~Max Eastman
The shortest distance between two people
is a smile.
If you smile at someone, they might smile back.
Smiling is my favorite exercise.
People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile.
~Lee Mildon
The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief.
~William Shakespeare, Othello
A smile confuses an approaching frown.
Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love,
a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.
~Mother Teresa
A laugh is a smile that bursts.
~Mary H. Waldrip
Know anyone who can do somethin' about that?
They're tearing up the internets–check out their posts, too :).
Thanks to Quote Garden for all the "smile" quotes; unknown unless attributed.
Gorgeous photographs…..I am so glad to see your face, finally! You look blessed :-D, and I’ll bet that you are.
I LOVE THIS POST!! In the midst of poverty you can find some of the best smiles on the planet!
What a beautiful post! Praying for you sweet Robin!
Your pictures are worth more than 1,000, no thousands, of words!!!
Absolutely beautiful pictures. Thinking of you.
I love all the beautiful smiles! This is reminding me of my trip last year to Dominican Republic to visit and work at a Mission of Mercy project. It definitely changes your perspective.
So beautiful! And you are so right–smiles make all the difference!
Thinking of you on this trip.
Great pics! Great smiles!
something about the sweet eyes of a child..yes?? 🙂
Made me smile!
Still praying & thinking about you guys!
wow. just wow.
i love these photos and quotes. came over from anne’s. glad you guys are doing well.
So lovely. You’re awesome!
God paints with smiles. Thanks for capturing some of His best work for the rest of us to enjoy.
Erin, Have you seen our Flickr group? Keely’s an amazing photographer, but
so are so many on our trip. My face? It’s melting by 9:30 every
day…heatwave in Kolkata, lol, a 30-year high. Sounds about right for me,
huh? (love you)
Thanks, Steve! Their smiles even illumine daylight :).
Thank you, Melissa!! (p.s. No goose sightings, still. Thank you, Lord 😉
Permanently, I imagine….:)
I’m thankful for every thought!!! 🙂
We NEED those prayers….NEED ‘EM!!! (thank you!) 🙂
Thanks for popping in, Sarah :). So glad to meet friends of friends!
Amazing! Miss you like crazy, but so proud of you! Blessings!
love these photos and the quotes.
You are glowing in that photo. And not from the heat ;0)
love you and praying for you!
The most beautiful smiles!!
Praying for you!
Thank you for brightening my evening from the other side of the world!
Praying for you & everyone on the team!
Wow – a powerful post in all its simplicity!
Keely IS a great photographer. The pictures tell the story.
Awesome pics! Yours? Daily you’re in my prayers.
I’m also following Melissa (is she just like her Mom?) and Flowerdust. (((Hugs)))
I just took the time and read through everyone’s stories of the trip. Beautiful photos and heart-warming (and breaking) stories.
I am “this close” to sponsoring a child…am going to talk to Dave tonight. We already sponsor a child in Africa, but what the heck – India has a severe need as well.
It’s amazing the beauty of a smile.
Thank you for sharing these fabulous photos.
i set the last pic as my
desktop background; hope
that is cool. 🙂
just set the last image as my
desktop background image;
hope that is cool! 🙂
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