Wow, I just noticed my Typepad Pensieve blog is nearing the 10,000th comment (I wonder what it’d be if I rolled my Blogger blog into the count….). Let’s make it FUN! Old timers, newbies, lurkers–give me your best shout out…your most imaginative comment EVAH! Blow air up my skirt like there’s no tomorrow! Tell me what you LOVE about Robin’s PENSIEVE! Tell me what you loathe about Robin’s PENSIEVE. Ask Robin why she started speaking in first person!!
Ask me questions…tell me lies…just COMMENT LIKE A $500 Amazon gift card is on the line. ‘Cause it might be (which also means it might NOT be)…ya just never know.
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In other news that really doesn’t matter, MICHAEL JOHNS IS OUT??? Guess I should be voting, it daggum wasn’t his time :(. His "Bohemian Rhapsody" early on and "We Will Rock You/We are the Champions" made me a believer.
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Thomas: "Girls are stupid…!"
Me, amused: "Oh, yeah?"
Thomas: "Why do they have to be so complicated?
Bueller? Anyone??
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It’s not too late to join Project Yellow…you’ll be amazed and mystified at all the pieces of sunshine right under your nose :). It provided me the impetus behind some amazing pictures (I still can’t believe I was the one on the other side of the lens 🙂 ).
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Do you already know my middle name? Could someone please tell Bobby Sherman it’s his fault? And did you see this on youtube? Cause if you didn’t, you really missed the most hilarious satire known to man most unbelievable news story of the decade.
Ok…I’ve given you enough comment fodder for now…click the links, leave me some lovin’, here or "there" :).
10,000 B.C. (brilliant comments, not the movie)–I can feel you heading this way!!
Is this a contest to see who has the best comments? If I compliment you on how well you look in your photo on your sidebar, do I get a second prize? Just kidding.
I always enjoy your posts and your honest words and your poetry. But me on the other hand, can barely compose a decent comment.
Anyway, congrats on getting 10,000 comments!
In my best whine, I am lamenting the fact that you just spoiled AI for me tonight! You forgot about those of us out west who have to wait three hours longer than you! I generally avoid any sites that will give it away. I didn’t think you would post a spoiler w/out warning anyone!
For shame! For shame!
Okay…since you asked, you’re forgiven. I just needed something to whine about.
Thanks for being so agreeable and providing me with whine fodder!
Have a great evening! Oh, and be sure and wear shorts under your skirt so no one sees your undies!
Lets just see what I can come up with today! =) How many explanation points I can put in one commnet!!!!
Wow, I just found myself speechless and that NEVER happens!!! Why did you go and put me on the spot like this?!?!?!
Here is a question for you?
What tv shows do you watch? I find myself watching reality tv…it’s like watching a train wreck and you just can’t take your eyes off it??
Here is some “COWBOY TALK” for ya!
“She’s like a turkey gobbler in a hen pen” – She’s Proud!!!! =)
Here is some “Free Advice”
“Never go to a docot whose office plants have died” – Erma Bombeck
Here are some “Looney Laws” for ya!
It’s illegal to sleep with your boots on in Tulsa, Ok!!!! In Alabama, it’s illegal to play dominoes on Sunday!!!!
Well, that’s all folks…it’s bed time..just in case you needed to know that!!!
Robin, I’m not going to be able to come up with anything super creative;)
But I love reading your blog because YOU are so genuine. I know that you care about people and you have shown it with comments and emails.
You are a very special person.
**and if that helps me win, so be it;) haha
Aw, I was disappointed to see Michael leave this soon. I didn’t really expect him to win, but maybe final 4 or 5. I think people probably didn’t realize he was in danger of not getting enough votes (not that I ever vote).
10,000? WOOHOO = You should probably thank Min and Steve for pushing you up to that number!!! I’m sure they both had a hand in it.
I’ll be back to comment later.
Did I win?
I put AnodeMan in the box to send him to Sri Lanka, but didn’t have enough postage. He should be on your doorstep sometime within the next 24 hours. He likes ice cream.
I will have to come back tomorrow to blow hot air everywhere…until then, I’m off to Hai-Choo !
OK, I did a Mister Linky…Do you have this? I totally need help with it..can you make sure it looks right? Thanks for the idea for that…
well, I think you are just fabulous and I love your profile picture and the picture in your sidebar cracks me up.
so why do you blog?
why did you start?
what is your favourite thing about blogging?
