Wanna win a trip to New York City?

Wanna win an all-expenses paid trip to New York City valued around $4,500?!

Wanna win an all-expenses paid trip to New York City valued around $4,500, including round-trip airfair, three days and two nights in one of
Manhattan’s finest hotels, a personal meet and greet with one of my close, personal friends* who happens to be The Diva of Dish???

Well, then, what in the world are you waiting for?!  CLICK THIS TO ENTER!!

And with that, ladies and gentlemen, I just decreased my own chances of winning.

S i g h…

Sometimes it ain’t about me at all ;).

P.S.  If you win, will you take me???  Please?

P.P.S.  Hey y’all…nevah mind what I had as the previous PPS–THANKS WITH ALL MY HEART TO ALL OF YOU who so kindly and thoughtfully entered either "Robin at PENSIEVE" or my URL in the referral blank for the "How’d you hear about the contest?" blank.  That blows all kinds of air up my skirt while simultaneously giving me the warm fuzzies, and lemme tell ya…not much feels bettah than THAT! 🙂

* "close, personal friend" perhaps better described as "imaginary close, personal friend" ;).

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