Do you remember my kinda-sorta contest, held to keep my blog company while I was "away"? The one where all it took to win was an interesting comment? Well, what it may have lacked in quantity, it more than made up for in quality. Because of a rainy start to our vacation, I was able to read most of these while we were at the beach; because you can feel the vacation-condo walls crushing in the harder it rains (thereby causing five people to go "bump" in the DAY and the night), I was most thankful to have a wi-fi blogging spot to escape to until the sun decided to shine.
Without further ado, here are the runner-ups (in order of their winning comments):
She wrote an original joke. The punchline made me giggle: ""The Ring Man always posts twice!" Read the original post for the rest of it.
Oooooooo, what a poet!
Because she’s so kind hearted,
E’er she even parted,
Robin left us with the task of commenting in her blog.
And whilst enjoying her vacation,
She shared the situation
Of a giant alley-gator from the bog.
And so I think I’ll nerve it,
Even though I don’t deserve it,
And hope to win whate’er the prize may be.
Perhaps she will take pity
On my silly little ditty
While I’m busy building my Texas-sized ark, you see.
She resorted to bribery AND flattery. I like her style…automatic finalist.
She’s a fellow limerick-cist and that always deserves a prize.
And the winner? Oh….my….no competition…both quality AND quantity (in his words, "stuffing the ballot box"): Steve at Counting on Whales, one of the most brilliant albeit tortured writers in the blogosphere. The first post of his I came across, In the Land of Women, was a result of blog hopping after being tagged by Rachelle and then posting my morning face challenge (yikes!), originated by Lisa Samson of Author Intrusion. That post earned him an "add" in my bloglines…and I imagine any? every? woman would swoon after reading that post.
Steve limericked, haikued, and self-talked himself into the winner’s circle. With comments like this:
"And so, in the (mostly) anapestic tetrameter (thank you Wikipedia)
style of the inimitable (yet here I am imitating him) Theodor Seuss
Geisel, I present this…"
and the poem that followed:
To win a good prize is a challenging test
It requires special skills (or just being a pest)
So I offer this poem to go with the rest
And I hope it’s just right, that it’s one of the bestBut if not I will comfort my soul with this truth
Rediscovering the meter of Seuss from my youth
Was enjoyment enough (I liked being a sleuth)
…Or perhaps I’ll just mix up some gin and vermouth
…I had a new blush. Check out the post for the rest of his shenanigans and what the others had to say.
** ALL Y’ALL SEND ME YOUR SNAIL MAILS QUICKLY so I can get your as promised lame, cheap but symbolic GREAT p r i z e s (the word "prize" being used rather loosely…) in the mail (cause I’m headed out of town again…).
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Yesterday I was suckered into had the honor of pinch hitting for Karmyn while she’s vacationing with her family in California. It was my first opportunity to guest blog for a bluddy who’s too daggum lazy to write her own scheduled posts who’s brilliant enough to plan ahead, and if I wasn’t such a disorganized procrastinator fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants girl, I might ask others to do the same for me. Instead, I either a) blog when I said I wasn’t going to, or b) go eerily and uncharacteristically silent.
Before losing too much sleep over what to write for Karmyn, I came across this at My Splatter Painted Life. Since one of Karmyn’s stops is at the at Magic Kingdom of Princesses, and for all the reasons I mentioned in my post at Dreaming What Ifs, I had to crown Karmyn princess.
She’s not the only bluddy I think is a royal something or another, there are a few more tiaras I wanted to hand out. In addition to their comments at Robin’s Pensieve, I’m crowning these princesses for their emails of encouragement to me. Without elaborating on my affections for these chickaritas, rest assured they’re all fantastic bloggers and regular (whatever "regular" may mean these days….:/) reads of mine: Claudia, Pamela, Kathy, Kristy, Mindy, Carol, Laurel and E-mom . And although she’s never emailed me, I think Little Miss Moi reeks of princessness because she begins every comment with "Dear…". Charming, yes?
(A bonus paragraph that reeks of my sometimes- inability to make a decision and stick with it): Crapola! I forgot Susan! Guess it has something to do with that not-blogging thing, but she’s still a princess–email & comment-style–to me… And Erin, it’s her birthday for heaven’s sake! Isn’t everyone of the female persuasion a princess on her birthday?! (And speaking of birthdays, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JANICE!! An awesome non-blogger whom I LOVE TO PIECES!)
Now, my new little Royals, go forth and crown some princesses of your own!
More awards & memes coming tomorrow….
But for now…WHEW! That’s all folks…that’s ENOUGH! 🙂
Hopefully, you will have Wi-Fi on your travels. You will be mentioned at The Asylum tomorrow. Be sure to head my way when you have a chance.
