Tuesday evening revision:
It is fairly well documented I have difficulty making decisions particularly when given too many choices. Well, in coming up with a Fun Monday theme, it’s not that I can’t think of anything to do, it’s that I want to do a dozen! There are just so many fun thoughts creeping into my mind, I can’t decide which one I like best.
Would you please take a minute to vote??? These are the ones I’d most like to see at this second in time, but since it’s not all about me, what tickles your fancy the tickliest? I’ll let voting go until 8:00 EST, then I’ll post the results and next week’s theme. Thanks in advance for your help…I can’t wait to see what you wanna do :). Be sure to comment to let me know any additional thoughts (say, for instance, you don’t care for ANY of my stinkin’ choices, OR, quite possibly, you can’t decide either…!). If you’re the adventuresome sort, you can go ahead and sign up BEFORE the final outcome.
Lurkers? De-lurk! Readers who’ve never joined in? Why not begin now? Friends IRL who don’t have blogs and NEVAH comment??? Start one! Y’all are all officially invited :).
(For new PENSIEVE visitors and bloggers who haven’t Fun Mondayed in the past, please check out the explanation below the poll.)
Fun Monday, The Origin: In January 2007, Vicki was just being nosy–she wanted to see the view from everyone’s front door; Willowtree suggested everyone post on the same day. From there, Erik wanted to see childhood photographs, and voila! Fun Monday was born. It’s been going strong ever since, with just a few breaks for holidays.
Fun Monday, Who can participate? ALL bloggers who want to! This is a loosely-held meme, with the host or hostess volunteering each week, simply by alerting the current host of their interest. It’s never too late to join in, hosts are always generous to add you as soon as they can. Fun Monday has an international following and it’s, well, FUN to meet bluddies (blog + buddies) in "far away places" :).
Fun Monday, What do I need to do to participate? Simply comment to or email the host for the current week. To find out who is hosting, the burden is on you…you simply follow the previous host’s posts that will lead you to the current host. On the given Fun Monday, be sure to identify your post with "Fun Monday" somewhere in the title, link back to the host or hostess, and invite others to join. It’s also fine to pick up either one of the Fun Monday logos–
Or a more recent addition crafted during "Good Deeds" week at Fun Monday:
You have proposed some good choice of topics and I have voted. Sam will most likely still be here next weekend but I hope to join in as usual. I’ll be back to sign up and I’ll put a link on my blog.
Sign me up!
Those are hard to choose from, but I did vote! 🙂
I can’t wait to see what happens.
Sign me up, too, I have voted!
I won’t be able to do anything with old pictures, though, as my mother has mine in a storage unit in one of three states! 🙂
Darn those were hard choices and I couldn’t decide but I did vote for one of my 2 faves! I would sign up but I don’t think I can participate if it’s the pre/post puberty pictures…I will be back tonight to see the results!!!
Hey Darlin’.
As usual, I march to the beat of my own drummer.
Since Monday is October 1 and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I’m doing a write-in on the ballot:
Breast Cancer Awareness:
And, just a little p.s. My post will be about Breast Cancer Awareness, but I still want to play Fun Monday.
Since when have I ever really followed the rules? Why start now?
I’m still too unpredictable to commit to Fun Monday but I voted. Is that fair? Did I cheat? Sorry if I did!
I want to sign up – but I can’t….because next Monday is completely dedicated to a special little girl in my life who is turning 4!!!!!!!!!!!
(I still voted – I know – I’ll put in my Fun Monday post on Tuesday!)
Those are all fun themes.
Sign me up!
That’s exactly how I am. Give me too many choices, and I have a really hard time deciding.
I did vote.
Whatever you come up with, I’m in. Thanks for hosting! And, allowing us a little bit of choice!
Thanks, Chris, hope you’re able to fit it in while Sam’s visiting.
Deb, ME TOO! And, eventually (from your comment the other day), I’ll post how to make homemade sourdough bread, too :).
Lisa, I wonder if it will matter when all is said and done.
Kaytabug, now you’ve got me curious as to “why”…
Swampy, I love your predictable unpredictability ;).
Sabrina, SURE it’s fair…I’ll try to remember to prompt you to help ya out (you’ve got your mind on more important “little” things 🙂 ).
Karmyn, sign up…I’m usually read FM posts til Wednesday, anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUTTERCUP!!!
Christine, I think I read that about you before :). Hmmm, I wonder which one you voted for…
Ohhh, AFF, you snuck in…sneaked in?? You know what I mean! Glad you’re willing to join in no matter what the theme is!
I voted. I don’t participate but I am tickly. Plus I like to vote.
Some interesting topics…count me in!
All of your themes are great. I put in my vote. Be sure to sign me up. 🙂
I voted. I love surveys and polls. Two days in a row, you have made Fun Monday even more interactive. Robin, you may be the queen of blogging or at least a crown princess. Way to go.
Jenn, try it, you might like it :).
Swampangel, gotcha!
Serina, got you, too, but dang, it’s evenly divided :/.
Molly, if I had thought about using a poll, I woulda tried that yesterday. Willowtree gave me the idea, and it has ended up being funner than I anticipated ;).
THANKS FOR VOTING Y’ALL…IT’S SO STINKIN’ CLOSE! I have no idea what will end up being the winner!
Since you have taken the time and effort to explain the origins,
this may be of interest. Thanks for the mention.