Right before Thanksgiving, I remember thinking, "I wish someone was hosting a vacuum cleaner giveaway or blogging campaign or SOMETHING" because my extended family was coming to spend a few nights, there was LOTS of cleaning to do, and my years' old vacuum was showing her age. I'm always happy to work for food and/or fancy household appliances.
You can imagine my shock when THE WEEK AFTER THANKSGIVING I was contacted by Oreck about a blogger outreach program to receive their new Oreck Magnesium for review and host a giveaway for one lucky reader.
If I wasn't so thrilled I would've been more concerned about Big Brother somehow getting inside my head.
There are so many good things to say about the Oreck Magnesium I'm offering you ~ (please click to find out!!)
Top Ten Favorite Features
For My New Oreck Magnesium Vacuum
1. It's lightweight. My word, this vacuum weighs just a little more than a bag of flour! You will not break your back carrying it up and down stairs or pushing it around.
2. Major suckage. How can something so light manage to pick up so much on a first pass? I'm used to vacuuming the same area over and over, but now my shag rug stands at attention, an indicator the Magnesium has much stronger suction.
3. Maneuverability. Between its over-sized back wheels, low-lying front and otherwise brilliant design, it can turn on a dime, round corners, and lie flat almost flat under furniture.
4. Self propelled. I remember how excited my husband was when he got a new self-propelled lawn mower; now, I fully understand. You basically point the Oreck Magnesium where you want it to go, and it almost floats in that direction.
5. Extra long cord. I didn't realize how much I'd appreciate the 30' cord until I was able to vacuum without having to continually unplug and replug. It's a little thing that goes a long way (from our kitchen table, past the kitchen and into our little den on the other side).
6. Accommodates multiple surfaces. We have hardwoods, shaggy area rugs, no-pile bathroom rugs and wall-to-wall carpeting. My Magnesium moved seemlessly between them; all you do is press the on/off switch (high/low switch?) to match the surface you're on.
7. TLC. The Oreck Magnesium is a high-end product with an impressive 7-year limited warranty. Plus, you receive three annual tune-ups with your purchase, a $40 value each time. A vacuum spa retreat–who knew?
8. HEPA Inner Bag. I've never been completely comfortable with bagless vacuums regardless of their marketing, price and appeal; I prefer a model with an inner bag, and Oreck's Magnesium grabs 99.97% of particles down to .3 microns. I don't know how large that is, but it makes me think about Horton Hears a Who and I sincerely hope I'm not obliterating any small planets that live in our dust bunnies.
9. Little things. This tiny clip on the top-back of the handle? Brilliant–you don't even have to hold the cord to keep it out of your way (one of my Oreck friends told me about it and I had missed it! So I thought it very necessary to share with YOU.)
10. It's sexy and sleek. My friend Nester would beg to differ, but I think this is the prettiest vacuum I've ever seen! Striking cobalt and black, thin lines…it might not match my decor, but my closest has never been better accessorized.
Plus…rumor has it, it's even easy enough for a princess to use…!
Well, now….
When I expressed my concern about the limitations of an upright, Oreck answered with this: their New Ultimate Handheld Vac.
In this tiny little vac that oddly reminds me of R2D2, I get everything an upright is lacking–
- A magic, telescoping wand to reach cobwebs in corners (hush–I bet you have 'em, too), ceiling fans or tops of pictures or curtains, the once or twice a year I get a crazy cleaning itch.
- The ability to vacuum out our cars! This is my husband's favorite benefit.
- An easy way to handle stairs. I guess you could use an upright, but it's awkward to me; the Ultimate Handheld Vac makes it child's play.
- Brilliant innovation! This sucker comes with a shoulder strap so you can carry it around while you get to the hard-to-reach spots. It's only 5 pounds so very manageable to carry.
My boys think it's cool. Confession time: EVERYone in my family used my new Oreck before I did…and they raved to me about our new vacuum completely unsolicited. Now, THAT, I wish I had on video!
Ok, now for the rest of the story–
Top Three Least-favorite Features
For My New Oreck Magnesium Vacuum
1. Lift. When I got to the edges of some (not all) of my area rugs, I had to be careful they didn't get sucked in. Nester didn't have an issue with this; it seemed to do this only on the rugs that didn't have a rubber-lined backing. Nothing new, though; this happens with my old vacuum.
2. Limitations of an upright. Because I'm used to a canister vac, this is an adjustment; but, I like my little sidekick featured above, so there IS a good remedy.
3. Price. There's no getting around this; at $600 the Oreck Magnesium/Ultimate Handheld Vac Combo are investment appliances. But considering Oreck's long-standing great reputation, accommodating customer service and quality construction, you're not going to need to replace your vacuum any time soon. I've learned the hard way you DO get what you pay for with appliances.
Whew! I've gush enough–
How would YOU like to win an Oreck Magnesium and Ultimate Handheld Vac Combo?
You only need to complete the mandatory entry below to enter, but if you would like additional entries (which will increase your chances in this random draw!), please feel free to jump through social media hoops daily, hourly, or whenever your little appliance-coveting heart desires.
MANDATORY entry :: Visit Oreck.com and tell us one thing you learned about the Magnesium vacuum in the comments here:
Additional entries (no limit, but please comment separately for each way you enter, including the unique URL for each Facebook status, Tweet, etc.; multiple tweets, etc. count each time as long as you enter the unique URL for each one.):
- Subscribe to PENSIEVE in a reader or by email (this one will make me grin like a Cheshire cat & sprinkle pixie dust on your entries).
- Follow @oreck on Twitter.
- Like Oreck on Facebook.
- Sign up for Oreck’s email list by clicking on “Sign up for Email” in the top navigation bar and entering your email address.
- Tweet about the giveaway, mentioning you and @oreck with a link to this post. Here's a copy and paste but feel free to use your own words as long as you include @oreck @PensieveRobin and a link to this specific post:
Have you entered the $600 @Oreck Magnesium/Handheld Vac Combo #giveaway from @PensieveRobin? Details: http://bit.ly/wi10qU Pls RT!
- If you have a Giveaway category on Pinterest, pin this post and let us know.
- Follow Oreck on Pinterest.
Do you know Nester? She's giving away a Magnesium/Handheld Vac combo, too–but hurry! Her deadline is Friday at midnight!!
Note: if you're like me, you're likely embarrassed to enter a bunch of times out of fear of what the giver-awayer might think. In this case, increase your odds! I'll only think you're cooler if you enter 47 times. Tell your friends, tell your neighbors…heck, get your dog to enter as long as he can leave a comment below!! 🙂
Deadline for entry is Friday, January 20 @ 11:59 EST; winner announced as soon as I can post it.
Special incentive for PENSIEVE purchasers: Free shipping extended through 1/31/12 using the code PENSIEVE. (Through 1/19 there's free shipping on-site; after that you'll have to use the code.)
Fine print:
The giveaway winner must be a resident of the U.S. 48 contiguous states
Oreck Corporation provided the prize for the sweepstakes but is not the sponsor of the sweepstakes. Oreck is responsible for shipping the item to the winner. Sincere thanks to Oreck for inviting me to receive a Magnesium/Handheld Vac combo at no charge; it couldn't have been better timing for this review.
Listed with:
You got me at “major suckage.” 🙂
But what I learned at the Oreck sight was that the dang cord is 20 feet long! Boy, could I use that!
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The two speed Quickswitch™ on the back of the vacuum enables you to move smoothly across all floor types using appropriate power levels: high for carpets and low for hardwoods and tile.
The Saniseal® System automatically seals shut, locking dirt in the disposable filter bag and ensuring a strong seal.
It’s the lightest Oreck! I have a older one that is pretty light.
I learned it is the lightest full-powered vacuum in America.
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/5memb/status/157780769882902529
I learned it is extremely light.
I learned that the Oreck Magnesium vacuum weighs only 7.7 lbs and has a Hepa inner bag.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
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abfantom at yahoo dot com
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abfantom at yahoo dot com
I learned that The Oreck Magnesium weighs less than 8 lbs.
What a super prize. I’d be so thrilled to win this vacuum.
Thanks so much.
