This is four minutes of the funniest, cleanest hilarity I've ever seen, and it's Greg's and Ryan's reactions to reading each other's lists for the first time that put this video over the top for me. Over one million hits to You Tube suggest if you haven't seen it, you need to.
Daddy butter made me giggle, eye removal kit had me rolling, and by the time the circus clowns were storming the beaches at Normandy, I almost needed Oopsie Daisy adult underpants. Laughter is the best medicine after all, and if you've been ailing, this might just be the cure!
Your turn: what item did you lose it on? 🙂
Wait! Fancy boy lip glitter isn’t a thing? I may have to go drown my sorrows in pre-made toast. Loved. This.
Fancy Boy Lip Glitter was the one that caused me snort out loud. Daddy Butter might’ve done it, but I’d already read your comments. LOL!!! How about that Turtle Mix?
OH. MY. GOSH. That was absolutely HILARIOUS!!! Love it!
We can still be friends.
Like you, my favorite part was their attempts not to crack up and blow cover when they read a new item. Very entertaining.
(P.S. I wrote a long, heartfelt comment on your post about the panhandler’s breath, and then when I clicked “post” it just disappeared. I was too bummed to try to rewrite it. Just know that the post really touched me. Love you.)
My favorite was the pre-made toast, or maybe the Ron Paul workout video. But I think I lost it about the time the guy asked for the TV without any commercials on it. Thanks for the smile!
This is hilarious! An oil painting of circus clowns can be found in the sporting goods section!!!
And then at the end when they were playing outtakes, he asked for “Japanese Children.” That got me laughing and I really don’t know why.
Too funny…
I lost it on the mormon disco ball!!!
caramel yak got the howling started!! love it!
when the store clerk says; “your messing with me, dude”.
My sister worked at a store and one day, a old guy came up and asked for “Anus oil” – All the other clerks froze up. He said it again – said his wife needed it.
That is when my sister said, “Do you want Oil of Anise?”
The old guy was very relieved that my sister had the right item!
Oh. My. Gosh. I’ve seen that floating around so many times lately and I hadn’t taken the time to look at it. What was I thinking?! That precious woman who truly had an answer for all of those items. Heaven help her!! Love that newborn hair dye!!!!!
killing me.
I'm thankful, Nancy. We can remain friends 😉 :). #theyareSOthings!
Dianne, I think this is gonna be one of those things I go back to time and again, ESPECIALLY when I NEED a laugh! GLAD to have share this smile with ya! 🙂
Jeanne, first and foremost, I'm thankful remain BFFFFFs. But mostly I feel your pain on leaving a thoughtful comment, only to have it ripped away! I've felt that pain and it infuriates me when it happens. I DO feel your kind intentions, though…and I'm grateful :).
Rachel, with every comment I'm remembering and smiling over this video all over again! Glad I got to share a few happy moments with YOU! 🙂
Robin, Maybe it's the "random" mixed with the "insane"??? I wonder what that woman thought she was referring him to! Or was she just messing with HIM!??? 🙂
Amy, ah ha! We know what to get you for Christmas now!! 😀
Liberty, why does that one creep me out a little? If you could only see what's in my head…! 😉
Karmyn, Oh. My. Word. Your sister is a rock star.
Mollie, I don't know how many times I saw the freeze frame before I clicked it! And now I've forgotten "who" I picked it up from (but I know it was FB). Why do I feel like I won a prize because you finally clicked on this one? 🙂
Lisa, *Killing you softly with my love*
I snickered at the Mormon disco ball but laughter exploded out of my mouth at Japanese children.