On day four of the Great Bloggy Give-away, I’m going cerebral on ya (well, if you choose John Piper, I am). I’m also probably revealing more about myself than I really want you to know…these books span the gamut, huh? Piper and Picoult? Omartian and Grisham?? I guess Patterson and Sparks aren’t so polar.
Anyhow, all you have to do to win a book is leave a comment with the title you’d like to have. I’ll choose three winners after 2/3/08.
If you’ve missed my previous give-aways, you can comment until the 3rd to still be eligible to win. As always, THANKS for visiting!
Monday’s giveaway ~ Stampin’ Up Notecards
Tuesday’s giveaway ~ Silver purse/shoe charm bracelet
Wednesday’s giveaway ~ Set of 3 pink, heart-shaped soaps
I would pick The Five People You Meet in Heaven, I haven’t read this yet. Thanks for the contest.
I think I’d like to try a Piper book, just to get my brain pumping.
I’d choose Future Grace (am I reading that right? my eyes are old) by John Piper. Haven’t read any of his books but I’ve heard of him. I think it’s a given….people who like books, blog. Thanks!
Hi- can you enter me in the contest too? I would love the Nicholas Sparks book: The Wedding.
I’d go with the “Five People You Would Meet In Heaven.” It sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for the opportunity!
Nicholas Sparks The Notebook, I LOVE the movie and haven’t read the book yet
I would like the wedding or the notebook! Thanks
I’d pick the Piper book – what Jesus Demands from the world. Reading Desiring God totally changed my life. Thanks!
I’d love to read the John Grisham – I can’t see the full title, but I can see enough that I know it’s one I haven’t read!
Would love Francine Rivers! Thanks for hosting this!
I’d love a chance to win either the Grisham or one of the Picoults.
Great giveaway Robin (from the not Pensieve one)
Picoult or Sparks!
If I win it, I will read it, whatever it is! I’d like one by Picoult, someone recommended that author to me recently.
I would go for Grisham!! Thanks 🙂
I love book by Jodi Picoult. She’s an incredible author, and every single time I finish one of her books I am moved. They are great books!
What Jesus Demands from the World
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by John Piper!!! My husband and I have had our eyes set on it, thanks for the great giveaway!
JOYfully in Him,
I have never read a Jodi Picoult book and have been meaning to try one. Thanks!
I would love a Piccoult book. I have never read from this author and would love to have another author to love. Seeing as I have read most of the other books in your artistically styled pile, I’m sure that I’d love this author as well.
Sam’s Letter to Jennifer, please. 🙂
Great Giveaway! I would pick Future Grace by John Piper!
Too, too cool! I loved looking around your blog. Thank you for your great offer!
Five People You Meet In Heaven. I want to read that!
I think I would like the John Grisham novel. The only one I saw listed in your stack was The Innocent Man, which is one I haven’t read yet. Thanks for hosting a last-minute giveaway, especially now that Shannon is preparing to close it down to new submissions (but of course people will still be able to enter). I needed my last-minute fix of furious entering to get me by until the winners start to be chosen. I can’t wait!
The Wedding~ Nicholas Sparks!
dansan826 at yahoo.com
I would LOVE either of the James Patterson books…I am a big fan of his! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!
I’d like Unveiled, by Francine Rivers.
i would like to read the notebook. is that the same as the movie? if it is, i cried like a baby and probably will reading the book, as well! thanks for the giveaway!
Piper or Grisham, please.
Hi, Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood sounds like an interesting read, I’ll take that one.
The notebook is lovely. Any would be appreciated. Thank you for you having such a generous giveaway! I would LOVE to win a book!
My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.
Thanks again!
Hello, Thanks for the fun contest! Please enter me in a drawing for the book, “Because of Winn Dixie!” Thanks,Cindi
The Truth Circle by Jodi Picoult. One of hers I haven’t read.
What a GREAT giveaway!! I would love to have Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by Piper and Grudem! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Definitely “Future Grace” by John Piper!
