This week’s Fun Monday is sponsored by the Illustrious Swampwitch and since she’s the boss of us this week, I’m cutting and pasting exactly what SHE said:

"Fun Monday’s challenge for June 25
is to post pictures of your bookshelves or stacks of books. Hopefully,
we will be able to read some of the titles. If you want, while you’re
at it, post pictures of ANY shelves…shelves with toys, dishes,
collections, Aunt Gertrude’s ashes in an urn, etc. Also, post pictures
of your garage, carport, or places where you store ‘stuff.’  (No fair
cleaning first, but if you must, maybe this will be the motivation to
do so.)"

Okay, I’ll admit it, I cringed a little bit on this one.  One of the things on my summer "to-do" list is to straighten the books in the hutch in our guest bedroom.  There’s no rhyme or reason how they’re organized–a loooonnngg time ago there was–and I’m kickin’ myself for not getting to this BEFORE Swampy had to go and ask us to show pictures.  I’m good at following instructions  would NEVER think of breaking the rules  the very obedient type (see #3 :/ 😉 ), so I didn’t clean first.  Instead, today while it rained (a big "wahoo" for us in the Tennessee Valley!!), Tad and I napped.  Yep, I’ve got my priorities in order ;).  Not that I have any O-C tendencies (denial?), but it drives me crazy genres aren’t paired with genres, authors are scattered, and there’s two rows of books crammed on the bottom shelf….  Here’s a picture of the hutch as is…but not how it’ll look in a few weeks…

I‘m not sure when that angel ended up on the middle shelf, I didn’t put it there; I used to collect cherubs (before the years I collected elephants and after the years of collecting carousel horses) (you’ll see another in the next group of photos), but somewhere along the way never mind the self-righteous reason why I stopped collecting anything but tennis rackets (even though we don’t exactly play) (seriously…:/)  cool martini recipes books.  There’s a FABULOUS used bookstore here and it’s difficult NOT to buy something EVERY time you go especially if you have a little problem buying stuff marked 75% off   are you fed up with all the "strike-throughs" yet?

If you were Fun Monday-ing when Willowtree was host and asked us to show our blogging environs, you saw,
among other things (and with the accompanying explanation), this photograph.


Lonely, isn’t it?  That was then, this is now (supersize the middle one to get a better idea of the colors):Dscn1657Dscn1658

For fun (since it IS Fun Monday and all…), I thought I’d show you a picture of shelves in our garage.  Tad’s junk outside is even neater than my junk inside.  The "portrait" was a going-away gift to him when we moved to Tennessee from a friend who knew he was a "Seinfeld" aficionado.


Thought I’d include one more picture in closing I wasn’t able to include last week since our kitchen was being painted.  I love this thought :)!


Be sure and visit Swampy for the rest of the Fun Monday gang–it’s never too late to join in the fun.

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