Well, now…apparently the Blogthings masterminds have taken residence inside my head.  While I’m not a flip-flop girl per se, I live in my Birks as soon as weather permits. 

You Are Flip Flops

You are laid back and very friendly.
Cheery and sunny in disposition, you usually have something to smile about.

Style is important to you, as long as you can stay casual.  It takes a lot to get you to dress up!

You are a loyal and true person, though you can be a bit of a flake.  You tend to "play hooky" and blow off responsibilities a lot more than most people.

You should live:  By the beach

You should work: At a casual up and coming company

I couldn’t agree more.  I want to  NEED TO s h o u l d live by the beach!!!

HT:  Karisma

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