Ok girlie girl – I am impressed by the book choices here. James Patterson a great one. Actually “Sam’s Letters to Jennifer” was one of my favorite!!! The Nicholas Diaries one is a great one too – plan to stay in one place and read all of it…no really it’s that good. I also love the Piper and Grudem – great thinkers. Anyways, don’t send me one, just wanted to say great choices…hope people enjoy the surcies.
Anything by Jodi Picoult!!
The only one I’ve read or heard of is Because of Winn Dixie so any of the others would be fine!
Super giveaway. I’d like Sam’s letters to Jennifer by James Patterson if I’m lucky enough to win.
I love any book by the Piper’s. That excites me.
I’d like to read any of Nicholas Sparks’ books. I’ve heard good things about him!
Biblical Manhood/Womanhood! Although Francine Rivers is calling my name…
elisarosehilliard at gmail dot com
Definantly the Innocent Man, I haven’t read it yet but I want to since it is about a town near where I live.
The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks..I’ve been wanting to read that! Thanks for a great giveaway, and please enter me!
I’d like to win Future Grace, by John Piper.
Thanks for the chance.
the prayer that changes everything.
what a great idea this is. my g/friends and i always write the date and what we thought of the book and then pass it on.
i have read the nicholas sparks books, they never dissapoint!
I’d pick Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by Piper and Grudem. Thanks!
I have never read a Picoult book, although I keep meaning to, so either of hers would be lovely. Thanks.
OOH, I pick The Tenth Circle by Picoult please.
By the way, stop by, I have a giveaway too! 😉
The Piper book- or if you are out of those, the Grisham book ….. 🙂
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (or the other Piper book). Thank you!
Hmmm…I have most of Piper and love all his books but not Future Grace so I’d have to pick that one. If not, probably Jodi Picoult – she lives near me and I’ve read a couple of her books and thoroughly enjoyed them.
Um, can I pick two then you let surprise me? I’m thinking Patterson’s Suzanne’s Diary. . . or Sam’s Letters. . .
It seems I have read one of them but I can’t remember. I dunno. I’m a horrible choice maker. 🙂
How about “Future Grace”?
one of the jodi picaults!!
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
I would love to try Jodi Picoult as I haven’t read her yet.
Thanks as always 🙂
I can’t read the title, but whatever it is by Michael Card, I’ll take it! Thanks Robin. You’re the best!
(Don’t you just love bloggy giveaways?)
I pick the Piper book! Think I’ve read the rest. Thanks!
The five people you meet in heaven. I’ve heard about it and have wanted to read it. THanks Robin –
I would like to read any of the Jodi Picoult books 🙂 What a neat giveaway!
Jodi Picoult.. always like her stuff.
Count me in please.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I’m giving away. Don’t miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.
Laura @ Laura Williams’ Musings
email is in my profile or you can contact me via the contact form on my blog.
I would love to read ‘Future Grace’ by John Piper. Thank you for the chance to win these!
I would love one of the Piper books…he’s my all time favorite!
ooohhh…. jody picoult!! 10th circle would be awesome!
what jesus demands from the world or recovering biblical man/womanhood
GREAT giveaway! I hope I’m the lucky winner 🙂
I would love the Piper book! I visited his church in October, but he was out of town that weekend. Thanks so much!
I’d love any Jody Picoult book!
I’d pick the book on biblical manhood and womanhood.
Jody Picoult is my choice. I’ve only read Harvesting Heart so you can choose the title. Thanks so much.
You are so speaking my language! I’d say Grisham or Picoult’s Vanishing Act and let you send me the one that you liked better.
Great collection of books,Robin! Just by coincidence, I listed The Notebook as one of my favorite Romantic tales. I would love to win this one.
Thanks for your generous giveaway!
I would love to read any of the books by Jodi Picoult. I have been wanting to try her but haven’t managed to get ahold of one of her books yet. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would pick Jodi Picoult Vanishing Acts. I enjoy her stories. Thanks!
“Future Grace” by John Piper
I would love The Prayer That Changes Everything by Stormie Omartian
What Jesus Demands from the World.
anything john grisham would be great!
The Tenth Circle.
