Or, this post could’ve been alternately entitled:
— I’m so excited, that I just can’t hide it, I’m about to lose control and I think I like it!
— Be there or be square (it really should read "Be here or be square", but that doesn’t rhyme, and "Be here or be queer" just ain’t right, so let’s just go with what we’re all familiar with and that we understand, even if it’s not "just right", k?).
— The big tease
— Fun & games & PENSIEVE prizes, too?!
Can you FEEL my giddiness? You should…:)
‘Curiouser and curiouser’ cried Alice~ so I’ll have to come back tomorrow!!
You’re gettin’ to be as big a tease as Ree! Will keep checking back, though!
I can feel your giddiness; it is leaping off the screen! I’ll be back to see what’s happening.
Robin, I’m going to have a headache tomorrow…just tell me now.
I have a headache now, so just tell us.
Will be posting a very special little something that I had waiting for me when I came home Sunday.
Oh my. What a special little surprise.
There will be an appropriate, official thank you posted later in the week.
Also, I’m looking at what came out of my garage and wondering where I’ll find a box big enough to ship it.
I haven’t forgotten.
Well, you do seem a little excited! Have you had too much sugar today?
Hi…thanks so much for stopping by, because it was so fun stopping here in return! 🙂
I enjoyed reading your Marriage Monday post just now…wonderful truths there!
So great to meet you…I have you bookmarked now! 🙂
ARe you pregnant? 🙂 🙂
You set the stakes pretty high there!
You should tell me now, because I am a day ahead already so it IS tomorrow here!
Chris, Alice? Who’s Alice?? I’m R.O.B.I.N.! 🙂
Sandy, Hmmm, I’ll take a comparison to Ree, no matter what it is…I love the (pioneer) woman!
Alix, now I’m scared it’s gonna be a letdown :/.
Min, take two aspirin, I’ll call ya in the mornin’.
Swampy, I can’t catch up, either :/…no worries, sunshine!
Karisma, probably :/.
Tammy, thank you!!
Margaret, *&%# NO!!!!
Kila, see Alix’s reply :/…
T.O.B., if the post was daggum finished, I might!
hmmm…how can i resist a buildup like this?
you should be like me, and post tomorrow’s posting tonight! then we wouldn’t have to wait.
People like you are just so mean. Just spill it! 🙂