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Follow Oreck on twitter (peg42)
Follow Oreck on FB (Margaret E. Smith)
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Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/peg42/status/157798736188289024
The Oreck® Magnesium weighs less than 8 lbs.* and is the lightest full-powered vacuum in America. Its magnesium frame is stronger than many types of steel yet this is the lightest upright Oreck has ever offered. Magnesium makes it light; Oreck makes it powerful
I learned that the Oreck Magnesium lays virtually flat so that you can easily clean under furniture. I want one!
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The Saniseal® System automatically seals shut, locking dirt in the disposable filter bag and ensuring a strong seal.
after using a bagless vaccuum for a few years, I’m liking the bag idea! emptying a bagless vac is gross.
Oreck is great. I like on facebook and love that this will lie flat. Helps to make cleaning easier.
Only 7.7lbs?! That’s what I learned. That would make stair cleaning easy (along with the backpack thing!!)
I subscribe to you 🙂
I learned all about the 360 degree spina nd the extreme manuverability! I can’t wait to win and go spinning around my house!
I email subscribe
It can spin 360 degrees! That would really help with maneuverability. My current vacuum maneuvers like an ocean freighter.
I learned it has twin LED lights. Great review, would love to have this!
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I tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/Jenidvm/status/157836774268342272
I follow @oreck on Twitter as suebaby05
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wow, only 7.7 lbs – that’s incredible!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I subscribe to your blog’s feed via google reader.
i follow @oreck on twitter – js22222222 .
I Like Oreck on Facebook-Joanne Schultz. http://www.facebook.com/js2222
Love that it has a loong cord.
tweet- https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/157843770329665536
The lightest Oreck over?? The others were light. This is an AWESOME GIVEAWAY!
I tweeted… 🙂
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I follow you, my sweet friend, on twitter
The two speed Quickswitch™ on the back of the vacuum enables you to move smoothly across all floor types using appropriate power levels: high for carpets and low for hardwoods and tile.
•Like Oreck on Facebook Susan Smith
•Follow @oreck on Twitter susan1215
The whole “feels like it’s self propelled” thing works for me!
Why have I never had an email subscription here? Now I’ll know what you’re doing, doll!
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Tweet tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/DawnMHSH/statuses/157852455504326657
The Magnesium produces 102 mph of airflow. Wow 102 mph that’ll work 😀 Hubs told me today to do some research on some vacuums because we are in dire need.
Followed on twitter @lpara
I learned that it has a 30 ft. cord. I could clean the whole house and not have to replug in:)
I subscribe by email!
I learned it is lightweight
I liked Oreck on FB too You’ll just have to believe me on this one because I use my real name and keep everything private for friends only. (I’m conspiracy theorist lol)
i love that it has a hepa filter
subscribed to you via google reader
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I subscribe to Pensieve and have for a long time by email lsparamo @ gmail
I tweeted because I’m a twit er er https://twitter.com/#!/LPARA/status/157859534394769409
I learned that the Magnesium vacuum produces 102 mph of airflow.
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Following @oreck on Twitter.
The Saniseal® System automatically seals shut
the HEPA Bag…
Thanks, Cindi
I am an email subscriber of yours!
Again, many thanks to you…
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Thanks bunches, Cindi
Also, I “Like” Oreck on Facebook!
Cindi Hoppes
Merci, Cindi
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Also, I am an email subscriber to Oreck…
Thanks bunches, Cindi
Thanks very much!
I follow Oreck on Pinterest.
Thanks, Cindi
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/JulieSunne1/status/157869036309446656
I like the five foot slinky hose! I hate it when my vacuum falls over and hits me in the head because the hose isn’t long enough
Its magnesium frame is stronger than many types of steel yet this is the lightest upright Oreck has ever offered.
I ‘like’ Oreck on Facebook.
Learned about the long cord, although major suckage is the number one thing to get excited about!
Oh, and I’m subscribed…
Oh this looks like a fantastic machine!! I love to vacuum, but this, this would make my job so much more fun. I love the whole HEPA inner bag thing. Living in the country, with a dog in the house… I need that wonderful feature! Hmm… now to see if said dog can type and leave a comment to win this! 🙂
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The cord length is amazing! My old house doesn’t have that many outlets. It’s a pain!
I follow Oreck on twitter!
I follow your blog — 🙂
I learned that it’s gentle enough for fine Oriental and Persian rugs.
I learned that the Oreck contains a HEPA filter *and* a 20 ft. cord! My current vacuum’s cord is very short, so this makes me happy. 🙂
Tweet https://twitter.com/#!/JulieSunne1/status/157899672072097795
Love that it has a shoulder strap!!! Very cool!!
Very Lightweight,full 360 tilt
Their two speed Quickswitch™ on the back of the vacuum would be a great feature for me so I don’t have to bend down to change the floor setting as on my current vacuum
I follow Oreck on Twitter
I subscribe to your fabulousness!
ANDDD – I love how that litle light vacuum can go flat under beds/couches etc.
And I like your red ceiling.. I’ve got one of those too:))
A 20 foot cord?! Now THAT’S a useful feature!
I subscribe in Google reader!
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It only weighs 7.7 lbs! I really need this vacuum. I also signed up for oreck’s newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win.
Is weighs lless then 8 pound
The magnesium makes it light weight which is a wonderful thing and I would love one. (the hand held one too please :o)
The Saniseal® System automatically seals shut, locking dirt in the disposable filter bag and ensuring a strong seal.
I love that is accomidates multiple surfaces
Follow Oreck ontwitter @mkjmc
Follow Oreck on FB kathy persons
I learned that it lays virtually flat to reach under furniture and has a 20ft cord.
kport207 at gmail dot com
Follow Oreck on twitter as JT2ofusanddeals
kport207 at gmail dot com
I learned that it’s the lightest in all of America!! Impressive! I also learned that I can use it in my whole house :). Oh when I imagine the possibilites…
I learned they have an awesome Saniseal system.
Thanks for the chance.
Um, okay- wow- I learned so much from your post! I went to the site anyway, and I love that there is a 3-year limited warranty.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I liked Oreck on Facebook. I’m not entirely sure how you want that url. Here’s the copy and past: http://www.facebook.com/oreck?sk=app_281029095280676
my user name is janeanneowen
I learned that it will lay down flat to get under the furniture. This is exactly what we need because we have 6 cats and under the couch is where big balls of fur end up!
Love that it lays flat to reach under furniture…tired of attachments for a few more inches of clean!
Ok, so I learned that the Magnesium has a Double-Helix roller brush that spins at about 7,000 rpm.
AND, dear one, I’m a faithful subscriber by email! Bring on the pixie dust!
AND, I am now following Oreck on Twitter!
AND, Following Oreck on Pinterest!
FINALLY, I’m “liking” Oreck on Facebook!
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(Cathy Truman)
E-Mail Subscriber
The HEPA inner bag captures at least 99.97% of particles as small as .3 microns like pollen, dust, smoke, animal dander and mold spores…almost all of which all 3 of my children and my 2 grandchildren are allergic to.
I follow oreck on twitter…lisaasyler
I’m one of your email subscribers. 🙂
I follow Oreck on twitter @rusthawk.
I follow Oreck on facebook (Rust Hawk).
I signed up for Oreck’s newsletter.
Tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/rusthawk/status/158037270547537921
I like the 20 foot cord and the 5′ extension hose.
I have been a follower of yours for a while and thoroughly enjoy your blog! I would loooovvvveee to win this vacuum!!!!
I “like” Oreck on Facebook.
The 20′ is for the handheld model, the Magnesium has a 30′ cord and comes with 3 annual tune-ups, and lays flat.
very light weight!
I follow you on Google reader.
It has received the Gold Seal of Approval from the Carpet and Rug Institute.
Love what both you and the oreck site say about it almost being self- propelling. Yes, please!
I’m subscribed to you!
tweet- https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/158168708777377793
I love that it is self-propelled. That makes life so much easier.
I learned the Magnesium has twin LED headlights. How cool.. and probably very useful too.
I subscribe via Google Reader. Debbie C
I Follow @oreck on Twitter. @chrisdeglen
I like Oreck on Facebook. Debbie Christie
I signed up for Oreck email.
@chrisdeglen tweeted:
LOVE that this Oreck lies flat to clean under couches! Thanks for the chance!
