Since apparently my last post was rather weighty, I’m feelin’ a little psychedelic…
from my head wrist…
to my "An Affair in Red Square" toenails…
When I grow up, I really DO wanna be an OPI Color Namer…I wonder how one prepares for such a career. Great names SELL $9 nail polish for goodness sakes! I love how the sunlight reflecting off the water dazzled like a million stars shooting like fireworks out of the tips of my toes. Or maybe fireworks WERE shooting out of my toe tips (I’ll never tell…what happens on the boat dock, stays on the boat dock 😉 )!
How ’bout a little contest? Can you guess what this is? You’ve gotta be specific (and I give prizes points to people 1) with imaginative answers, and 2) who make me laugh…out loud will get you double points.
I’m feeling generous…how about another view?
Revised: Y’all blow peach pits!! I cannot believe no one has mentioned my ROCKIN’ joo-ray OR my FANTABULOUS pedicure…it’s ALL about the flippin’ contest (except for Robinella, my new bbff) (btw, do you know what bbff means? Let’s add that to the contest).
The prizes could be reeeeal good, but you’ve gotta try way harder than this!
Is it…a Tony the Tiger Designer Suppository? Guaranteed to make you feel “Grrrreat!” (after that initial moment of discomfort)?
Not here for the contest. Just wanted to say, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. My best friend and I spent almost 2 hours on the phone this afternoon talking about the very thing you gave me (among other things). I will definitely have to be creative. I’ve tried in the past but I keep coming up short. ~R
Oh STEVE – haha snort giggle giggle, guffaw
I think it is a TIGER’s EYE MARBLE and I wouldn’t stick it up my butt for any money in the world.
Oh Robin, I want to be an OPI color namer too. I have only been getting pedicures for a year, and I love selecting the colors. My selection is always based on the color itself plus the fanciful name. My toes are currently sporting Friar, Friar, Pants on Fire.
Let’s see… the pictures show Tigerlicious Mediatation Beads in two definitive shapes for easy handling to sooth an angry beast.
Now, I am off to read the weighty post.
It looks like a knob (which is a double-entendre in certain parts of the world – and a very different sort of double-entendre in certain other parts of the world – but I meant the first sort)!
Thanks for letting me know about my Typekey problem also!
A sunburned grape with a combover.
Gall stones.
I’m just no good at guessing but it’s fun reading all the other answers.
I have tagged you but I have no expectations, so don’t feel you need to respond.
Stevolini, I saw LAUGH out loud, not WRETCH out loud!!! Points for imaginative, though.
Robinella, I’ll be in touch…
Karmyn, you get points for showing good common sense!
Molly, I’m, like, totally relaxed, like, after your guess…;)
Jeanie, you’re welcome, and let’s go with the G-rated version…;).
Willowtree, HA! At first I read “combover” as “c o r n b l o w e r”, lol, and I thought, “Now, THAT, I’ve got to google!” I thought you were speakin’ Strine-ish again :).
Chris, lol, I’m “behind” in all things blog–is anyone ever caught up? Still gotta do my “Pay it Forward”, too (among others :/). I’ll check it out :).
Best Blogging Friend Forevah?
Okay…it’s the middle-est “egg” of a set of exotic animal themed nesting eggs…
Or a large piece of orange-melon bubble gum…
Maybe a hand-painted tangerine truffle (that’s not lead-based paint, is it?)…
Perhaps tiny wick-less candle…
A Tiger Lily seed?
Where Waldo is hiding?
Whatevah it is, it’s not nearly as Rockin’ as your Joo-Ray or as fantabulous as your pedicure.
Sparkly toes – ooh, pretty.
I am trying my best to be creative here, but all I can see is a marble in the second picture.
Is it a vase?
I love the bracelets – are those the prize?
I know, not funny – at all.
Jewelry nice, toes very nice.
Object is the shell of a man who lost the love of his life to a tiger. He then tried to hurt the tiger and was clawed, then shrunk to bead size.
I’m just not sure how he is rectangular and spherical at the same time.
Looks like a lozange painted with fingernail polish.
Very dangerous.
By the way, I love the friendship bracelet picture. I’m having such flashbacks.
Okay, I was going to guess a boil on a tiger’s butt until I clicked on the comments and saw the whole tiger suppository thread. Instead, I’ll just say thanks for leaving the nice comments on my blog. I really appreciate it. Stop by anytime.
um…it’s quite colorful and looks kinda painful at the same time! Reminds me of the time I had gallbladder surgery and the quack surgeon generously left me with two very similar looking abcesses! 🙁
No guess on the striped artifacts… these are too funny already.
I did notice though that you seem to be a left-over-right ankle-crosser. Oh yes, I am observant. (That’s because I favor the same order in my own personal ankle-crossing.)
It’s the lid to your nail polish
I’m using a guess no one has used yet –
A Giant Cancerous Booger
It’s an “Oklahoma State University student’s brain on drugs.”
I can NOT believe you mentioned being an OPI ‘color namer.’ Two days ago I had that conversation with the gal who was painting my toenails. My exact words were, “When I grow up, I want to work for OPI and name all their polishes.” I KID YOU NOT!
As you know, I’ve not been around much to read, but hopefully in the next 2 days can come back to “ketchup.”
Not even gonna try to guess – besides it’s more fun to read what everyone else says.
I LOVE your writing.
Love it.
Would you write a book? Serious.
I don’t even care what it’s about – I’d read it anyway……your words, their rich -the way you describe things…..yummy.
