1) How do you clean a hummingbird feeder like this one? I’m talking about the area near the mouth of the feeder and the dish itself.
If you were advising someone who was in the market for a new digital camera, what would you recommend and why? I’m curious about point and shoots and SLRs. Comments on accessories?
3) Who’s got a perfect Buttermilk Pie recipe (I know one was posted on Fun Monday, but doggone it, now I can’t remember who :/)? Proven recipes, please :).
4) I know how to get gum out of clothes BEFORE they’re washed…any suggestions for after they’re DRIED (hypothetically speaking) :/?
5) THIS ONE I REALLY NEED HELP WITH! How the heck do you clean a shower…not just the floor, but the sides and cubbies and shelves? When the showerhead is stationary and can’t spray the walls and crevices? I never feel like it’s a complete job…. And it’s reeeal important because it’s NEW!!!
That’s all for now………(and thanks if you chime in 🙂 ).
OOoooo, I’m posting this because it’s Backwards Day at WFMW…figures I’d join in on a day when nothing is "normal" ;).
I never use soap on hummer feeder
use a bleach soak before you put away for the winter (if you still have hummers just make sure you rinse it well b4 returning outside) I use a baby bottle brush on the little ones
Ask Karmyn about her camera. Its a winner
I saw the buttermilk pie recipe too, and I’m thinking 1 crazy stitcher
heat up peanut butter to get gum out of most anything.
fun monday buttermilk pie
1) no idea
2) already discussed
3) no idea
4) no idea.
Glad to be of service, have a nice day.
4 – try peanut butter (slather it on and let it sit awhile).
I had a buttermilk pie recipe on my fun monday. If you can’t find let me know and I will email you the couple I have. 😀
Um – I’ll try:
1. I would dunk it, but I would also disregard that advice as I have never seen a hummingbird, let alone attempted to feed one.
2. Again, I possibly wouldn’t take my advice. I tend to advise cheap – but that also gives nasty, and tends to break early. Well, on everything else it does, but I can only gander at the expensive options of everything and think how else I would spend that money. But just think at what you save by not buying?!
3. Again, have never eaten Buttermilk Pie – is it any good? I know a Greek Yoghurt Cheesecake that is wonderful, but possibly not a substitute to consider.
4. When you find that out, can you see if it works on carpet too?
Now I’m going to be no use to you as I can’t answer any of your questions. I will be interested in the comments you get about the camera as I am looking into getting a new one when I come to the states.
I don’t know if your comments section accepts html code, but I’ll try. This is my camera: Nikon D-40. I love it! We also bought the 18-200 mm lens. You can check out some of the photos on my photo blog.
If those links don’t work, I’ll send you an e-mail.
It was that wacky lady Debs who spends all her time in her melon patch. But then again she already told you that.
The only question I can sort of answer is the camera one. We’ve had a Sony for six years now and it still works like new, so I’ll be looking at Sonys first when it’s time for a new one.
Dear robin. I lurve lurve my Nikon D80. Never really had an SLR before, my husband was the lover of photography, and now I’m obsessed. You’ll know this if you’ve seen my flickr site. Also, the Canon 400D is a good one (though might have a different name in the states). I just taught myself by reading the instruction book, and now I hardly ever use the point and shoot…
Why? I love trying to think artistically. I always use the camera on total manual setting, Mr Moi uses it on aperture mode (he chooses the depth of field and the camera chooses the speed to compensate). We love it so much that when we recently hiked 150kms through remote scotland, we took our waterproof pants and jackets, and the camera!
as far as the shower goes, I normally use a spray bottle with bleach in it and spray it down, let it set for a minute, then use a scrub brush. After I’m done scrubbing I use a cup or bucket full of water to rinse it off. It works pretty good for me.
1) Some feeder bases twist apart to clean…some of the “mouth” parts pop off to get in a lil better. I use a baby bottle brush to try and get in there..also I have wrapped a lil Kleenex around a tooth pick to get in there…
2)I have had my camera for 4 years and I would like a new one…nothing wrong with mine…I have a Canon Power Shot G5. Lisa at Lisa’s Chaos could probably give you info on her camera and her accessories… If I remember correct she recently posted about getting an upgrade.
