Main Entry: mom·ne·sia
- Pronunciation: \?mäm-?n?-zh?\, ?m?m-?n?-zh?\
- Function: noun
- Etymology: New Latin, from Greek amn?sia forgetfulness, alteration of amn?stia
- Date: 2008
1: loss of memory after giving birth but may begin during pregnancy
2: a gap in one’s memory
that increases with each subsequent delivery
3: phenomena also present with adopted children 4: the selective overlooking or ignoring of events or acts that are not favorable or useful to one’s purpose or position (i.e., "Oh, no! I forgot to take anything out of the freezer for dinner, so I guess we’ll have to go OUT!"
— mom·ne·si·ac \-zh?-?ak, -z?-\ or mom·ne·sic \-zik, -sik\ adjective or noun
** Coined OWNED by Robin @ PENSIEVE even if other wannabes might’ve said it first.
** Thanks and love to my BFF Stephanie, who, as a co-momnesiac, diagnosed my malady Wednesday night and helped make sense of a mad, mad, mad, mad world!
I came over to tell you something, but…now I forget. Guess I’m suffering from Momnesia !
Oh, if you send me puppies, kittens…whatever, house-broken or not, I shall swoop over your head and douse you with a dose of what I look like today. And you’ve seen that, so prepare.
Now, if I could only get my leg hiked over this broom…
Finally, a name for my malady.
PS. Who are you?
I love the pic with all the crazy colors! Tooooooo CUTE!
Is that why pregnant women do stupid things with their cars? Like drive over dirt berms and get them stuck in the mud (at the piano teachers house or all places)? Or – hit the gas instead of the break and drive up over the curb? Or trip and fall – and instead of falling onto the pavement run into the side of the van and almost knock themselves out?
I have momnesia.
Thought you might get a kick out of the CNET video re: rickroll!
Perhaps your momnesia can be blamed on the rickroll!
Thought you might get a kick out of the CNET video re: rickroll!
Perhaps your momnesia can be blamed on the rickroll!
Here’s the link:
Oh good. At least I now know that my malady has a name.
Swampy, feelin’ better yet?
Jenny, The Artist Currently Known as Pensieve
Jeannie, cool, yes?
Karmyn, you need to start wearing a helmet and protective gear. And be sure to take a picture! 🙂
Marsha, thanks for the link–I’ll check it out :).
Jules, it helps, doesn’t it? 🙂
I was going to say something.
*pauses to recapture thought process*
Nope. I got nothing.
Oh i have never heard that before interesting:)
I guess I’ve got it real bad then with 4 bios and 2 steps. 🙂 How ’bout grandkids, can I count them too?
I like the green photo 😉
Forgot what else I was going to say.
Very cool Ms. Robin!
Listen, I think you were the winner of my L’Oreal Bare Naturale Foundation Giveaway but I have not heard from you. Email me so I can get your info and send it to you! ;D
Alyson @ 3 P’s in aPod
TLG, was that a pregnant pause?
Kelsey, well, then…I’m glad to be of service.
Lisa, Oh no oh no oh NO! It doesn’t end!
Alyson, WAHOOO!!! THANK YOU!!! 🙂
Grandmas just get Grand – Momnesia….
Not to take away from your fun, creative, and clever post, but I wanna know how you made that picture. Do tell, do tell!
Dang, woman!! Momnesia. Totally. I. AM. THERE!!