It just occurred to me how cloning exists beyond Dolly the Sheep–in the Land of Blogs! It's the only place I've been able to exist in two places–or more!–at the same time!
Take today, for example. Over at (in)courage I'm contemplating how to love one another—
Mrs. Anthony, never one to let a learning opportunity pass, brought her classroom to life with applications that made indelible impression. Arguably the best second grade teacher of all time, she wasn’t interested in teaching us only reading, writing and ‘rithmetic, she made sure we learnedimportant things ~
- using good manners
- respecting authority
- living the Golden Rule by treating others the way we wished to be treated
Nearly 40 years later, the mere mention of her name floods my heart with sunny, affectionate memories….
Like when we glued and glittered, doilied and stickered Valentine shoeboxes to collect the cards we exchanged. Her directive was simple and no one even considered disobeying–-
{PLEASE click to learn Mrs. Anthony's directive & finish reading "Love is a Verb!"}
And over at Connect I'm talking about beautiful music, messages and more—
Giving birth to a daughter made me acutely aware of the messages I send to her, both verbal and non-verbal. I desperately wanted her to have a healthy body image and not fall prey to the relentless cues by our culture that focus on superficial externals–flawless skin, couture fashion, model-thin–especially since most of what we see is airbrushed perfection.
It wouldn’t be a stretch to suggest most women in our country struggle with body image. We can’t open a magazine, step foot into a mall, or walk through a grocery store aisle without seeing dozens of beautiful faces staring back at us, their age-defying bodies taunting us.
It’s just not fair…but mostly it isn’t realistic!
{Please continue reading "Beautiful music, beautiful message" for important ways to affirm the inner beauty of your daughters.}
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I realize it's a lot to ask, but it really means a lot to me for YOU to click through and support these sites. They're content rich and have much to offer or a) I wouldn't lend my writing voice to them, and b) I wouldn't dare ask more of your time!
Thanks in advance if you do–and be sure to let me know by commenting somewhere! I'll visit EVERYone who takes the time to speak!!
I couldn’t agree more with the body image. It’s also one reason I love the Dove commercials. We are created in His image. He loves us even when we don’t love our selves.
Happy to comply with your requests! What great sites.
Hello Penseive I hear you are a central cog in this sphere of blogs we’re all in. I’ve been following you for a while but I’m shy. So I barely commented.
Yeah respect should be GIVEN. Something these grotty kids on the street with their low-slung trousers ought to get through their thick heads!
Same reason I am a fan of these Real Beauty commercials, too.
When I find myself being self critical, I try so hard to remember Whose I am, ya know? God doesn’t make mistakes…kinda goes with that whole “perfection” thing He has goin’ on 😉 :).
yaaaaae! So glad you checked ’em out! 🙂 Thank you!!
I DO remember you :). And…while I get the first part of your comment, the second half has me confused! Soooo, I’ll just say…
glad you said hello!!