things.
Oh, I only tag those I *heart*!!
And although I do remember the “pulling out the shower” story, that bathroom photo looks like Jerry the cat (of Tom and Jerry fame) shoved his li’l fuzzy head right through that wall. Yep.
Oh, and
She’s a briiick (dah-dah-daahhh-da)
Hooouuuuse (dah-dah-daahhh-da)!!
Claudia, thank you, dear, for NOT giving me a pinch to grow on ;).
Heather, might I introduce:
Exhibit #1:
Exhibit #2:
Exhibit #3:
YOU’RE the thief, I’m afraid…well, depending on when you penned your novel ;).
And nope on the goggles :).
Karmyn, my kids are just happy I have one of my own now, lol. And very glad 44’s not the ultimate pinnacle!
Wrong on the goggles, but yes…that is a hole in my new…bathroom (sniff, sniff)(that’s Tad crying, btw).
Steph, you’re wrong on the goggles, but it’s in keeping with what they’re actually for :/. The hole DOES look like a cartoon caricature, now that you mention it. Ooooo, how I wish it was just in the funny pages! And THANK YOU for my Brick House serenade…man, I LOVE that song!
(We’re going to a friend’s 50th birthday party tomorrow night and she told me her husband wanted to play that song when she walked into the room…she IS a brick….house ;).
Happy Birthday! That’s one nice little green snack!
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday dear Robin
Happy Birthday to YOU.
My Boxer, June Bug, really enjoyed my caramel latte this morning. She saved me a couple of sips.
Glad to know someone is more random than I.
Have a glorious weekend.
Happy Birthday, love the green healthy snack, I’d like all my greens if they came like that!
Have I mentioned how ADD I am when it comes to cleaning?
Mark, Hmmmm, you didn’t deny your postcard was a subversive love note, so that either means you only SKIMMED this post or I was dead on. Either way, I’ll kick your tail (but thanks for the birthday greetings 😉 ).
Oh, my, Swampy. More random than you? That’s a compliment, right??? How sweet of JB to share such a delicious hot espresso beverage!!
Beccy, I got your email notice while I’m typing this, so all I can say is I agree…too bad every green isn’t this T A S T Y!
Happy Birthday, Baby! Woohoo, you and Em… born on the same day! That IS cool. 😀
I hope your day is as beautiful as you are GF.
Enjoy that iPod, that thing is smoking hot with the green!
BTW, how come the hole in the wall to your bathroom is in the shape of a cat’s head? Cat experiment gone wrong?
1. I think they are glasses/goggle for cutting onions.
2.There is nothing I’d ever rather be doing than listening to rain from the comfort of a warm bed.
3. I’ll pass on the caramel coffee, but feel free to send the M&Ms anytime you like.
4. I knew you would spin out.
5. The toilet doesn’t match the tiles?
6. I never waste Birthday wishes.
7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and congratulations on the iPod!!!!
Why, thank you MaryMert :). Hope Em has the happiest day EVAH! I’ve been enjoying my apple-ie ipod ALL.DAY.LONG!!! Waahoooo!
Ya know? I hadn’t noticed the shape was in a shape of a cat’s head…it’d be cool if it WASN’T :(.
1) DING DING DING, WE’VE GOT A WINNER, FOLKS. How in the HAAAEEELLL did you know what they were??? Send me your address and the candy’s in the mail!
2) Ah, we agree :).
3) Almost agreed ;).
4) Sadist!
5) If that was the ONLY thing, we’d be doing well :/.
6) You ARE an efficient sort….
7) Thanks friend :).
Happy Birthday, Robin! Hope you’re having a great one!
How can those things protect your eyes from the onions? Isn’t it the smell that makes your eyes water? So all you’d be doing is trapping the tears and fogging up the lenses.
I still think you stole it pre-emptively.
By pure coincidence, I was watching a show on TV last week that was discussing the best way to chop onions. The three theories were goggles, chewing gum and chilling the onions. I won’t go into the details, but the goggles won hands down.
As for how I figured it out, I noticed the pot holders in the background so I assumed it was a kitchen shop.
Heather, the goggles really do work, it isn’t the smell, its the acid in it’s gaseous form that stings the eyes.
How come everything is boldfaced? Did I forget to turn a tag off or something?
There once was a gal name o’ Robin
who by rights shudda spent the day sobbin’
but she’s happy galore
cuz she’s turned forty four
now she’s out on the town a hob-nobbin’
Happy birthday beautiful lady!!!!!!
yeah… what was with the bold stuff there
Yeah for you! Happy b-day.
The little green monster should help you narrow down the meme – what were the first 7 you put in?
#4 – I thought you lived in TN, not Beaver blank, WI!
last one – isn’t it a little nerve wracking to use the, ummmm facilities, in front of a hole in the wall? oops, I thought the workmen were gone for the day.
SG, I don’t just celebrate ONE day, lol, I stretch it out over as many days as possible ;). Thanks for the greeting!
Heather & Peter, I was in Williams-Sonoma. When I saw THOSE, I’m like, “What the HECK?? GOGGLES FOR CHOPPING ONIONS????”
For some strange reason I remember my mom saying that biting on a wooden match would help stop your eyes from stinging–that’s kind of like chewing gum. What was their explanation why that would help?
Oooo, and the bold print thing. I fixed it; you placed your backslash AFTER the “b” (I didn’t even realize you could use html code to do stuff in comments. Thought I had tried it before and it didn’t work….
Pamela, if it wasn’t Saturday morning and I didn’t have a house full of company, I’d limerick you right back. Instead, I’ll go play Polly Pockets with my little niece :D.
LCO, ha! Funny girl, you are :). 1) I downloaded over 100 songs at once, so that’s not gonna help :/… 2) Sometimes I just wanna cuss…but, ummmm, I come up with ways around it??? 3) Great, now you’ve given reason for my bladder to go into hiding…hadn’t thought of THAT one.
What kind of friend am I?? A day late, but still sent with LOTS O LOVE ~
Happy Birthday Babycakes !!!
You already know your one very cool chick (I almost typed hick) in my book!
Kristy, better late than nevah :). And, sadly, southern girl that I am, hick would probably fit :).
Belated birthday wishes my girls got me a blue one for (my 60th). Thanks for the mention; we call them “Marigolds’ because that’s the maker of the standard yellow gloves and everyone knows exactly what they are, (there are lots of cheaper versions in different colours).
Ha! So this means you are now OLDER than me!!! 🙂
Happy birthday, Robin.
I’m sorry I just now saw this post…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL. Love the goggles.
Thanks Chris…Danno…Laurel Wreath. I like to celebrate forEVAH, so belated greetings are cool with me! 🙂