Oreck FB follower!
Oreck twitter follower
new blog follower of yours! thanks for the chance!
I learned it’s the most light weight vac in America!
I love that it has an extra long cord!
The Oreck is only 7.7lbs. That is amazing!!
The quick speed button sounds awesome……that is what I learned
I like Oreck on Facebook
I learned that it is powerful yet gentle and that I could really use this Oreck Magnesium at my house! Thanks for the opportunity!
i learned that it’s gentle enough to use on persian rugs…i don’t OWN a persian rug, but my wool rug wasn’t cheap, so i hate to think of it being ruined when i’m trying to clean it!
Love that the vacuum is lightweight with an extra long cord. Thanks Nester for the extra chance to win!!
i follow oreck on twitter! (@jeannettg)
i like oreck on FB.
tweet tweet!
my and oreck are pinning buddies now!
I love that it is lightweight — my current vacuum weighs a ton and after about a week, I was wishing I had gone with the Orek!
I had an Oreck years ago & I really liked it but this model looks extra special. Love that an Oreck lies flat and is soooo lite to move around, & I especially love the long cord. The R2D2 handheld looks awesome & maybe the key to getting the kids to do chores easily….One can dream.
I am now your newest email follower. Referred by Nester because I was a loser over there on her awesome giveaway. Thanks for another chance.
I never realized that there had to be different power levels for the smooth floor/carpet variance. I thought it was a closer-to-the-floor thing. And that backpack vacuum looks like it would be used more since it also has the hepa filter.
I like the l-o-n-g cord on the Oreck. Once I get vacuuming I don’t want to stop and move the cord to a new plug…and get sidetracked!
I learned that the cord is 30 ft long!
Now following you in Google Reader!
I learned it is the lightest of the Oreck vacums!
I signed up for the Oreck emails!
I liked Oreck on face book 🙂
I love that it will flatten out to up under the furniture. I am getting too old to get down on the floor!
Oh, good heavens I want this, and so I tweeted again: https://twitter.com/#!/DawnMHSH/statuses/158203913621864448
Wow, I just found your site and immediately signed up via RSS. Looks like a great site.
Found out so much like the zipper, long cord (loving that) light weight is a major plus and great suckage too!
Like Oreck on FB.
I love the long cord and the light weight.
I didn’t know they laid that flat, that’s cool for under the couch (let’s pretend that ever gets cleaned!)
I learned how light the Oreck is. Huge benefit, and a great giveaway!
LOVE… the idea of the dusting brush. Hope I win! 🙂
I love the extra long cord and the light weight of this vacuum!
I learned it uses a bag… my current vacuum does not and has almost 0 suction power. Thanks for the giveaway! I’d be so thrilled to win this vacuum!
I likek oreck on facebook.
I learned that the cord is 20 ft long
Thanks for the chance to win! Learned about the suction and telescoping wand among other things.
This is the lightest full-power vacuum in America – that’s amazing! Thanks so much for the chance to win! 🙂
I learned about saniseal and that twenty foot cord!
I like the saniseal feature!
Robin, you are such a good reviewer! Great pics and pros/cons! I actually need a new vacuum right now – mine doesn’t suck anything. It just sucks. 😉
So – I want to win this! Yay for blog giveaways!!
I like the bag idea!
and I like them on Facebook!
I started following them on Facebook and Pinterest… I, too, was shocked to find out their power cord was 20 ft long. Wow! I could vacuum nearly every rug in my house without unplugging and re-plugging it in. I am so excited that it is only 7lbs. This will make my day go so much easier. Oh, and self-propelled! WOW! I really hope I win!
I learned that the high tech material it is made of is stronger than most kinds of steel!! It would sure beat what I’m using now with the handle that keeps falling off and is made for hard floors mostly. I’d be so happy if I won this!
Google RSS subscriber to Pensieve! 🙂
I follow @oreck on Twitter. @tea4two20 🙂
I like Oreck on Facebook.
http:// facebook dot com/ vickykoen (Vicky Carlson)
I’m on Orecks email list. t42vek20 at gmail dot com
I tweeted here.
What a great giveaway!!!! I love that it lays virtually flat for easy cleaning under furniture.
I “pinned” this on pinterest.
I love bag less, and HEPA makes me happy. Count me in!
I pinned this giveaway on P{interest. http://pinterest.com/pin/30751209925390534/
I’m following Oreck on Pinterest.
http://pinterest dot com/t42vek20/
Daily Tweet
You had me at “tiny cord clip”. I loathe tripping over the ding dang cord when I vacuum!
I’ve seen Oreck commercials and have always wanted to try one, but until just a few months ago I couldn’t have justified the cost of one. Now, however, our 20+ year old vacuum is giving up the ghost. One of these Magnesiums would be great!
Upon visiting the Oreck website, I learned that these machines really are made of magnesium! I thought it was just a catchy name.
My favorite feature is the weight…I have lots of stairs to contend with. I am desperately seeking a vacuum…mine totally died a few days ago 🙁
I subscribed to your blog…I doubt I will leave it today…do I get extra points for that lol?
I signed up for the email newletter on orecks home page
I leaned about the saniseal – locking that dirt away is fine by me.
I learned that the Saniseal System automatically seals shut, and locks in dirt.
smchester at gmail dot com
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smchester at gmail dot com
I follow Oreck on twitter as ptowngirl.
smchester at gmail dot com
I like Oreck on facebook as Susan Chester.
The rollerbrush spins at 7,000 rpm! Whoa!
I subscribed to Pensieve by email!
Besides the cord I love that it will lie flat and the handheld unit seems incredible useful, I think my favorite feature is the ultra suckage. You just can’t beat that in a vaccum!
I followed Oreck on FB!
I subscribed to Pensive in my reader!
I’d LOVE to have one of these to clean my variety of floors after the kids and the dog! Thanks for the giveaway and please pick me!!
That extra long 20 ft cord AND a hook to hold it up? Priceless. Except I don’t have an unlimited budget to get a new vacuum so I will have to hold out hope for a giveaway. 🙂
It is the most lightest weight of all, it lies flat and has a 20 foot cord. This would be such a help.
God Bless.
I learned that:
High-performance rear wheels with cylindrical wheel bearings give the Magnesium maneuverability.
All my vacuums have not lasted very long, because they are cheaply made. Looks like this one is much better!
I learned that the Oreck can easily move from high or low carpet to hardwood flooring.
I subscribed to Pensieve!
I liked Oreck on FB!
I signed up for Oreck e-mails!
I learned that it is the lightest Oreck upright vacuum!
I subscribed to your emails!
I follow Oreck on twitter (JenniferCNP)
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Durability! Durability! Durability! I’ve had 3 vacuums in as many years!I learned that Oreck’s are durable with excellent customer service, 7 yr warranty, and an endurolife belt! I could use a vacuum like that with 3 kids, a dog, a cat, and a husband :)! My last vacuum over heated after 2 months and the company told me that happens and to let it cool down for an hour and try again :/ or pay for a servicing.
I learned that the two speed Quickswitch™ on the back of the vacuum enables you to move smoothly across all floor types using appropriate power levels: high for carpets and low for hardwoods and tile.
This vacuum cleaner sounds fabulous and I am keeping my fingers crossed!!
bvbabybv at gmail dot com
Subscribed via email!:)
bvbabybv at gmail dot com
I follow Oreck on twitter as @bvbabybv
I like Oreck on Facebook as Jo Sue
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bvbabybv at gmail dot com
I follow Oreck on pinterest. Jo Sue
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Love the HEPA filter!
I learned that 3 annual tune ups are included
I subscribe via email
I follow @oreck on twitter – @sweepymummy
I like Oreck on facebook – Lindsey Mertz
I signed up for teh oreck email list
I tweeted:
It has a magnesium frame! Would love this vacuum as mine just recently died. I follow Oreck on Pinterest!
I learned that it lies virtually flat which will make it sooo much easier to clean under my sofa.
I’m a follower!
I liked Oreck on Fb
I love that it’s the lightest full power vacuum in America. Especially since I don’t have a closet in my ‘new to me’ house for hiding my vacuum. Gotta tote it up and down the basement stairs. The Magnesium has my name written all over it.
I follow Oreck on interest
stupid autocorrect, that should be pinterest!
