A year ago, I remembered to celebrate.

Last night, I ran into someone I met a while back at the Youniquely Woman Conference.  In catching up with Kris, something prompted me to remember my blogging anniversary.  Funny, a year ago it was a big deal…this year, it didn’t even cross my mind until after the fact.

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Guess what, though–KARMYN “remembered”!  Look what little surcie she sent me to commemorate this apparently forgettable most auspicious of occasions–my Second Blogiversary! although I’m sure she’d just say she sent it because she waKarmyns_salsa_2s tired of me begging:

Isn’t it the cutest presentation you’ve ever seen?  It looks like an Aztec Egyptian.   Or a Veggie-Tale character.

Somehow she knew to send me “mild”.  I guess she knows in spite of all my saucy talk, I’m a powderpuff.  I can live with that.  It was reeeally unfortunate no one is home to taste test with me…let’s have a go…


It sure looks pretty in my favorite chips and salsa bowl…and it certainly smells fresh and delicious (you’ll have to install that plug-in in order to release the aroma)–but far be it for me to judge a book by its cover OR its librarian scent.


MMmmmm….perfectly spiced, not too chunky, slightly sweet…this ain’t gonna make it til the end of the day!  THANK YOU, KARMYN!!!

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