It’s like I’m there……….
From reading about your kids, to blowin peach pits……….you have a gift here, girl.
Love it.
Listen sweetcheeks. If I’d visited earlier – I would have said something about the fantabulous pedicure. Pedicures are of paramount importance to me. I cannot bear gnarly toes and horrid heels. And your feet RAWK!
But I’m a little late to the game. But your bracelets are uber cute and your toes really do rawk.
As for the tiger striped thingamajig? I’m guessing it’s a paper weight.
These have got to be some of the best comments I have read in a really long time.
Your toes are beautiful!! I think I am going to write OPI and start tossing your name around. We have got to get the Pensieve Polish!
Ok, the tiger-striped thingy. A bead? I am not sure what it is but those are two of my favorite colors!
Stevolini- Oh no, you’ve got it wrong. It’s uh…one of Tony the Tiger’s balls. Tony must be really upset.
(Sorry, couldn’t help myself. You handed it to me on a silver platter.)
Ahhhh, Steve, sucking up will get you
everywhereno where…! But extra points to the diversity of guesses (why did the idea of tiny wickless candles make me wish that’s what they were?).Beckie, nope not a vase, but…you WILL see a vase that looks very similar when I write the post to explain it…I’m guessing Tuesday? Wednesday?
And if I told you what the prize is,
I’d have to kill yathat’d be pretty impressive, since I don’t actually know what it is…yet! I can promise, it’s NOT what’s in the piccha–that is one of a kind!Jen, I LURVE you answer…it’s so “Little Black Sambo” but without turnin’ into butter or any racist overtones (which I totally never understood, anyway…I just liked the story!).
Jenny, bless your heart…it’s the parvo speaking, isn’t it?
Hulagirl, but tiger suppositories and tiger boils on butts are two ENTIRELY different things! Although, they do…”affect” the same general area, I suppose.
Erin, hmmmm, V E R Y interesting (that you’d notice, that is 😉 ). We’re almost twins!
I can see where you’d get that, Pamelista, but nope, still not correct.
Karmyn, you’re trying to out gross Steve’s answer, aren’t you (snickersnort)?
Swampy, as always, great minds chicka ;).
Kristy, you just joined Robinella as my new BBFF! 🙂 😀 🙂 😀 (man, that air felt soooo swishy up my skirt! MMmmmmm!!)
Tiger Lamb Girl, I now ** heart ** you, too…SWEETCHEEKS? I LOVE terms of endearment like “sweetcheeks”! Which makes me very sad to inform you that your guess is just as wrong as everyone else’s….
Julie, Okay, my husband is gonna ban me from blogging… As if I didn’t already blush you (blog + crush), NOW I wanna cook you dinner and clean your house and wash your clothes…because you think an OPI polish should be named in my honor!! I think they DEFINITELY need a blogging line, n’est pas?
(p.s., if it was a bead, it’d weigh you down….REAL down if it was a bead on earrings.)
Nikk, Hmmm, tigerballs on a silver platter. Have you been hanging around Min or something? (Nope, must not have been, cause they’d be hangin’ from the ceiling…crossing my legs in sympathetic pain….).
OPI colors??? I love the names. In fact, if I love a color and think the name is stupid, I won’t use that color.
If you hang them from the ceiling, they’ll get shriveled and dusty…Just a warning. If you want to keep them fresh, put them under glass and spritz them twice a day. They like that.
The lid off a decanter of some fabulous drink. (That is Dave’s guess).
Everyone else covered the funny – It looks like hand-blown art glass to me, but on closer examination, it might be some interestingly glazed pottery. Nice bracelets, and that photo of your feet was clearly photoshopped.
I think….it looks like the sun in some sort of statue.
Or a button.
Or holy crap this is hard.
Is it a lollipop? A lightbulb? A liger toe?
A marshmallow? A tiny balloon? or I don’t know…
A plastic decoration
For a holiday celebration?
A Photoshop creation?
A complete fabrication?
All your readers are anxious,
To know how you’ve pranked us
So hurry up now and show ’em
(And can I have a prize for this poem?)
I’m not gonna guess – b/c I have had a BLAST just reading the comments. So, good deed for the day – DONE! You have accomplished it by making me laugh, just referring me to this post!
*fingers tapping*
When are you going to give it up?
I’m completely flummoxed — no clue what it is.
Margaret, ME, TOO!
Min, this is why I don’t have houseplants.
Karmyn, Dave’s the smartest cookie in this bunch, but still no cigar ;).
Mark, blowing air up my skirt (or on my toes) MIGHT just getcha a prize…then again, you’ve heard this before ;). Re: the mystery item, it is hand-painted pottery (I think…I’ll find out before I post the answer).
Kiraa, no, it is not hard holy crap (heehee).
Steve, you’re totally taking advantage of my affection for fine poetry…!
Tiggerlane, hey, if I help anyone laugh? Well, that kinda thing makes my day!
TLG, I sooooooooo love it when people are flummoxed…and I’m having fond memories of a flux capacitor right now, too. You get points for that.
one of a set of maracas?
Hey guys! Before I went to bed last night, we had a winnah! But, daggum it, I wasn’t ready for that, so I unpublished it and emailed the person to let ’em know–I have one last post to tease you with, giving you the final “clue” (obviously, it’s not needed). Given the somber note of today’s anniversary, though, I’ll save it for tomorrow, okay? For those of you who are checking back, 1) keep guessing (we’ll see how many get it right, and 2) thanks for your persistence :).
dresser drawer knob