"Live-blogging" inadvertantly turned into the never-ending, never-concluded what the heck is up with that?? post.
Unintentional…yesterday’s classes required more "up time" from me than "down" (as the day’s previous had allowed). It was relatively uneventful from start to finish, minus an incident with green Sharpie markers, body art, and an unwilling muse, and a stick tied with a piece of string on the end with a screw attached to it ("My mom said I HAD to bring that home", said after I had thrown it in the trash once after it was swung overhead lasso style….)
The punch line of my last class Tuesday which COULD go on and on if I was story-tellin’ again involved late students, a trip to the nurse and a dead bird.
The end.
With a few more words you may have written a novel!
I’m sorry. I don’t know why I just did that.
Can’t fight these urges.
Welcome to my world. There is never a dull moment, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Again, thanks for standing in the gap.
I use to LOVE it when we had suns in school!!!! lol =)
Seems like you could just get away with more!!! HE HE HE
Huh? I don’t know about the others, but I LIKE the story telling.
You can’t string the words, “trip to the nurse” and “dead bird” without EXPLANATION.
Karisma, it never occurred to me I was “that” close!
Jenny, Mark my words. I will NEVER write “first” on someone’s comment thread. Never.
Kim, I LOVED your comment on the other post–I could FEEL your heart in it. Thanks for what YOU’RE doing to shape hearts and minds!!
Jeannie, I had to read your comment a few times (in email) before I “got” it (duh)…typos can throw me for a loop. And YOU, my dear, is why my two days were a little bit challenging !!! 😉
Claudia, I **heart** you!
Karmyn, but isn’t that what I just did??