First things first! Many congratulations on your nearly 10,000th post. Quite an accomplishment if I do say so myself!!!!!
A delightful place
to pause and reflect on life
to laugh and to cry
Again, way to go and here’s to another 10,000 posts…..Cindi
You are bringing me out of my commenting slump for this….hmmm.
Congrats on nearly 10,000 comments!
You must be big time these days if you are giving away $500 Amazon gift cards – Congrats on that too!
10,000 comments Wow.
You bring me joy
And sometimes sorrow
But I always eagerly await tomorrow
Now you know why I don’t enter your poetic license challenge!
I’ve got my books and CDs already picked out.
Why does the American Idol site list Michael Johns’ hometown as Buckhead GA when it’s actually Perth WA?
That was a shocker. I didn’t see it coming. I thought Carly or Syesha.
I think that shockers like this are what makes AI still fun, though.
I hope you get a go-gillion comments. (That’s a 1 with go-gillion zeros after it)
Mostly I lurk, but for a stupendous monumental occasion such as this, I will post. You inspire me to blog, however not so much that I do, yet….
What I love about Robin’s Pensieve: You’re good at making what’s going on inside your world come totally alive on the page. Your vocabulary is fabulous! We see more of Robin!!
What I loathe about Robin’s Pensieve: Still thinking…
I would ask why you started blogging/writing in the first place but, it’s obvious to me.
Question: Why do you think your blogs have been so successful?
Tell you lies? Okay. Your blog sucks!
Comment like a $500.00 Amazon gift card is on the line…okaaayyy…uhhh…this has been so much fun, my experience with reading your posts, and it IS AN EXPERIENCE!! Keep doing what ya’ do girlie!! Apparently, you’ve got what it takes, and that my dear, is NO LIE!!
I emailed you my haikus because I was afraid I’d already be headed out of town. Did you get them? I’m still here, but I will be leaving out tonight. Talk to you and see ya soon hopefully!
Oh goodness. I am so not brilliant. I just love you, my kindred.
Only God could set up such a thing. 😉
has Thomas heard of these little things called hormones?
Robin! I love that I can’t read your blog without smiling. You’re a little ray of sunshine. 🙂 Congrats on 10000 comments!
OK, nobody entered the name of the movie!! It was the ditzy contestant answering what would be her perfect date in:
Miss Congeniality with Sandra Bullock!!!!!
I enjoy you blog because I can almost always be assured of a smile…never sure what will bring it, but alas, always a smile!
I enjoy your blog because I can almost always be assured of a smile…never sure what will bring it, but alas, always a smile!
Oh, rats! I tried to stop it before the typo went through, now everyone knows what a dunce I am…oh, well, maybe one of the three will win that $500!
A new lurker…I’m quite impressed with those numbers.I’m a baby blogger and that is must mind blowing to me. Congrats!
OOps..Just mind blowing.
(I really need to remember to preview before I comment on a new blog!)
I couldn’t believe Michael was out either. I didn’t expect him to win, either, but I thought he’d last a little longer than he did.
Also, I don’t vote either. I’m just along for the ride.
10,000 comments? That’s awesome!
And by the way, I would never lie to you. It’s not ladylike. =P
I’ll leave the blowing air up your skirt to WT. Something tells me he might be the guy for that job. 10,000 comments is da bomb. My kids tell me no one talks like that any more but I tell them to be quiet because in my bubble world ‘da bomb’ never goes out of style. Just like you :o)
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Hula loves Robin
’cause her poems are true
What I love about Robin’s Pensieve? That it is full of her light which helps illuminate mine.
Thank you.
Hi, I found you through Ginny’s and enjoyed reading about your middle name. You have a very nice blog.
Peace, love and Bobby Sherman!!
How fun! I don’t always have the time and/or energy to participate in PPL or to comment on posts, but I read each and every one. It’s always a pleasure, and I think that you have a great handle on what the guts of your blog is really all about. An’ missy, I shore do like yor guts!
Jubilee on Earth
I was stunned that Michael went home this week! The one week I didn’t vote & that sweet Aussie accent went home. I’ll have to be back on the phones next week. 🙂
Why do I like reading you?
You look at the world in a unique way.
You write so well, I love the way you use words – it’s inspiring.
You are ALWAYS so positive.
Even when your writing about something I don’t believe/understand/have experience of, you make it come alive for me.
And I love that you made up a middle name for yourself – very very cool.
I just found you but I hope to contribute to the next 10,000 comments!!