I’d love Recovering Biblical Manhood
I’d love Piper. Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com
Future Grace by John Piper, thanks for offering…grace
I’d pick What Jesus Demands of the World by John Piper. Thanks for entering me!!
i would choose future grace. thanks 🙂
I’d like to read any of Nicholas Sparks’ books
Any of the books would be great
The books all look good, however I’d be most interested in Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
I love books, and the authors you have listed are among my faves. I’ll take whatever you want to send!
Can I give it some thought and telllyou if I win. So many good ones to choose from!Hope I win! Cool!!! Thanks!
I’d love Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
Recovering Biblical manhood and womanhood…
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hmmm….The 5 People You Meet in Heaven, or if that one’s taken, then Future Grace. Third choice would be either of the Jodi P. books…
I’d like to win “Vanishing Act”. Thanks!
Anything James Patterson, I really like his books, thanks for the giveaway!
I would love the notebook! Thanks
Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood. Thanks!
I love Francine Rivers! Thanks!
How neat to find some Piper books. I would like “What Jesus demands of the world.” That is one Piper book I DON’T have. 🙂
Thanks for providing the giveaway and entering me.
Any of the John Piper books would be very nice! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would choose Francine Rivers – I am a big fan of hers. Thanks for the giveaway!
i would love the piper book – i’m reading “a hunger for God” right now by him and it is wonderful – he’s so deep!
A Piper book for me…I need more brain cells!!
The Wedding by Nicolas Sparks! I read the Notebook and loved it! One of my favorite movies, also! And…I know The Wedding is the sequel…I need to read this book!
Mitch Albom. I have always wanted to read this book!
one of the Picolt books would be great. Which is the better of the two
I would love to read Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. So if I win send that my way!
You’ve got some good books there!
Picoult, the Tenth Circle! Thanks for the contest!
OHHH, books! I think I would pick Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. That sounds like a must read. Thanks for the chance to win.
Can you believe I’ve never read anything by Piper?? Would you help me out here? 🙂 The title that caught my eye is “Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.” That is a subject I’m interested in. Thank you!
I’d choose The Tenth Circle – I love Picoult. Thanks for the giveaway!
Vanishing Acts for me ~ I love Picoult! :o)
I would love to win any Grisham novel. Thanks for the chance!
have been wanting to read Future Grace. Would love to win!
I would pick stormie or jodi both excellent
Future Grace by John Piper. Thanks!
I’d love to win the Piper book. 🙂
any would be fine 🙂 i love to read.
I would love to read “What Jesus demands from the world” by Piper.
The ones I haven’t read are by Picoult and Piper. Great giveaway.
Jodi Picoult – Vanishing Act (I’ve read 10th circle). Thanks and please visit mine, too!
Do I have to pick now? I see several that I’d like. Sure would like to win. Thanks!
I would like something Christian and fiction from that stack, that is a novel or first book. I wasn’t familiar with the books on your list, but I was familiar with the authors. 🙂
Great giveaway, thank you!
The Tenth Circle! I love Picoult, and have heard great things about this one!
I have it narrowed to James Patterson, but if I win, could you tell me the titles before I decide? Enter me, please. ernestsgirl82@aol.com
the Tenth Circle!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d love to win The Innocent Man by John Grisham. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
I love grisham but guess i’ve not read the Innocent Man. I also like Sparks. Cool thing about Grisham. In college I lived with a family from my church. They were probably the only people in the neighbor hood that didn’t have a fence between them and their back door neighbors. They were such good friends, they put up side fences and didn’t bother with back ones. Anyway the back door neighbors were awesome and it was fun to sit in their back yard and chat while she gardened. She had a great life. Anyway her sister’s son is John Grisham. I always though that was so awesome since I was a fan. Thanks for offering.
I would love any of them except Winn-Dixie and Grisham because I’ve already read those. Most of the others are on my list of books to read so this would work out great. Thank you! This is a great pile of books. 🙂
I would like The Notebook. I wish my dad could have had as sweet an end to his life as the woman in the book.
I love Grisham books! Pick me!
Oooh, Tenth Circle… PLEASE!!
I love good books, don’t you? Thanks!
I’d like to read the book by Jodi Picoult. I’m unable to read what the title is.