3)yes it was Debs at her new Pumpkin Patch!
4)My son got gum on his pants and I let them sit for like a month and it just peeled right off!It worked for me.
5)Get one of those shower heads that has the long hose to it…or at least a swivel shower head. You could also use a spray bottle with water or a watering can you use to water your plants with… if you do a Google search for “shower head with long hose” you’ll get links that show what I am talking about.
1. I’ve tried everything Pamela suggested. Sometimes with success. When it gets bad, I just buy a new one. Ugh.
2. You’re already seeing varied suggestions. And that’s for a reason. Personal preference is going to be a major factor. I highly suggest getting an SLR over a point and shoot. Although shutter lag (the time you wait from when you push the shutter release to when the picture is actually taken) is improving in point and shoot cameras, you can’t beat an SLR in this department. That’s reason enough for many to switch. Plus you have the option of changing lenses. Another huge selling point. Which SLR to choose is the challenge. First go somewhere and get them in your hands. Find one that fits well. I find so many have similar features these days so get one that you feel comfortable with. As with any purchase, get the most for your money: a large lcd screen, high megapixels, large ccd, etc. Check the arrangement of buttons or scrolling wheels. I have the Canon Digital Rebel Xti (aka 400D) and I LOVE it. The Nikon mentioned above is also good. If you do go for the Nikon D40, get the newer D40x. These are entry level DSLRs and should suit your needs well. Again, preference is key. After you look and decide, check out http://www.bhphotovideo.com . They have some of the best prices I’ve found. (Very low shipping and no tax) Most of my current pictures online have been shot with my Xti http://www.pbase.com/robertsphotos . Hope this helps.
3. Sorry, can’t help there.
4. Strike two.
5. I’m out.
I use Magic eraser and scrubbing bubbles on my shower. Then use a squeegee I bought at the dollar store to remove the water from the glass doors. I also have a dollar store bucket that I use to rinse if there is a lot of soap.
If my grout starts to look dingy, I spray the entire shower down with an all-purpose cleaner with bleach I bought at Wal-mart, then close the doors, put the fan on, and let it sit without rinsing. By the time the smell is gone, so are any stains.
I’m no help with anything but the Shower – But this is the best way BAR NONE! 🙂
Here’s what you need:
Tilex Soap Scum remover – you have to have this, nothing else.
Soaped Brillo pads – the soap keeps them from scratching.
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
A Large Cup
Here’s What you do:
1. Run the shower hot for about 3-4 minutes to loosen everything up..
2. Spray Tilex from bottom to top covering all surfaces well and let soak for 5 minutes. (If you spray top to bottom, you’ll get streaks that are impossible to get out)
3. You can’t clean the shower without getting in it! Get in and scrub the walls first with your Brillo pad, bottom to top one wall at a time. As soon as you are finished with a wall, rinse well with your big cup. If you’ve missed a spot, Tilex again and repeat.
4. Clean the sides of your tub. Most of these are smooth so continue same process you used on your walls.
5. If you have a smooth bottomed-tub, you can continue with your Brillo pads. If it is textured, use the Magic Eraser. They really are magic! The tub bottom should be plenty wet from all your rinsing of the walls. By the time it has soaked while scrubbing everything else, the bottom comes clean pretty easily.
This sounds so hard and the first time it will be! After this, if you keep it up your cleaning will not take long at all. I actually clean the shower while I’m taking one sometimes..Two birds with one stone! :))
Hope this helps! :))
You have a lot of answers there…wow. I’d go with what they all had to say. I have a Canon, but I hear that the Nikons are nice.
Use a washcloth, it gets into all the nooks and crannies. I buy generic Scrubbin Bubbles, spray in the nooks and crannies, let sit, wipe with washcloth, and then dump a cup of water over it.
