Those stinkin‘ takin’-lazy-to-new-heights-by-getting-readers-to-write-a-post- FOR-them amazingly talented masters of wordcrafting drama mamas at Mama Drama found a way to divert my attention away from writing a highly intelligible post today or blowing tons of air up the skirts of my dear bloggity friends (by way of engaging and/or provocative comments). They’re having a limerick writing contest, and well, that kind of thing tickles my fancy; since I’ve already been there, done that (no tee shirt), I had to try my hand at one or two or…a few more :/. Sadly, once I get started it’s hard to stop…I wouldn’t be surprised if I fill their little inbox with one or two or 26 more before it’s all said and done. Soooo, that being said, I’m thankful for Friday’s Feast which practically writes a post for me by itself.
Name two things that made you smile this week.
1) Watching Aussie (our Australian Shepherd) hop across the yard chasing squirrels–the stinkin’ cutest thing on the planet!! Even cuter than anything a soft, cuddly bucket of baby can deliver.
2) Thomas’ discovery that
angels are not only real, but have red hair and freckles.
Fill in the blank: Don’t you hate it when ________?
"…you’ve been out running errands all day and you get home only to realize your pants were unzipped the whole time!
When you can’t go to sleep, what is your personal remedy to help yourself drift into Lullabyland?
I haven’t found it yet, which makes for many "Grrrrrrrrs" in my house! >:(
Main Course
What is something about which you’ve always wondered but have not yet found a good answer?
Why they don’t sell wine in grocery stores in the state of Tennefreakinsee!
What is your favorite pasta dish?
Fettuccine Alfredo made with real butter and heavy cream
If you’ve got time to spread a little celebratory "hello", link over to Susie’s blog (originator of Friday’s Feast and designer of my first and much more adorable Blogger blog)–it’s her birthday today!
heh heh – unzipped pants. Unfortunately, that happens to my husband on a daily basis.
I have only come up with one limerick – and it was a poor one at best.
Karmyn, you mom must’ve hoarded all the poetic genes, she’s on a tear! As for your husband, I’ll be sure to look him in the eye, nothing below the chin!!!
Isn’t it adorable when the squirrel runs up a tree, and the doggy has that amazed look on his face every time? Love it.
Thanks for sharing,
Yummy dessert and I love the rest of your feast as well and I love this template!!
WE have an easy contest going on at my blog..Giving away a lot of books and a fun surprise prise!
I’m having problems controlling my limerick-itis, also. I keep thinking, ok, only this one more, but then I start on another…
P.S. Has nothing much to do with your post–just thinking about limericks in general…
I have a CD of peaceful peaceful music that helps calm me when I drift off to slumber
“Fettuccine Alfredo made with real butter and heavy cream…” ME too!!! I love it fresh, but I’ll even eat it out of a can.
Love Thomas’s story about the red-haired, freckled angel. Aren’t stories about angels mysterious??? There’s something really appealling angels. :~)
They don’t sell wine in grocery stores in the state of Tennefreakinsee? That suprises me!
Frances, it amazes how much her expression communicates…she’s my fourth baby!
Amy, thanks…and interestingly, YOUR template was the first one I had in Blogger :).
Greeny, how sick is this? I was mentally composing limericks in bed this morning. Please don’t tell anyone…it just ain’t right (lol).
Pamela, since I’ve NEVER tried that, maybe I should :/.
E-mom, there is absolutely no question. We’d be friends IRL if you’d just stinkin’ move EAST and SOUTH!
Beccy, not that I’m a wine-O or anything, but daggum it, it means having to go in a liquor store and I feel like a LUSH when I do that :/. TN is one of the few states that prohibits it….
Great feast. Your dessert sounds yummy. My feast is served if you would like to join.