Sometimes growing up finds your creative side buried under an avalanche of life.  I'm fighting that every step of the way!

One way I'm waging war against "creativity killers" is to encourage (in)courage readers with a monthly Creative Challenge; March's directive was to grab a box of !  When I asked my 17-year-old daughter if she wanted to join me, she enthused, "That would make my night to sit down and color together!"  She meant it, too, which made MY night!  

The winner of this month's challenge and a $25 shopping spree at the (in)courage shop is Megan, a reader who emailed her submission.  Between her own surgery and three children with strep, she found LOTS of time to color!  The words she partnered with her "masterpiece" made it impossible not to chooser her submission as the winning entry!  I'm sharing both below since Megan is blogless :).  Congratulations, Megan…job well done!

I hope you'll join us for April's Creative Challenge!  Stay tuned for details!

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I got out the easter coloring books and found this picture of a mommy bird perched upon her nest, providing for her three baby birds.  It just caught me in the moment and it reminded me of a story I read years ago.  In college, I purchased a Women's Devotional Bible (NIV) that contains short devotions. Each devotion tells a story that helps illustrate God's truths through each author's own life's experiences. Ten years ago, before having children, I remember reading this particular devotion (Psalm 84:3) and thinking that it was sweet. Today, it resonates within and touches a part of my soul. The story is entitled "I Will Meet All Their Needs" by Debby Boone (page 615 if you have this particular bible). She shares that the Lord uses scripture to help guide her as she raises her children.  She speaks of the "nest " that she has built to nurture her young and hopes that it is sufficient.  Debby makes a list of what a nest is, "a place of security, rest and provision…a place to lay my children on God's altar daily."  She continues to describe her nest as being composed of her "sacrifices of time to seek knowledge and wisdom for my young."  But as she is still overwhelmed by feelings of discouragement and fears of failure, she seeks Him more.  It is then that she feels the Lord speak to her heart…."this nest is not made up of your sacrifices.  It is made up of mine. There I will meet all their needs." Wow! My heart jumped and the light switch turned on.  Truly, I have searched for other words besides "wow" to describe the feeling in my heart as I re-read this devotion.  But all I came up with was Wow!  Yes, it's simple. It's powerul, but it makes a statement.  Like the other truth's that I have learned from God's word,  Wow!  I hope and pray that each person that reads this opens their heart and mind to God's truth.  May this be a loving and gentle reminder that He will meet all of our needs if we trust in Him.

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