THEN>… get some Spray N Wash brand stain remover. Spray your shower (NOT the floor, you’ll slip). After it dries – you won’t have soap scum or bathtub ring for a LONG TIME! And it will be twice as easy to clean.
If your shower head doesn’t reach, then just fill a big cup with water and use that to rinse the side, then dry with a towel.
Also, The Clean Team sells a product that somehow attaches to a shower head, and it lets you spray down the walls. (www.thecleanteam.com) I’ve looked at it in the catalogue, and I’ve thought about it for one of my showers, but I’ve never tried it. I’m not handy AT ALL, but I’m sure my husband could install the thing if I asked him to.
4) I heard you can hold an ice cube on it and once frozen, chip it off.
5) I use a spray bottle of water or a cup to pour water down the wall to rinse.
Okay – if you go to a birdshop – some of them carry little tiny brushes for cleaning out the feeder tubes (and they are pretty cheap – $1). Usually just rinsing really well with hot hot water is all that needs to be done.
Otherwise – if the inside is looking nasty you can use a bit of white Vinegar to soak it – and then just rinse really well.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Nikon D-50. I don’t think you can go wrong with any Nikon, be it a D-40 to a D-80. (depends on how much you want to spend.
And for the gum – try WD-40 (put a cloth underneath and then spray and let it sit for a while. It worked for smooshed in heated crayon, might for gum too). Good luck.
And shower? I just use a big huge cup to splash everywhere. And I’m a bleach freak.
I have a pentax *ist and I love it….
1. Hummingbird feeder twist off the cap and soak in a big tub of very warm water. (You are dissolving the sugar. You could use a little bleach but be sure to let the feeder dry for a while and the bleach to decay.
2. For a point and shoot a Nikon S10 it pivots so you can get things from different angles and has really good accuracy and sharpness. I use a Nikon D200 SLR and love it, but it is not a simple point and shoot. (D40s and D80s are also bigger cameras)
3. My sister MIn has a really good recipe for Buttermilk pie. Ask her.
4. Gum (Freeze the item and then crack the gum off).
5. I’ll defer to al the other good advice on this one. (In fact I’m going to copy it down and try it – I’m a lousy home cleaner.)
Great idea on the shower cleaning. Mine is old tile and really bad, and no amount of scrubbing gets it clean. I have heard that if you apply car wax to the shower AFTER it is clean it will stay that way for several months. I’d like to say I did that, but I don’t think mine has ever been clean! I am going to try the brillo idea, though.
I’m going to have to read your comments as I need to know how to clean the little spout. 🙂
Camera’s – I love my point and shoot Sony H5 (they offer h9’s now) mostly because I can zoom 12x where most p&s’s only let you shoot 3X – the H9 does 15x zoom. And I am really loving my Canon Rebel XTi, but I’ve only had it about a month.
Showers – I use a pitcher to pour water down the sides.
This is weird, but I use dryer sheets to clean my shower. You just get the dryer sheet wet and scrub. I don’t know what’s in it, but it seems to work…Plus it doesn’t get chemical smell everywhere.
I have to admit to being a bit of a bleach fan myself as far as the showers go. But would you believe that the good old fashion ECO Friendly way does work the best.
My mum has been at me for years that the smell does not count but you have to admit Bleach does smell clean. (It also pollutes our waterways and causes all sorts of other nasties, but we wont go there.)
My mum uses BI-CARB Soda or Baking Powder added to water. You can mix it and spray it on the shower if its new and leave for a few minutes and then rinse. Or for nasty stains, make a paste and spread it on then leave for five minutes and scrub off. It actually does work much to my amazement, even when the kids burn stuff to the stove, it works for that too. Vinegar also does the trick but I dont like the smell. Another good one is lemon juice, you can add that to the Bi-carb water to make it smell nice.
5 – buy an E-cloth to clean the shower. They are AMAZING. You only need to wet the cloth and wipe everything down – and it sparkles!
