Holy toledo, I found a little surprise in my inbox this morning; it came by way of "Phil" THE WEBMASTER FOR PAULA DEEN, Y’ALL!! THE SASSY-SEXY-COOKING DIVA, PAULA DEEN! THE ONE AND ONLY P.A.U.L.A. D.E.E.N. Which makes Phil-the-web-stud, the one and only WEBMASTER OF PAULA DEEN!
Read for yourself; Phil and I are almost BFFs now.
Is anyone having as much (blogging) fun as me this week?
Nothin’ but grins, folks…nothin’ but grins!
I wanna win something. I suck at winning over a Ree’s. Maybe I might have a chance over here;);).
I read Phil’s comment! I think y’all might be BFFs now!
I bought Paula’s magazine today just hopin’ that a little will rub off, you know?
So, does that make me 3° of separation from her? AWESOME.
Okay – you may have got Paula Deen’s webmster but I’m still waiting for my apology from the Miss America judges. tick tick – time’s awasting people.
Now that I know you, and you know him, does that make me famous?
I’m off on my broom soon. Where do I find the Poetic Assignment? I like to do my homework early so that I can play.
Yes, I’m having as much fun as you.
Am I going to have to give you the Swampy Award again to get my face back on your sidebar?
TLG, I’m crossing my fingers for ya.
Sandy, isn’t she the best??
Karmyn, I was corrected–I’m 1° away! That makes you 2!
Swampy, it’s not up yet. Are sonnets too hard? I wanna do sonnets, but I’m concerned after terza rima, poetpeeps might want something (in their minds) easier. It really is a simple rhyming pattern, so..I’m still deciding.
I love that Phil commented, too funny. And yes good things do come to those who wait – thanks. I’m very excited to be a winner despite of my tardiness!
Robin, I’m beside myself with excitement – the Paula Deen might visit your site herself? OMG, OMG, OMG…I know, I’m lame, but OMG, PAULA DEEN!!! I just worship her. Not that you could figure that out. Nope, I’m not that transparent.
wud really luv this..thanx for the generous giveaway
I have had the pleasure of cruising with the Dean family last October. We had such a wonderful time with all of them and Uncle Bubba. We got to know each other really well due to my hubby and I like to gamble just as much as they do. Paula and I are definitley slot sluts. Had such a great time last year that we are going with them again this year to Alaska. Counting down the days and hours.
I wanna win!!
My Daughter is expecting her first baby, in the hopes of the baby knowing his Mommy’s voice, my Daughter told me he’s gonna come out looking for Paula Deen and a stick of butter, from hearing her voice the most. She figures he’ll have a southern accent’ too!