I don’t think further explanation is necessary, and even if it was, I don’t think I could write it…I MUST be delirious to be writing in rhyme at this God-forsaken hour :/.

When Stephen realizes he’s gonna miss his LAST basketball game of the season and his FIRST soccer match………….it ain’t gonna be pretty :(.

No Sleep Tonight

Cough intrudes
Sleep eludes
Hazy thinking, what to do?

Bleary eyed
Brain is fried
Tripping on that stupid shoe!

Coughing, wheezing
Shallow breathing
Robitussin, Mucsinex.

Aching sides
He whimpers, cries.
Wondering what to give him next.

Body quaking,
Rafters shaking.
Could he really cough up a lung?

Am I curious?
Or just delirious–
Thinking now about Carl Jung.

Fever rising
Now I’M crying
Feel the heat upon his cheek.

Snuggled close
A "doctor’s dose"
Mama’s touch brings some relief.

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