After a little browsing….I’ve decided to subscribe. Golly you’re a great wordsmith.
I learned Oreck lays flat to vacuum under things. GREAT!!
Liked Oreck on FB.
I subscribed to your email.
Liked Oreck on FB.
Subscribed to Oreck emails.
Light weight and super power! I would love to get allllll my dirt sucked into oblivian
the lightest full-powered vacuum in America.
I love the HEPA liner for this family with allaergies.
I follow you in a reader
I learned that the O.M. has a solid but lightweight body, so my fat cat wont jump on it and bend the frame. 🙂
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I signed up for Oreck’s mailing list.
I tweeted about this giveaway. I’m sorry, I dont’ know how to link to a specific tweet, but my username is cuppermuffin if that helps.
I follow Oreck on pintrest!
I learned that this Oreck has a bag, which is the cleanest way to trap the dirt n stuff, in my opinion, to dispose.
I liked Oreck on Facebook.
I subscribed to your blog through Google Reader. Thanks for holding the giveaway!
I followed Oreck on Facebook.
Visited the Oreck site to learn that the Magnesium produces 102 mph airflow! That’s one super sucker! 🙂
I have signed up for Oreck’s emails, too.
I subscribe in google reader.
I love that it can capture and seal in the animal dander. We have a dog allergy baby in our dog allergy house, so that is important! I would love the rolex of vacuums.
Learned that it lays virtually flat for easy cleaning under furniture – how handy!
Just subscribed!
It looks like an amazing vacuum! I think I would most appreciate the 30 ft. long cord (I hate the cord on my current vacuum) and also the SaniSeal system that would keep all the dirt and dander (from our pets) inside the bag.
I’m a long-time subscriber.
simplyandreah at gmail dot com
Following @Oreck on Twitter
I like Oreck on Facebook (Andrea Hatfield)
I follow Oreck on Pinterest (Andrea Hatfield)
Tweeted –
I signed up to follow you via email. Thanks for the geat giveaway.
I love Oreck. I’ve had 2 before. I learned from their site that it can go from carpet to hard surfaces w/ the flip of a button.
I already follow Oreck via email
I learned it comes with 3 annual tune ups and has a 7 year limited warranty.
I like Oreck on Facebook.
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I subscribed to and verified my email for pensieve emails.
I learned that the Oreck has a Double-Helix roller brush which spins at about 7,000 rpm (thats FAST!)
I dont know if the previous ‘took ‘ typepad acts funny in Chrome so repeat of mandatory- I learned that the double helix brushes spin at 7K rpm- which as awfully fast!
Follow @oreck on Twitter. @tannawings
that is me below- I apologize it didnt appear to take to I signed in with twitter. ellen=tannawings
Like Oreck on Facebook. ellen beck
New email subscriber
Signed up for Orecks email with yahoo addy and got “Thanks for signing up for our exclusive email newsletters!” It is nice they contribute to breast cancer causes!
I visited the Oreck website and learned that the Magnesium vacuum will lay flat to vacuum under furniture!
I learned that it comes with 3 tune-ups, which is a really nice idea. My old vacuum could really use a tune-up, although after 15 years, I’m not sure it’d do much good. 🙂
I subscribed to your blog in my Google reader.
Signed-up for their email.
I learned that it is the lightest Oreck so far! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I learned and liked that:The two speed Quickswitch™ on the back of the vacuum enables you to move smoothly across all floor types using appropriate power levels. Thanks for the chance to win!
The cord is 30 ft. in length
i can’t believe it is the lightest upright vacuum in america. crazy!
i liked oreck on facebook
i became an oreck email subscriber
I LOVE that the vacuum lies flat, now I can get all of those Cheerios under the sofa!!! Thanks for the chance to bring an Oreck into my life!
I learned that the Oreck has a Hepa filter bag, which I need with three boys and two dogs. I swear, the allergies around here are horrible. My vacuum is older than two of my three boys (over a decade, yep) and a new vacuum would be like winning the lottery. Thanks for the opportunity!
it is gentle enough for my antique rugs
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It has “One pass cleaning” meaning that it should get everything up in one pass of the vacuum.
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I’ve always wanted an Oreck. it would be great to win one. I have a bagless vacuum right now that I can’t stand. It’s so dirty and dusty when I empty it and it only lasts one session, I have to empty it every time. I visited the Oreck site and learned that the bags are expensive, but that they hold 8 quarts.
I liked Oreck on Facebook.
I signed up for e-mail with Oreck.
I already subscribe to Pensieve by e-mail. Does that count?
I learned that my wife always wanted an Oreck vacuum cleaner and I would love for her to win one so I can stop emptying the bagless one we have since she finds it so offensive. I learned that the Oreck vacuum can lie flat and go under furniture, which is great since that is where all the dog hair goes to die.
I learned about précis heap bag which is a great feature.
Ugh auto correct, that should read “oreck’s hepa” bag
I learned that it’s an upright and it can be used on hardwood floors, which is awesome because right now we just have a bulky canister vacuum to lug around. I also learned that it weighs just over the size of a newborn baby!! Wonderful.
I learned that the bags automatically seal shut, which is a thing of beauty for me since I’m allergic to dust.
Thanks for this opportunity.
I’m following @oreck on twitter.
I just subscribed to Pensieve through Feedly.
I learned that it lays almost flat so It’s easier to clean under things.
I learned that the company’s principal manufacturing facilities are based in Cookeville, Tenn.
I learned it has a Hepa filter which is great for people with allergies.
follow oreck on twitter @smilekisses
It delivers 102 mph of airflow…seems crazy!
Lays flat for cleaning under furniture.
My canister will not do that!!
My favorite feature would be the One-pass cleaning feature which means the Oreck Magnesium picks up dirt in virtually one pass and glides from carpets to bare floors. thank you!
Signed up in reader! thank you!
I learned about the strap for carrying it over your shoulder which sounds useful.
I learned that it weighs 7.7 lbs and has a 20 ft. cord! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I learned that the two speed Quickswitch™ on the back of the vacuum enables you to move smoothly across all floor types using appropriate power levels.
fb share
Wow! The Oreck Magnesium weighs less than 8 lbs.
I learned there are 3 annual tuneups included in the price. What a great addition! This looks like one amazing vac. Thanks for the chance to win.
The Oreck is made out of magnesium which makes it lightweight, 7 1/2 lbs.
Subscribed to your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/158692951483097088
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I follow @oreck on Twitter – Imawinnertoday
I like oreck on FB – Robin Trexel
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I’m really impressed by how lightweight this vacuum is. As I get older, this kind of thing becomes more and more important to me. And you are right, you DO get what you pay for with vacuums.
I’m an RSS subscriber!
following oreck on twitter (@tiffanyblogs is my name)
I learned that the Magnesium by Oreck has a 7-year Limited Warranty The Oreck Magnesium comes with a 7-year limited warranty. Which is awesome along with the fact that the Magnesium frame is durable, stronger than many kinds of steel.
I follow @Oreck on Twitter as @ShariAlligood
I like Oreck on Facebook as Chris Shari Alligood
Subscribe to your emails shariwrigh at aol dot com
Signed up for Oreck’s email list shariwrigh at aol dot com
It lies virtually flat and had a 30′ cord!! I am in love.
I’ve always wanted an Oreck vacuum. I saw that the Oreck Magnesium has a built-in HEPA filter which would be great for my kids with allergies.
I’m all signed up for orecks email list!
I like oreck on fb!
I follow oreck on twitter!
I follow pensive in google reader!
I love the HEPA bag! And learning that it’s self-propelled is awesome!
I follow oreck on pinterest!
I shared on twiter! @Aanewcreation
Wow! The Oreck weighs less than 8 Pounds.
I liked Oreck on Facebook 🙂
I learned that the two speed Quickswitch on the back of the vacuum enables you to move smoothly across all floor types, that is amazing! Love to have this! Thank you
I subscribed to PENSIEVE in by email…please sprinkle pixie dust on my comments 🙂 Thank you – Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
I follow Oreck on Twitter @sexyknickers68_
I like Oreck on Facebook – Paula C.
Magnesium frame, that’s super light. Lays almost flat, and a 20 foot cord just to name a few.