Dear robin. Aw, thanks! I’ll have to email you now 🙂
Ok Robster,
I tried to E-mail you (for something COMPLETELY different, but gee, you ought to send me a prize anyway now that I think about it) and the address I have is wrong.
Find me. ‘Cause I can’t find you.
Hubby is taking me to see the new Harry Potter tonight for my b-day. I sure hope they’re selling Venti Pensieves in the lobby. It will remind me of you.
Swampy, no need for wi-fi 😉 (but, hey, I’ll be much closer to you than I am presently…).
Dear Little Miss Moi, why, you’re welcome!
Erin, you win a prize for calling me “Robster”. Derivations of my name show creativity…creativity should be rewarded. I’ll email you right directly :).
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WAAHOOO! Hope you DO have a venti something in honor of your special day!
How much am I lovin’ Potter right now? With a name like “PENSIEVE”, my blog is rather topical these days….
eeeeeee!!!! Thank you!!! i have to learn how to put these things on my sidebar!! :/
Well, what do you know…stuffing the ballot box really does work. Thanks, Robin, for your overkind [unnecessarily hyperbolic] words about my own. Is this where I own up about hiring a ghostwriter to pen my poems? Or should I wait until after I’ve received the GREAT prize and placed it on EBay?
Oh, and if any of you are planning on heading over to read that “In the Land of Women” post…please, no swooning – my swooning insurance policy has lapsed. I had to use the money I’d budgeted for the premium to hire that ghostwriter.
Hey, just wanted to drop you a line to let you know I really enjoy reading your blog. Love the shot of your feet by the ocean!
Thanks for the princess honor. I’ve never been princessed before.
I still can’t E-mail you (it all keeps dumping me back to your blog) so E-mail me at erin teske at yahoo dot com.
Harry Potter was alright. Much darker than the others. This was the book I liked least, so it’s probably the movie I’ll like the least. We can’t expect the Hogwarts crew to continue to chew bubblegum and play pranks on each other for the rest of their lives though, can we? And I sure love to hate Dolores Umbridge!
Robin, total bummer that we didn’t get to meet in Atlanta and HOLY COW GIRL it is going to take me a week to catch up with your blog! You prolific thing, you. Love ya.
Claudia, lol, you sound like ME now!
Steve, what? no poetry for an acceptance speech? I’m disappointed.
Hi Desert Flutie, don’t know how you came across my blog, but thanks for taking the time to comment :).
Erin, Eureka!! You found me after all :). D.U. is deliciously hatable!
Rachelle, I know :/…and I don’t believe for a second you’re going to play catch up on my blog…good intentions and all ;)… I always feel like a hamster spinning on a cage when it comes to “catching up” relative to blogging.
You have great readers! That comment contest was so much fun. The comments just kept getting longer and funnier!
Lunch hour comment.
Thank you for prizes and for the princess crown, too! I hope that doesn’t mean I have to kiss a frog.
I wish my prize was to go on vacation with you… (:
I have reached official dorkhood. I read this post yesterday (or earlier)….TOTALLY skipped over my name.
Lindsay was one of my first blog friends, she is a cool bean =)
Oh who to pass on to.
My word(s)! You mean there’s actually a real prize-like prize? Something to relieve the monotony of the usual assortment of junque and bills found in my mailbox on a daily basis?
I can hardly wait!
(Glad the verse gave you a grin. Looks like I stand among greatness.)
Since my ghostwriter has a moment…here’s the poetic version of the “acceptance speech”. And due to a shortage on words, I’ll be reusing “hyperbolic” here. (Besides, I want to get my money’s worth out of that one.)
To call me “most brilliant” is most hyperbolic
I think the right phrase is “so melancholic”
But I’ll take all the praise
It will help me in ways
That to me are much more than symbolic
[Okay. So my regular ghostwriter wasn’t really available. Best I can do on short notice.]
Cool! I fall off the face of the earth and I’m still not forgotten by my good buddy Robin!!!
By the way, I’m hoping to resume blogging sometime in August (post-summer-swim-season). (*sigh*)
I do miss you ever so much 😉
Min, I KNOW…it almost made rain at the beach worth it (since blogging wasn’t taking away from fun in the sun).
Pamela, the thought of that made me smile like this: 😀
Laurel, you…DORK? I think maybe totally occupied with BOYS! Glad you came back to get your tiara.
Carol, your quick toss into the hat was prize worth. The thing is, have you ever seen one of my prizes? lol, don’t hold your breath ;).
Stephen, Muuuuccch better this time around. Anyone who can find something to rhyme with “hyperbolic” deserves a prize (much better than the one I’m sending your way!).
Susan, I know where you are chickarita…and I know what swim team does with your time. Gosh, I bet you have a good tan! (Miss you lots, too…everyone does :/).
Fabulous choices, my dear!