Before I get to Amy’s request for Fun Monday–
("We saw everyone’s kitchen one& week (just can’t remember which week).
Now I want to see INSIDE your refrigerator. And DO.NOT.CLEAN.IT.OUT. We
want to see it in all its glory. However empty or full. And if you
don’t have a refrigerator? Show me your cooler, or whatever container
you use to keep things nice and cool.")
–I had a thought. Have y’all heard that "Studies show the most common time for a heart attack to occur is
Monday morning"? I’m not sure if that’s the case for men as well as women, both of these links are from websites speaking to women’s health. It’s a unsubstantiated? fact I’ve heard often through the years.
Anyway…by my count, we’ve been Fun Mondaying for six months now…can you believe it? This was my first post, initiated when Vicki the Spy Queen asked to see views from our front door; she’s nosy curious that way. From there, "Fun Mondays" was born and it has been growing ever since.
My point is with apparently MUCH wayward digression, with all this first-day-of-the-week fun, maybe we’re decreasing those instances of Monday morning heart attacks. It’s possible, right? So, next time your friends IRL look at you with a squenched up nose and question "How in the world do you have time to BLAWG?", you can tell ’em it’s GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH…adding freakin’ years to your life!
I’m just saying….it’s possible.
Now…on to Fun Monday.
I appreciated Amy’s assignment for one reason and one reason only. Our fridge is reasonably clean right now–WAHHOOO! Since we were going out of town for a week, before we left, it seemed like a good idea to eliminate those science experiments that had rendered our refrigerator an oversized petri dish throw out the leftovers and half dozen open jars of salsa.
These might well be the most boring pictures I’ve ever posted; please note, however, in spite of the emptier than typical contents, a few NECESSARY items are present–bottled water (can’t believe we’ve fallen into THAT trap:/), Redi-Whip (’cause a blast of whipped cream ALWAYS "does a body good" 😉 ), and ice cream. Everything else is gravy (except it’s really not gravy, it might be yet another jar of salsa or ketchup or jelly…there seems to be lots of jelly).
Thanks for popping in and be sure to visit Amy at A Family Story for the rest of these yumalicious fridge links :).
Hmmm, I just remembered our "beverage" refrigerator…it was moved into the garage during our kitchen renovation and I forgot to photograph it. Feel free to use your imagination on that one…"beverage" can mean all kinds of wonderful things to drink…;).
Yeah, the inside of a refrigerator isn’t that exciting, but you have some nice ice cream there!
I was first, look at that everyone – I have the first comment on Robin’s Fun Monday six month anniversary post!!
Do I get a prize?
I like how you think Robin.
Blogging is good for my health, and all because of FUN Mondays!!
That’s what we have half jars of salsa, and jelly!
Have a fun Monday!
I was thinking your ice cream looks interesting. I have a couple of bottles of Newman’s dressings in my fridge !!
Yeah, that’s it. I am blogging for my health. Kind of sad that some people are dying at the start of the week.
Yes, I have fallen into the bottled water trap too. I do not drink much water at a time so we buy small bottles. I take a sip and leave the bottles half full around the house. Still, I do not care from the taste of the chlorinated water from the tap.
You do have some fun ice cream.
I don’t see any moldy hotdish. Must not be my fridge;)
We’ve fallen into thebottled water trap too – but mostly when we’re going somewhere. And we don’t put it in the fridge.
That’s a lot of water bottles!
Those who read my FunMonday post last week will know that was the 6 month anniversary of Fun Monday.
I must be different to everybody else because I can’t drink chilled water. I have a water filter and I keep it on the counter top so my water is served at room temperature!
Your Reddi Whip comment reminded me of a story. I sent Danny to the store for whipped cream, strawberries, and angel food cake to have for dessert when we were having his family over. Walmart was out of angel food cake, so he just bought the strawberries and whipped cream there before calling me to ask what to do about the cake. The cashier gave him a really hard time about all the strawberries and whipped cream. She wanted to know if he had a special date planned. He said, “No, just dessert.” She said, “For who? Your loooooover???” It was Cool Whip for Pete’s sake! Everyone knows Reddi Whip works better. We’re still laughing here:o)
Beckie, email your address to me, that DOES deserve something…sometime ;).