Follow Oreck on Twitter (at) question10
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Subscribed to Pensieve by Reader.
Signed up for Oreck’s email list. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/Sexyknickers68_/status/158745106114027521
Loving that SaniSeal, so that the dirt stays put.
Likey on FB
Following @PensieveRobin on Twitter @sexyknickers68_
Liking you on Facebook – Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
I am intrigued by the Sani Seal system! Sounds so clean!
kmelissasmallwood at gmail.com
Shared on FB https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2595783216254&id=1304929686
Following @oreck on twitter (@multitaskingme)
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I already subscribe to your blog in a reader.
Thanks, Robin & Oreck for the giveaway. I checked out the Oreck site & was so happy to learn about the HEPA inner seal bag & saniseal closure. We did a lot of research on HEPA filters when we bought our hundred year old house (oh I shudder at the layers of lead paint these walls must have, all hidden away) and this one seems impressive.
Weighs less than 8 lbs, impressive!!
Subscribed to PENSIEVE in a reader and emails just for extra good karma!
Following @oreck on Twitter as catholicfanatic.
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On Oreck’s email list already!! 😛
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I learned that this is the lightest Oreck upright ever!
I like Oreck on facebook as Suzannek Sweeps
Super light weight!
7 year warranty!
30 foot cord!
The Oreck Magnesium vacuum lies virtually flat, has a wide cleaning path and a 30 ft. cord
I like Oreck on Facebook. 🙂
I need, need, need this! We fell prey to that BS Dyson hype and now can’t ever buy a vac again – but it is awful! It doesn’t suck…at all! Awful. But worst yet is the lack of distance on the trim reach features – the oreck going 5 ft is huge – I could actually get under all our furniture without having to move it! Need!
The magnesium is the lightest upright vacuum ever! Wow! I really need to try this!
I subscribed to pensieve in my google reader
I like Oreck on fb
It lays virtually flat to vacuum under couches and things. Cool!
I learned that the wheels have cylindrical bearings, making it more maneuverable. And that I’d love to own one!
I’m following your blog.
I learned that Oreck magnesium is gentle enough for fine Oriental and Persian rugs.
I subscribe to Pensieve via email! 😀
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I signed up to be on Oreck’s email list!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I follow Oreck on Pinterest
OMG! I love this vacuum and need a new one desperately. I love that it’s lightweight and that you don’t have any problem with it sucking in your area rugs!!
wow! thanks for this amazing giveaway!
i like that the Oreck Magnesium is the lightest, full-powered upright vacuum in America!
I love that the Oreck is light-weight AND has full power. My old vacuum is an industrial one that my hubby thought we had to have. It takes a muscleman or a small army to push it back and forth. While I wrestle with it the darn thing fights back by throwing small items at my feet! I would love a better vacuum cleaner!
I love how lightweight it is. We have a basement and then the main floor and upstairs so our current vacuum gets VERY heavy.
The Magnesium produces 102 mph of airflow, direct suction is a streamlined design that works with a smaller motor, which is why Oreck is very light
email subscriber
I shared on Facebook.
The Oreck® Magnesium weighs less than 8 lbs.* and is the lightest full-powered vacuum in America. I also learned after reading about the Oreck that I truly do
need one.
Love that the handheld has a HEPA filter.
Read about this giveaway on the nester and
am glad she shared. Your blog is wonderful!
I subscribed to Pensieve.
Now following Pensive by email.
Just signed up to receive emails from Orek
I learned that this little baby is the lightest, full powered vacuum currently in America! I NEED this!
I liked Oreck on FB
I registered with Oreck to receive email about deals and products
I also just “LIKED” Oreck on FB so that I can increase my chances of winning this much needed vacuum!
I also just upped my chances by subscribing to this coolio blog “Pensive”. Make my dream come true! I need this vacuum!
I love the light weight at 7.7 pounds. Unbelievable. And also love the extra long cord which means no attaching an extension cord.
I also liked Oreck on Facebook.
I signed up for emails from Oreck.
I also signed up to Pensieve through emails. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I hope it’s ok to say “it lays virtually flat for easy cleaning under furniture” (copied from their description) even though I learned that above too. Seems like the DREAM vacuum!!!
I’m a subscriber (under my “work email” of cpamomva@hotmail.com)
I follow @oreck on Twitter (@CPAMom)
I Like Oreck on Facebook (already did, before this contest actually 🙂
Signed up for Oreck’s email list
Tweeted “Have you entered the $600 @Oreck Magnesium/Handheld Vac Combo #giveaway from @PensieveRobin? Details: Pls RT!”
I follow Oreck on Pinterest.
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/158945960603549696
Oh how I would love a nice vacuum! Ours is terrible…I love that the Oreck has such a long cord! That would be super useful!
The Magnesium lies flat to clean under furniture. Thanks for the giveaway!
I went to their site and learned it works great on tile-which is what I have All through my house here in Hawaii!-So..I hope I win this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that the cord is 20 feet long! I also learned that I could REALLY use this vacuum. My really sucks!
I subscribed to your blog by email!
I signed up for Oreck’s email list.
I learned that it will lie flat so I can clean under the furniture.
I like them on FB
I get their emails.
Since this Oreck is princess-approved, must be for me. I learned it’s the lightest vacuum made. Housework is hard enough!
This is the lightest vacuum in America and actually folds flat so you can get under furniture.
I’ve been wanting one of these!
I learned there’s a 5-ft. slinky hose.
I learned that its Hepa inner bag captures at least 99.97% of particles as small as .3 microns from that air
I follow @oreck on Twitter (@The_Sunshyn)
I like oreck on facebook (id=SunshynV)
I tweeted
i learned its the lightest, full-powered upright in America
I learned that they have the saniseal on the filter which locks in dirt.
sandysaveseveryda AT gmail DOT com
I learned that they have the saniseal on the filter which locks in dirt.
sandysaveseveryday AT gmail DOT com
•Liked Oreck on Facebook
I can really use it with the extra long cord and it goes from carpets to hard wood floors.
I learned on the Oreck site that this vacuum has twin LED “headlights” and a 7000 rpm motor. That’s what I call a clean machine!
Following @oreck on Twitter. Hoping I win!
Great giveaway! I learned that the wheels on the Oreck have ballbearings in them. Way cool!
I learned on the Oreck site that it has twin LED “headlights” and a 7000 rpm motor. That’s a clean machine that my poor house desperately needs!
Subscribed to your awesome blog! =]
Following @oreck on Twitter. Hoping I win!
I liked Oreck on Facebook. My account is linked with a different email address than what is listed here though, I hope that’s not a problem.
Posted a tweet about the giveaway!
I learned that the Magnesium produces 102 mph of airflow.
I learned that it can pick up particles as small as 0.3 microns!! I’m an engineer and a neat freak… so I love this 🙂
Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!!
following Oreck on twitter (buttabee)
following Oreck on Pinterest (Gina B.)
I subscribed via Google Reader!!
I learned that it has a 20ft power cord, pretty impressive!
The quickswitch feature allows you to go quickly from one type of floor to another type.
Subscribed by email – driftedpigeon@aim.com
Following oreck on Twitter as @elviraprunn
Liked Oreck on Facebook as Vera Prunn
Signed up for emails from Oreck – driftedpigeon@aim.com
Tweet – https://twitter.com/#!/ElviraPrunn/status/159027930503188480
I shared on Facebook.
I learned that the Magnesium produces 102 mph of airflow. Dirt is delivered in a straight, efficient path right to the vacuum bag.
Subscribed to PENSIEVE via e-mail.
Following @oreck on Twitter @hle123.
Liked Oreck on FB: Hoa Le
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/hle123/status/159043777040887810
Following Oreck on Pinterest: Hoa Le
The Magnesium produces 102 mph of airflow. Dirt is delivered in a straight, efficient path right to the vacuum bag. – I believe that this would be great for my berber style carpets.
I wish my vacuum could lie flat for easy storage!!
cheatingpiggies at hotmail dot com
I follow Oreck on twitter (@mclanek)
I follow/like Oreck on facebook.
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/Sexyknickers68_/status/159051771824709632
Well I learned, “As air passes through the HEPA inner bag, it captures at least 99.97% of particles…” Nifty!