The Notebook! I heart that story, it made me cry but so beautiful.
I would choose Unveiled. Thanks for playing!
I’ve been curious about Jodi Picoult – any of those would be great!
Count me in. I’d love to read The Wedding.
Thank you.
I would like whatever Patterson book came out first. I am trying to read his books from beg to end even if they aren’t a series 🙂
I would take the Francine Rivers’ book. I love her stuff but haven’t read that particular series. caivanofamily[at]earthlink[dot]net
I might have to go with the Rivers book….I have all of those Piper books, or I would have gotten one of his!
I would pick “Five People you meet in Heaven. Please count me in! Thanks! ~ 🙂
Either James Patterson or Grisham. Doesn’t matter. Thanks for making this offer to us. If I win, please contact me at dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
Jodi Picoult.
All the books like great…I’d probably go with The Tenth Circle if I had to choose.
Any of the books by Piper. I haven’t read any yet and would love the brain challenge. 🙂
Hmm. James Patterson, I’m thinking!
I’d love to read any of the Jodi Picoult books because I’ve never read any of them. Pick me!
I would love to read anything by Patterson or Piccoult because I have not read anything by them yet! I love Grisham and Sparks but have read those books before! Thanks!
I’d like the O’matian book!
Nicholas Sparks’ The Wedding. I’m becoming more familiar with his work. Thanks!
Definitely “The Innocent Man” by John Grisham because I’ve read almost everything else! I’d love to win, so please count me in! Thanks for the chance. Have a great Friday!
Jennifer 🙂
I think Jodi Picoult I haven’t read either of those so I will say ‘The tenth circle’
I’d like to try a Picoult book. Thanks
Jodi Picoult’s Vanishing Acts
I think I’d like The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks.
Definitely Unveiled by Francine Rivers. I love her stuff! mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.
I’m torn between Piper and Picoult!!!!
I’d go for The Wedding or Vanishing Acts
I would love a James Patterson book.
Either of the Nicholas Sparks books for me!
I’d say Because of Winn-Dixie. Nice giveaway, I can always use more books!
a book giveaway is always a good thing!
God bless~
I love books. Picoult or Sparks!
How nice! I would love to read What Jesus Demands From the World, thanks!
I am a reader! Picoult
Love Patterson and would like to try Sparks!!
Great giveaway, count me in for Because of Winn Dixie.
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks — Everyone keeps talking about this book and I have yet to read it — though I have read Mr. Sparks before. Thanks for counting my in this cerebral giveaway.
Either of the Jodi Picoult books would be great. I have not read either of them yet.
Because of Winn Dixie…I think my kids would love that one!!
Wow, some great choices here! I am a big fan of John Piper, James Patterson, and Jodi Picoult, and don’t have any of these books, so it is hard to narrow down. BUT, I am going to go with… Vanishing Acts! Thanks:)
Future Grace by John Piper would be nice. 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
Any book would be great, I love reading. Surprise me.
taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com
Generous giveaway! Truly tnks!
I would choose, “Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womenhood”, “What Jesus demands from the World” and “Prayer that changes everything”. Thanks!
I would accept Sparks, should you kindly choose me.
I would love to win The Notebook. THanks for the chance!
I haven’t read any Jodi Picoult books and everyone is raving about it so I’m curious. I would love to win any of her books!
The Five People You Meet in Heaven 🙂
I’ve heard The Tenth Circle is wonderful!
I would love “Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood”!
I would love to win the Piper book Future Grace. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to be entered in your giveaway! 🙂 Anything by Grisham and I mean anything…:) Thank You. 🙂
Robin, I would love to have Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by Piper and Grudem. I’ve heard good things about the book and have wanted to read it for a while. I’m sure it makes for a great group study too.
The Nicholas Sparks book, I think. thanks for the giveaway!!
would love to win 😉
Count me in!
Hi Robin,
I want to play. I would like to have The Majestic Tapestry. I’ve been hearing alot about the internet monk and think it would be an interesting read. Otherwise, anything will do.
The other other other robin
Parable of Joy or the Majestic Tapestry please. Thanks for the chance.