Christine, and whipped cream, don’t forget the whipped cream!
Chris, interesting ice cream, uninteresting ice cream…it’s ALL good to me!
Molly, I wish I liked our tap water, but it doesn’t taste good. Our fridge has filtered water, and when I’m on a water-drinkin’ binge, I do refill my water bottle over and over…
Kelly, that was last week, BEFORE we cleaned it out!
Willowtree, yep, and actually, I prefer ’em room temperature, so those are mostly for Tad.
PLUS, I was in Wyoming last week during Fun Monday…missed your post (and will go back and read at some point to hear more about ET).
Beccy, Oops, I just mentioned I prefer room temp water, too. My teeth are VERY sensitive :/.
Jenni, GREAT STORY! I have another Redi Whip one (well, one I’m willing to share 😉 ), I’ll have to link to it.
Yours is funnier!
Nice “chillchest”.
Lots of “yummies”, too!
Happy Fun Monday!
So that’s what a freezer looks like without the icky sticky unknown pink stain. Huh.
I think you need more ice cream!
Ohhhh! I’ll take a bowl of ice cream please!
Dryers Slow-Churned Ice Cream – a staple in EVERY freezer.
speaking of yum – LOVED the mints!
What a great thought…I can’t be bothered with a heart attack right now, I have to go snoop…er…visit everyone on fun monday.
I’m a Propel water girl – at least the flavor lets me know it’s truly got some added “something.”
Don’t forget to dump that milk before you leave!
Jenniboo, Hmmm, nevah heard it put that way…I might have to use it sometime.
Heather, ours is usually chocolate brown…:/.
Lisa, can you ever have too much?
Nikki, we share gladly :).
Karmyn, out west it’s Dryers, here it’s called Edy’s (same thing).
Susan, that’s a great idea–refuse the heart attack (ha!).
Tiggerlane, WE’RE BACK, lol, I can tell you noticed I was gone for a while…must be all that building you’ve got going on ;).
Did you steal my can of Reddi-Whip? I’ll have to go look to see if mine is still there.
Hand over the Oreo-what-eve-that-is in your freezer. This is the second post I’ve seen the Slow Churned Ice Cream. Isn’t it delightful?
yup, this is all for my health. That’s what I will tell my boss when he asks why I spend half of Tuesday on the internet (us being a day ahead and all, that’s when most of the posts go up).
I drink bottled water too but refill the bottles from the tap. Then I half fill them and freeze it half full first. I hate water that is not really chilled.
Yum-O on all the ice cream!! You have will power if you don’t sit down and eat it all in two days. Not me. If it’s here I eat. And that’s why it’s not here!
the door’s have huge shelves for the milk etc.
That will be what I look for in any future frige.
OR… perhaps a self cleaning one. ha.
You are very brave to have all that ice cream so readily available!
Ahhh, Robin ~ thanks for the smiles this morning !
That fridge looks like it is designed to hide a body in it!! Don’t try this at home, kids!!
Ooooooooo, is that Oreo ice cream?? Yummy!
Swampy, I’d NEVAH steal anything from you, trash buddy…borrow, yes, steal, nevah! (but it sounds like we have similar tastes 🙂 ).
TOB, great idea for when you want COLD water. ‘Cept my teeth are ultra sensitive and room temp is best pour moi. Glad I could be of assistance where work is concerned ;).
Joy, totally depends on the flavor…and whether or not I’ve put on a bathing suit lately (the ultimate help in managing restraint :/).
Pamela, now THAT would be an innovation that’s worth whatever it costs!
Kila, brave, huh? More like CRAZY!
Kristy……HEY 🙂 (and you’re welcome).
Erik, you’ve been watching too many “B” movies! Yikes!!
Rachel, yes! ma’am!! 😀
your ice cream looks really yummy! can I have some with the redi-whip please?
I like what you did with the maps below. Thats really cool!