Well since we rolled up our area rug because the vacuum we have does not cut it on there, I am so glad to hear that it is good on both wood and carpet and goes back and forth with just the flip of a “quickswitch.”
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I shared on Facebook.
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I learned that it’s the lightest full-powered vacuum in America.
I Like Oreck on Facebook.
I subscribe to Oreck’s e-mail list.
would love this! i learned that it is very lightweight…that is a major plus!!
5 ft slinky hose? Yes please!
That cat hair isn’t going to pick up itself.
two-setting shoulder strap for carrying by hand or over the shoulder
I learned it has HEPA Inner Bag
I am an email subscriber- eddiem11@ca.rr.com
It’s the lightest upright in America.
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Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/pdale1/status/159099318014443521
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Added to Giveaway category on Pinterest
I learned that the Magnesium is the lightest Oreck upright ever. I would love, love to have to this vacuum. katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com
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katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com
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katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com
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katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweeted about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/katbirdfl/status/159104168936742912
katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com
i hope i get it…. sighned up for e-mail.
Subscribed in a reader
tweety pie
i learned you can even use this on persian rugs! this is cool because my dyson can’t be used on those…
oreck twitter follower meandbells
oreck fb fan courtney bella
I learned it not only clocks in at under 8lbs, but it’s the lightest in America! It sounds perfect for my new home too 😀
Tweet #2 for today!
I learned its backed with a 3-year limited warranty*
I Subscribe to PENSIEVE in a reader
Email subscriber
I Follow @oreck on Twitter (yummyfaerie)
I learned it has a 2 speed Quickswitch in the back.
I Like Oreck on Facebook (gina emerson)
Liked Oreck on Facebook
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Follow @oreck on Twitter as @LizTerek
I learned that is has a 7-year limited warranty
I follow Oreck on facebook as Kelly Ann T.
1/16 tweet https://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/159134742476890112
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/Sexyknickers68_/status/159140367600582657
I learned the Oreck Magnesium vacuum produces 102 mph of airflow!!
I like it that it weighs less than 8lbs which is good news for the lady that has to haul it up and down the stairs!
facebooked before i got to page..
Oh I love the two-setting shoulder strap for carrying by hand or over the shoulder!
Laura Jacobson
landfjacobson @ charter.net
I Follow @oreck on Twitter.
landfjacobson @ charter.net
Laura Jacobson
I Like Oreck on Facebook.
Laura Jacobson
I tweeted
landfjacobson @ charter.net
Laura Jacobson
I learned that it has two speed switch
Love, love, love the long extension cord! And the weight! Oh I would love this vacuum…ours just bit the dust!
Also like Oreck on Facebook!
I learned that it lays virtually flat for easy cleaning under furniture. My current vacuum lays flat but with the flaw it has, it’s hard to pick anything up then.
I subscribe to PENSIEVE in Google reader (dahbou at gmail dot com)
I follow @oreck on Twitter as @didyouyarnthat
I Like Oreck on Facebook as Terri Winsome.
I am following Oreck on twitter
I follow Oreck on Pinterest as Terri P.
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Username is dahbou
I learned that it is very lightweight which is one I need and also that it lays flat for super cleaning…another “must have” that we all could use.
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/sandyv1955/status/159217792653070337
It’s backed by a limited 3 yr warranty.
email subscriber
like Oreck on FB.
I learned that the Double-Helix roller brush spins at about 7,000 rpm! WOW! Thanks.
i like that it has a HEPA inner bag. Great for allergy sufferers!
like Oreck on FB as Jessica Vaughan Gengler
subsribe to Oreck email list — aggiegrad02@gmail.com
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/Sexyknickers68_/status/159269463156461568
The Saniseal® System automatically seals shut, locking dirt in the disposable filter bag and ensuring a strong seal.
subscribed to email
following Orek on twitter @ladycolor
like orek on fb as Sandy Berry Brown
tweeted; https://twitter.com/#!/LadyColor/status/159272612659339265
It has a 3 year warranty
liked Oreck on facebook
email subscriber to your blog
I love that it is self propelled. It makes it so much easier on the arms!
It can do hardwoods and rugs too!
Liked them on facebook
I learned that even though the Magnesium is a powerful vacuum, it’s still gentle enough to use on delicate rugs like Persian rugs.
I’m following Oreck on Twitter!
I like Oreck on Facebook!
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/justmalia/status/159298675510751233
Tweet tweet!
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/159307661295362048
Tweeted again (mama needs a new vacuum!)
I learned that I really want one!! 🙂 And that it has an awesome 20 ft cord and can be used on multiple surfaces. Would really love to win this amazing vaccum – thanks for such a thourough review! nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Following Oreck on Twitter @nat5732
nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Like Oreck on Facebook – nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Already signed up to recieve Oreck’s newsletter – nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Tweeted – https://twitter.com/#!/nat5732/status/159319305056550912
nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Subscribed to your blog via google reader – nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
The lightness of the product amazes me. Would love to try it out!
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/peg42/status/159327002015449088
Thanks so much
Awesome! I love the look and style of this vac. I also like that it’s lightweight, has a HEPA filter, and that it has a 20 foot power cord! Thanks!
I RSS subscribe to your feed via Yahoo reader.
I follow Oreck on Twitter (roomofmyown)
I like Oreck on Facebook (Amber H)
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It lays virtually flat for vacuuming under furniture.
daily tweet https://twitter.com/#!/5memb/status/159329360753602561
Tweeted – https://twitter.com/#!/April_Pinkchip/status/159329722130644992
At 7.7 pounds, it’s lighter than my Baby #2. This “little baby” would make an excellent birthday gift for me! I’d tell you which one, but my older sister has been lying about her age for so long that I’m having trouble remembering how old I’ll be. Ha. =]
I’m a facebook follower.
I’m an email reader.
Tweeted again!
I’m tweeting about it. Chirp chirp…
Would love to win this – learned that it’s lightweight and easy to use and has a Hepa inner bag.
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I shared on Facebook.
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I shared on Facebook.
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
LOVE this giveaway!… and LOVE the new Oreck’s ability to clean both hard floors and carpet!
New email subscriber!…
Following Oreck on Twitter…
Already *like* Oreck on Facebook (Beverly Steele)
Already subscribe to Oreck’s email newletter…
Following Oreck on Pinterest…
I had to look up more on the hepa filtration, I have a daughter with asthma and this would be great to have.
I learned it’s the lightest full-powered vac in America. Love that!
Daily Tweet
I like the idea of the “quickswitch” for different floor surfaces.
Tweetie tweet!!
A 7 year warranty for a vacuum cleaner is just one of the impressive features!
I like that it is the lightest vaccuum.
I learned that it has 2 speeds and a shoulder strap for carrying. cool!
I’m an email subscriber.
I follow @oreck on twitter..her5boys480
I like that it has a 5 foot accordion style hose. I like to vacuum the drapes and such and this would come in very useful!
I follow Oreck on facebook…holly nelson walker
I tried to make my second comment say that I subscribe to your blog with Google Reader, but I’m not sure it went through. Sorry if this is a duplicate. ;-P
I am an e-mail subscriber
What else? Oh, okay. I follwed @Oreck on Twitter.
Tweet https://twitter.com/#!/her5boys480/status/159445821757210624
I follow @oreck on Twitter @JCHARRIES
I like Oreck on Facebook (Jacob Matthew)
And I tweeted abt the giveaway!
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I tweeted at https://twitter.com/#!/JCHARRIES/status/159308533802868737
It is the lightest full-powered vacuum in America
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I shared on Facebook.
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
It’s self-propelled!! That’s AMAZING!!!
It has a strong durable magnesium frame which might explain the name, and it is the light full featured vacuum.
I don’t know if my post went through. I learned it’s safe for hardwoods.
I follow Oreck on Twitter @kayte71
I subscribe in Google Reader.
I subscribed via email!
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What did I learn?
The Oreck Magnesium is not only the lightest Oreck upright ever, it’s the lightest, full-powered upright vacuum in America.
I followed Oreck on Twitter.
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It’s gentle enough to use on Oriental or Persian rugs!
I tweeted/
Twitter name is Ice Cream Mama.
I now follow Oreck on Pintrest.
