My apologies in advance, this little couplet just spilled out of me :). Sadly, I know addiction and that addiction is spelled "caffeine" whether you call it java or a cup of joe or (my personal preference) Dunkin’ Donuts regular. Just give it to me with half and half, sugah and Splenda within half an hour 15 minutes of me waking, and we’ll get along just fine.
Coffee! Now!! (or run like hell!)
Be sure to visit Laura for more "15 Words or Less" poems, and try one yourself. If you make it a game–not taking more than 15 minutes to write something–it really is a fun challenge :).
That was just too cute – and toally appropriate for how my days are. And I can’t participate, b/c I don’t even BREATHE in 15 words or less.
Very clever and funny, I’d still be pondering when it was time to write the next one! I enjoy reading everyone else’s though.
Cute and witty. But since I rarely drink regular ol’ coffee, my top-o’-the-morning couplet would go something like this (with apologies to Robin for stealing her idea and to all others who disdain the idea of chasing their scrambled eggs and toast with a yellow soft drink):
Sunrise reveals the morning dew…drowsiness demands the Mountain kind, too.
I’m laughing ‘cuz I had a stress test yesterday and no coffee until after 10:30.
Boy… was I ever ready for a cup —
That was so cute my addition of choice is tea (drunk the British way – hot with milk) but same sentiment don’t speak to me till I’ve had it
That’s pretty clever 😉 I like it.
But I think I have a slightly different version since my morning caffeine comes in the form of a pill (Vivarin).
The morning bids the night goodbye,
without my pill, I’d like to die
I know, I know… I’m no poet and you certainly know it.
Tiggerlane, I’m afraid my kids would testify to the truth of this (you are just too funny, too) :).
Stephen, ah…a Dew-boy. I can relate. Caffeine is caffeine, no matter how it’s sliced…or drunk. 😉
Pamela, oh, my. Not a pretty sight?
Alix, I need to try that sometime…just to switch things up a bit :).
Hey, Mike, you rhymed…that’s poetry enough pour moi! 🙂
i could do the 15 words or less thing…but with the coffee, it’d be many more than 15 words 😉