Dunno where you can get them in the States – but here is a link for UK. http://www.e-cloth.com/browse.asp?sid=&viewfrom=0&type=ecloth
Here is a link for the kitchen/bathroom pack: http://www.e-cloth.com/viewproduct.asp?sid=3692508&pid=4&type=ecloth
And they are SO worth the few bucks! If you can’t get one there, lemme know and I’ll send you one specially for your bathroom. Okie dokie;).
OMG – I JUST realised they have a NEW sponge-cloth!! Here is the link. I’m SO buying one.
Shower? Shampoo is the best. And using a squeegee every day really helps too. Add baking soda or baking soda and vinegar if something needs to be scrubbed hard. Bar Keepers Friend doesn’t scratch and is great for scrubbing difficult spots too.(Available at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.) Except for grout, there’s rarely a real need for bleach, and if it is needed occasionally,it should be diluted. Oh and the microfiber cloths from Solutions are amazing.
Thowwy – I meant to say sponge cloth for the BATHROOM (e cloth material)…..
Ok…about the only one I can help with is the camera…first things to consider is what you’ll want to use the camera for, how much do you want to get into it, and how big do you want it to be? I think you are the type of person who would use the camera more than just on occasion, and I do think you would get into it and want options (like changing lenses, playing with the settings and so on) so an SLR would be an option. Like others have said, the Nikon D40x should be a good beginner’s SLR. I use Nikon and haven’t really tried Canon even though I’ve heard good things as well. It depends on your preference! Before you buy, you want to see what feels good in your hands. SLRs are bigger and bulkier than point and shoots (and also cost more, if that is a factor) but you can do more with them. Check them out, get a feel for them. I like Nikon because, to me, it feels more substantial in my hands. And like Robert said, check out bhphotovideo.com. I don’t know if you have a Costco nearby, but here in FL, I did see that they have one of the D40 (not sure if the regular D40 or D40x) on sale with a lens.
Good luck. I can’t wait to see your pics!
If you haven’t already gotten a good buttermilk pie recipe – I have an insanely easy one, that is DIVINE!
After Fun Monday, I took the kids shopping for shoes, and I was going to buy a pair of boots…Well, as I’m scanning the sales racks at Dillards, your pair of the exact Cole Haans in just my size was right in front of me. At 75% OFF, even what I paid for it was more than I’d pay, but I thought, Why not, it’s in my size, and I just saw these on a Fun Monday post, I have to buy them!! Even the sales lady says they are never on sale 🙂
As for gum, I use ice cubes to freeze dry them until they are so hard they just crack right off.
1) No idea but with anything with small crevices a toothbrush has to be part of the solution. Preferably one for cleaning other than your teeth. Your kids or hubby’s is fine.
2)Point and Shoot- I have bought Canon. Very easy to use and great pictures! I have the 5 and 7 megapixels. I am in market for SLR and been researching everything I can find for about 3 months. I have decided on a Nikon D40.
3)no idea but allrecipes.com and yumyum.com are great resources for recipes!
4)I have never tried it on clothes after the dryer but Goo Gone is wonderful for gum, crayons, about anything gummy, sticky or waxy.
5)I swear I’m going to write a testimonial review on this one over at my blog sometime. Easy-Off Bam Stain and Drain. This is the one in the purple bottle and YELLOW cap and is a gel. (There’s a spray with an orange cap) Gets rid of mildew. LET IT SIT!! Only thing to work on old mildew stains!!
I always use those Mr. Clean pads. They work wonders and leave no harsh chemical smells.
I’m not one for cleaning, and my poor hummingbirds scold me for not even filling their feeders, BUT
A camera? About that, I have an opinion.
LOVE LOVE LOVE my Canon Digital Rebel XT. And it’s probably cheaper or more megapixels now, than when I bought it a year ago. Mine’s 8 megapixels, so I can take a pic a long way’s away, crop down to just my kid playing soccer, and blow it up to 8×10 without losing resolution.
Once you go SLR, you’ll never go back. You don’t have to wait for the camera to wake up before it takes the shot. Just hold down the button and it will take pics as long as you want them.
I’d splurge.