I pinned this giveaway. Also love the idea of a Giveaway board on Pintrest.
Subscribed to your email!
Following Oreck on Twitter @IMADEVLSH1
I signed up for Oreck emails.
Tweeted giveaway
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signed up for Orecks email
It is the lightest vacuum and has an extremely long cord and lays flat.
You can set up payments as low as $40.90 per month on it.
I pinned on Pinterest.
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I like Oreck on facebook
I subscribe via google reader
I shared on facebook.
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daily tweet 1/17
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/Sexyknickers68_/status/159530695939735553
Oreck is the BEST vacumn!!! Lightweight, great quality & no dirt is left behind!!!:)I love that it lays flat to reach the hard to reach places!!!
I learned that it lies virtually flat for easy cleaning under furniture.
Subscribed in Google Reader
Following Oreck on twitter (clc408)
Like Oreck on fb (Cynthia Conley)
Tweeted again!
Love the extra long cord! The 7 year warranty is a plus too!
I learned the Magnesium™ packs all the power you expect from an Oreck vacuum — so much power
•Like Oreck on Facebook
I sub to email
I did not know it could lay flat–oh, so helpful!
I learned that the Saniseal® System automatically seals shut, locking dirt in the disposable filter bag and ensuring a strong seal
I learned that it is backed by a 3 year limited warranty
tweet- https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/159654520618614784
I learned it can lie flat and is light weight
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
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jofo120 at yahoo dot com
Like Oreck on Facebook ( JoAnna Danna)
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
daily tweet https://twitter.com/#!/5memb/status/159678180326772736
I follow Oreck on Pinterest (aroomofmyown)
I pinned this giveaway on Pinterest:http://pinterest.com/pin/55521007875918427/
The Oreck Magnesium has a 2 speed quickswitch which allows you to easily vacuum
different surfaces-sounds good! I have pets that I love dearly, but they shed a lot,
this would really be helpful to have! Great giveaway!
I’ve subscribed via e-mail.
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I shared on Facebook.
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
Just subscribed and super happy to have found you (via nester!)
I love the maneuverability. Makes vacuuming so much less annoying!
Shared on G+
Learned that ‘The Saniseal® System automatically seals shut, locking dirt in the disposable filter bag and ensuring a strong seal’.
I liked oreck on Facebook. Bonus-hey are donating money to the Susan G. Komen foundation for every “like” they get!
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I learned that the cord on this is 20 feet long.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
It’s backed with a 3-year limited warranty*
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I learned that this is the lightest full-power vacuum sold in the USA. Only 7.7 pounds — amazing!
annulla (at) gmail (dot) com
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annulla (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted!
annulla (at) gmail (dot) com
I liked the hepa filter
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I learned that it uses a HEPA inner bag.
I learned that the Magnesium maneuverability, making it easy to push through high-pile carpet.
diane dot wortman at gmail dot com
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diane dot wortman at gmail dot com
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diane dot wortman at gmail dot com
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diane dot wortman at gmail dot com
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I shared on Facebook.
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I learned that the bag unzips, instead of a hard case. I really like that, as it seems more durable (and friendly to fingers). I love the lie-flat and LOOOONG cord, too.
And we REALLY need a vacuum . . . I would love to win this! lol Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve followed Oreck’s boards on Pinterest. :o)
And on twitter . . . :o)
And liked them on facebook . . .
I am now fol-low-ing Oreck on Twitter. Beep Beep :).
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I learned that it seals dirt in. That would be great for my allergies!
I learned it has a 7-year limited warranty
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/peg42/status/159792477094682624
Thanks so much
the vacuum weighs 8 lbs! i was shocked because it looked heavier.
Daily Tweet
I learned it weighs 7.7 lbs.
the Oreck Magnesium weighs less than 8 lbs.
i like oreck on fb
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I learned that it has a 20 foot cord which I love.
mattnneb follows Oreck on Twitter
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mattnneb tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/mattnneb/status/159825117378121728
It weighs less than 8 lbs and has a 30 ft cord. Thanks for the giveaway.
Another tweet!
learned it weighs less than 8 lbs and it’s the lightest full-powered vacuum in America
I like the The two speed Quickswitch™ on the back of the vacuum
I follow Oreck on twitter, harvester5905
1/18 tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/harvester5905/status/159842812341399552
I learned that Oreck® Magnesium weighs less than 8 lbs.* and is the lightest full-powered vacuum in America
Email Subscriber, thanks!
Following Oreck via Twitter (@Hotsnotty2), Thanks!
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I learned that it’s a sexy vacuum that would look great in my living room, being pushed around by me.
I learned that it lays flat to fit under furniture, which I absolutely love about it!
Subscribed to Pensieve via google+ reader with email stacey0711n(at)gmail.com
Liked Oreck on Facebook as Stacey Bicovny
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Oops! Perhaps a comment is helpful.
I learned that the Oreck magnesium is super sexy and would great in my living room being pushed around by me.
Sorry. Too many. But I’ve subscribed to reader and following Oreck on twitter and liked on Facebook.
It is named Magnesium bcause of the strong Magnesium frame.
New tweet https://twitter.com/#!/StaceyRenee711/status/159882420060045312
spreading the word
Tweeted again https://twitter.com/#!/StaceyRenee711/status/159897117211627520
I tweeted!
tweety pie
The A Double-Helix roller brush has been engineered to clean dirt, while it spins at about 7,000 rpm
I’m a RSS subscriber.
Like Oreck on Facebook. Jill Lear
Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/chipdip2010/status/159968034679832576
thelevel switch is on the back instead of the bottom
This Oreck is easy to use to reach under furniture because it lays almost flat. Ha Ha, no more hidden dust bunnies.
I love that it weighs less than 8 lbs and includes a handheld vacuum for those trouble areas, like stairs.
Light weight and has a 3 year warranty. Love warrenties!
RT giveway on twitter!
RT giveaway on twitter…https://twitter.com/#!/kathysykes/status/160009970866339842
following @oreck on twitter
the oreck is the most lightweight vacuum and has a three year warranty
I learned that it can clean all my floors- carpet, tile, wood, rugs, etc.
I posted about it on twitter. @becca1103
I love the long cord!
i learned the cord is 20 feet long
I learned that the Oreck Magnesium lays virtually flat so that you can easily clean under furniture.
like oreck on fb:heta s
twitter follower:hminnesota
following on pinterest:heta s
I like that it weighs less than 8lbs! That will make vacuuming a whole lot easier… especially cleaning up after a toddler and 2 pomeranians!
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/160028282492952576
I follow Oreck on Twitter (@ildowns)
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I learned it has a 20 fr cord
I’m a RSS subscriber.
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I tweeted.
I’m now following oreck on pinterest.
Whoops, I thought I did this, but can’t find my comment, so I’m posting it again.
After visiting the oreck website, I’ve learned that magnesium is stronger and more durable than steel, yet lighter. I love that its got an extra long cord and that it’ll actually suck and do its job! Most vacuums promise that, but none really delivers!
I learned that part of the reason that its very tough and still very light weight is because its frame is made out of magnesium. Oooooh, space age-y…
Tweetie tweet!
I learned that it is gentle enough for Oriental and Persian rugs.
thisisme79 @ gmail dot com
Email subscriber
thisisme79 @ gmail dot com
I follow @oreck on Twitter. @thisisme79
thisisme79 @ gmail dot com
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thisisme79 @ gmail dot com
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thisisme79 @ gmail dot com
thisisme79 @ gmail dot com
I love the 7 year warranty and 3 annual tune ups! With about 2000 sq ft of carpet in my house, I could really use a great vacuum. I have done bagless, but I too prefer bags.
Tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/StaceyRenee711/status/159897117211627520
The Magnesium has a 20 foot powercord.
I’ve always wanted an Oreck, maybe it’s my lucky year!
It has so much power it feels like it’s self-propelled on most surfaces
tweety tweet
Tweeted at https://twitter.com/#!/StaceyRenee711/status/160080428882083840
1/19 tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/harvester5905/status/160080598256451587
I learned that the Oreck Magnesium is the lightest upright full-powered vac in the US!
I subscribed to you via google reader.
