The beauty of Good Friday is that it doesn't end there; yes, Jesus was crucified and buried, but in that sacrificial act he brought hope and forgiveness and redemption and promise to those who would follow him. He brought life as he conquered death through his resurrection.
Today, mindful of all I've been given through the hope I have in Christ, all the blessings I enjoy, I'm celebrating by giving to others…others in need. Might you consider joining me? Here's what I'm supporting today, but I'd love to know if you are involved with other causes worthy of mention (please share in comments!).
Please note: this isn't just an encouragement to my blogging friends–anyone can support these opportunities!
10 on 10
The Mother Letter project is encouraging support of Compassion International's Malaria Intervention Fund. Malaria kills one million people every year and yet it's preventable. For every $10 your donate ("10 on 10"– $10 on April 10th), a mosquito net can be purchased to protect children from infectious bites. Check out their site for additional information, and should you decide to give PLEASE comment to The Mother Letter Project site so they can track giving. They're hoping to generate at least $1000 in contributions; in so doing, 100 children will gain life-saving protection.
If you're on Twitter, follow #10on10 for the 10on10 Twitterthon!
For Maddie
The mommyblogosphere was rocked this week with the devastating news of one of our own (Heather, The Spohrs are Multiplying) losing her 17-month-old darling baby girl ("Eat dessert first" explains). Support and love has been plentiful, and there are a few ways you can support this family.
[1] Make a paypal contribution to help them cover funeral expenses. This does nothing to minimize the pain of their loss, but it demonstrates a tangible way to minister to them, relieving them of this emotionally-painful financial burden. You can give securely by clicking this Paypal link ~
A great post. Great things on Good Friday!
You share good news over here, Sister.