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I signed up for Oreck email mprimack at gmail dot com
I tweeted about this giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/momUNblogger/status/160084454730248193
20 foot power cord!
20 foot power cord! Follow oreck on twitter
I learned you can use it for hardwoods and carpet
I like Oreck on fb.
Jean Fischer
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I shared on Facebook.
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I learned it has a Hepa inner bag, thanks!
I subscribe by email, thanks!
I follow Oreck on twitter (momofthreeunder)
I like Oreck on FB farrah r
I signed up for their emails
Follow Oreck on Pinterest farrah r
tweetly deet
it is the lightest full-powered vacuum great for the back
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I learned that the Magnesium has a 7 year warranty and weighs only 7.7 lbs. My husband is superstious and 7 is his lucky number, so this info might make him open to the price tag!
I subscribe to your blog via email.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
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kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I follow Oreck on twitter @Aerated
I tweeted. Thank you!
There’s a quickswitch for doing different floor types.
Lightest of all vacuums not just the lightest Oreck. Great for all flooring even gentle on Persian rugs.
Like Oreck on FB.
Follow Oreck on twitter @ssgwkramer.
Tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/StaceyRenee711/status/160127505171361793
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I shared on Facebook.
t42vek20 @ gmail dot com
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/peg42/status/160146292029403136
Thanks again
Daily Tweet
I learned that the Oreck has a system that automatically seals the disposable filter bag shut, so there’s no contact with all the gross stuff you vacumned up!
a tweeting
I learned it has a nice really long cord 20 ft. power cord which is a must for any vacuum plus its lightweight perfect
amasfuntime at yahoo dot com
Email Subscriber to PENSIEVE
amasfuntime at yahoo dot com
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amasfuntime at yahoo dot com
I love that the cord is 20 ft long. I always end up running out of room with the short cord vaccuum I have at home.
Like Oreck on Facebook(sheryl cullum)
amasfuntime at yahoo dot com
oreck fb fan brittney house
oreck fb fan brittney house
I learned that The Oreck® Magnesium weighs less than 8 lbs.* and is the lightest full-powered vacuum in America.
weighs less than 8 lbs making cleaning easy !
I Follow @oreck on Twitter.
I Like Oreck on Facebook.
It is the lightest Oreck upright ever! That is the fect that I learned 🙂
my fiance and I are in the process of buying our first place so this would be awesome!
thanks for the chance to win!
avalenti6936 at yahoo dot com
I am following Oreck on Twitter as @MandaPanda428
thanks for the chance to win!
avalenti6936 at yahoo dot com
I “like” Oreck on Facebook as Manda Valenti!
thanks for the chance to win!
avalenti6936 at yahoo dot com
avalenti6936 at yahoo dot com
It has a HEPA filter.
Mandatory entry: I learned that this vac uses 1/3 the power than a standard upright.
I follow you via email.
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I leaned that the magnesium is the lightest, full-powered upright in America
Follow @oreck on Twitter.
cbstrat (at) gmail (dot) com
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I learned that the Oreck Magnesium vacuum weighs only 7.7 lbs.
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Pinned it.
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One of the lightest upright vac’s.
Ksgoodnough3808 at gmail dot com
I learned there is a payment option if you want to purchase it, and I learned that you can use it on hardwood or tile as well as carpet. Yay!
I signed up for your e-mails.
I follow Oreck on Twitter (mail4rosey).
I like Oreck on FB (Sarah Smile).
I shared on Twitter:
I learned that it is the lightest upright vacuum in America. If you are like me and usually vacuum with a baby or toddler in one arm then that is really good news!
I follow Oreck on Twitter as @MountainMommy.
I subscribe to Pensieve with Google Reader. Thanks!
I learned that it lays flat for cleaning under furniture. Cool!
Tweet tweet!
It’s gentle enough for an oriental rug.
I tweeted about the giveaway
It’s the lightest Oreck!
I learned that it has an inner Hepa bag!
I follow Oreck on twitter as @stickyprints
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/stickyprints/status/160204794345172993
20 ft long cord,great to manuever around my apartment!
follow Oreck @sunshyne1977
I like that the vacuum can lay “virtually flat” to get under furniture.
Tweet tweet –
Magnesium HEPA inner bag captures at least 99.97% of particles as small as .3 microns from that air, such as pollen, dust, smoke, animal dander and mold spores. WoW! Love it!
Thank You!
I like that the vacuum can lay virtually flat to fit under furniture.
Subscribe to PENSIEVE in a reader
Thank You!
Subscribe to PENSIEVE via email *I LOVE Pixie Dust!*
Thank You!
I follow Oreck on twitter as @jacqgrif
Thank You!
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User name Jacqueline Taylor Griffin
Thank You!
Thank You!
The hand held vac has a five foot SLINKY hose! That makes it sound fun!
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
1/19 tweet https://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/160218559551770624
and I tweet
yes, I need a vaccum
Tweeted again: https://twitter.com/#!/JulieSunne1/status/160220356613906432
I learned that you can get a 30 day risk free trial and that someone apparently bought one and wrote a review after reading your review 🙂 silenttributary at yahoo dot com
following Oreck on twitter hippie4ever2 silenttributary at yahoo dot com
fb fan Oreck Hippiefourever Mum silenttributary at yahoo dot com
I learned that the Oreck Magnesium Vacuum has a two-setting shoulder strap for carrying by hand or over the shoulder. After having to carry my vacuum up and down two sets of stairs all the time I am very excited about this feature. reejen at comcast dot net
I learned that the Oreck Magnesium lays virtually flat so that you can easily clean under furniture and weighs less than 8lbs.
tweetly deet
this is my lucky tweet right here
last tweet for me- thanks for the chance!
I tweeted 1/18 (but didn’t have a chance to post until now.. hope that’s okay :))
I tweeted today too 1/19
It has 2 speeds so you can easily move between different floor types.
I would LOVE the super long cord! I have a “designer’ vacumn and I have to unplug and replug it in at least twice in each room! What a pain and not great design!
Like Oreck on Twitter -@tally2525
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I learned that it can lay practically flat which can reach hard places like under the couch…which if you have 2 animals (3 if you include my husband hehe) and a baby you sure as hell need something like this. =D
I liked them on Facebook.
I like that this has two-setting shoulder strap for carrying by hand or over the shoulder.
michedt at yahoo . com
Follow via email (confirmed)
michedt at yahoo . com
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michedt at yahoo . com
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Michelle Tucker
michedt at yahoo . com
Signed up for Oreck’s email list
michedt at yahoo . com
I also joined your blog. =D
I also signed up for oreck emails. =D
I learned that the Magnesium frame is durable and stronger than many kinds of steel.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.
I am a fan of Oreck via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I am following Oreck via Twitter as jlsc123.
I am a Oreck email subscriber as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.
I learned that it has a 20 ft. power cord and 5-ft. slinky hose. Awesome!
I learned that it has a durable magnesium frame.
The Oreck Magnesium is smoother than Sean Connery. Not to mention it’s the lightest most powerful vacuum yet.
I leanred it has a 360 degree spin
Subscribe via Google reader-rosannepm
Subscribe by e-mail rosans4@comcast.net
Follow Oreck on Twitter-rosannepm
Like Oreck on Facebook R Morrison
Signedc up for ORecks e-mail rosans4@comcast.net
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/rosannepm/status/160263843442999296
I was impressed with the inner Hepa filter and that there is a “sani-lock” that keeps all of the dust and pollutants from getting back into the air. Please enter me in your giveaway. 🙂
Liked Oreck on Facebook
Signed up at Oreck on the mailing list
I like that it has the hepa filter bag instead of the bagless vacuums that seem to be so popular these days. I hate that I can never seem to take out the canisters without having to vacuum up again since there is always dust outside the canister somewhere that falls on the floor
I Follow @oreck on Twitter with user elangomatt
I Like Oreck on Facebook with Aaron Bretveld
I tweeted about this giveaway
and here is the link to my tweet that I forgot to paste http://twitter.com/elangomatt/statuses/160326034728816641
It lays virtually flat for easy cleaning under furniture.
I love love love that “The Oreck® Magnesium weighs less than 8 lbs.* and is the lightest full-powered vacuum in America” because I have wrist/arm injuries that prevent me from heavy lifting!!!!
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