I don't see it coming when it happens–
Time plays tricks on me.
The catalyst? My children, a l w a y s m y b a b i e s.
Sometimes when I'm looking at them, watching them,
when all of me is s t i l l enough,
I go back in time and see who they were—
their younger self, the toddler, the preschooler…
the age they were when they needed me to wipe their behind
or tie their shoes or brush their hair
and a thousand other "or's."
Or I see a future flash, who they're becoming—
their dreams, their hopes,
their p o t e n t i a l realized.
There's a quiet desperation for life long, not for the sake of myself, but to meet the adult version of my babies, to kiss my babies' babies, to read more of their life stories.
Is this the essence of motherhood, a slow dying in the midst of all things new?
Of course, my head knows what my heart was slower to receive: they aren't babies anymore. I have to look up to see into their eyes for goodness sakes.
I've given up chasing Neverland. I know that's the stuff of dreams and imagination and I'm good with it. It's the natural order and how things should be, right?
But when I'm still, there is reward:
I see them fully.
I see their complexity, their metamorphosis; their beauty, and yes, sometimes their ugly. I know them as well as anyone can, as deeply as they're willing to let me in.
Don't we all long to be fully known (and loved) regardless of complexity and imperfection?
Of this, I'm convinced:
The way a mother knows and loves her child is seeded in the Divine.
Be still, and know that I am God the scripture tells me.
Be still, and know…a command.
Be still, and know…whisper and admonition.
Be still, and know…because I need to be reminded that being still enables me to know.
Does it not confound you that God wants to be known, and he doesn't leave the how a secret?
Why is it my tendancy is to avoid being still? Why do I (we?) equate busyness with success or productivity or validation? And maybe I (we) would say that's not true but doesn't the evidence shout otherwise?
"Squirrel!" An easy distraction for Dug-the-dog from Up. And me. Photo credit.
We are an easily distractable lot, we American consumers. Shiny trinkets clamor for attention, and we too often settle for better when best patiently waits.
And during a season when I'm already thinking on these things, when that hushed whisper Be still…stop striving is sounded in my heart, I receive a message from my friend Lisa Leonard, and she's created something new and beautiful and she asks me to choose one.
The truth is, I want them all (American Consumer much?) because I love the entire Lisa Leonard Faith Collection…but there was no doubt which one I should choose….
How much fun is the juxtaposition–and the on-the-surface contradiction–of my One Word for 2012 bracelet (by the beautiful Lisa Lehmann, aka the Bead Girl) with this needed reminder?
Wearing these meaning-filled words helps me practice the discipline of stillness; they help me remember what my squirrely soul too often forgets.
Do you need help remembering?
Would you like to win Lisa's Be Still and Know Bracelet?
I'll make it easy. Simply leave a comment on this post that somehow demonstrates you actually read it ~ smile ~. After you do that, enter as often as you like by leaving a separate comment letting me know you've done any of the following:
- Subscribe to PENSIEVE by email or in a reader(already a subscriber? THANK YOU! Just let me know in a comment, too.)
- Tweet this post with a mention for the Lisa Leonard/Heartfelt giveaway (commenting the URL of your tweet is sufficient). Use your own words or cut and paste:
A heartfelt post by @PensieveRobin on #motherhood #parenting & being still + a @LisaLeonard #giveaway http://bit.ly/RyczyR
Beautiful, MUST-read by @PensieveRobin on #motherhood #parenting & being still + a @LisaLeonard #giveaway http://bit.ly/RyczyR
"Is this the essence of motherhood, a slow dying in the midst of all things new?" by @PensieveRobin http://bit.ly/RyczyR (GO~READ~NOW)
"The way a mother knows and loves her child is seeded in the Divine." Love! great read by @PensieveRobin http://bit.ly/RyczyR
(ummm, just tryin' to mix up the tweets so they aren't all the same 🙂 )
- Shared on Facebook (a link to your share, please).
- On my right sidebar, click "Like" for my Facebook page.
Winner will be randomly selected but I'll make sure the number chosen followed entry guildlines. I'm a stickler on this. Prize mailed to US only. Entry deadline is Saturday, September 8th at midnight EST.
I've already bought three more pieces for gifts from the Lisa Leonard Faith Collection; and if you see something you'd like, I encourage you to take advantage of 15% off the entire collection with the code LLD15 (good through 9/15/12). Orders over $50 receive free shipping, too.
Congratulations to commentor #65, Kelly Sauer; scroll down to see why it's so ironic that Random.org would choose her number (maybe I could learn something from her….)
I read it. And want it. The end. 🙂
And I tweeted. <3
This is amazing: “Does it not confound you that God wants to be known…”
And I find myself *not* wanting to be known sometimes (by some people), and yet desiring to be known other times. So strange. Regardless, I’m thankful that God knows me and He desire me to know Him and become more and more like Christ, His purpose for creation.
I do have a hard time in my making my mind be still, but it’s so important, isn’t it?
Thanks for this post (and this giveaway)!
I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/Keep_Tha_Faith/statuses/241948761633472512
Ah, the babies. I have young friends who mourn the first day of kindergarten, the high school graduation…I always tell them that adult children are so amazing and that every day it just gets better (esp when grandchildren arrive!). So wise of you to already know this.
Oh yes – I am almost through the child at home part and there is much dying, much praying, much loving from afar, and yes, kissing the cheeks of my little granddaughter as well. But my girl – my precious daughter – she lives in New Zealand, a whole world away. Only God knows just how much this Mama’s heart has wept in recent years. And on the “Happy Quilt” I made for my bed? The words “Be still and know that I am God”. I too find being still so hard.
A beautiful post, Robin. One day, I really want to meet you and chat….
And tweeted (Linds54)
I love the words and the sentiments. Not only have I gone through the changes you describe with my children, but my grandchildren have the nerve to grow up and leave their cuddly chubby-face babyhoods behind. Luckily they are not quite teenagers yet, so I have some time to enjoy them at this stage before they move on to those cooler than cool years. You are so right – Be still and know me.
I know what you mean about your kids. My oldest son started jr. high this year and I feel like I’m going to blink and he’s going to be gone. *snif*
I follow your blog in Google Reader.
I tweeted:
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there is an old russell taft song that says that, it has been a comfort song to me all my life
We spent time last night watching home videos. I know exactly what you are feeling. Watching those babies become who God has created them to be is such a privilege. Just wait until the grandbabies arrive!
I subscribe.
I tweeted @SoGalThoughts.
Sorry, I don’t know how to find the url of my tweet! I tried clicking on it, but it didn’t work. Novice. 🙂
These are so beautiful and so needed in our world today. Such wonderful reminders of God’s Word for us!
I enjoyed reading the part that said…..I go back in time and see who they were….. it brings back memories.
Subscribed to Pensieve by email.
I have a daughter that is growing up way too fast! I can see changes in her within the past two weeks. She would usually want to spend all of her waking moments with me, but now she is spending time on the phone, texting, and doing for herself! It makes me sad but also glad that she is growing up! I just pray that God will help me to continue to nurture her in HIS LOVE! keshakeke@aol.com
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I tweeted this giveaway! https://twitter.com/keshakeke/status/242219156932542464
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I shared this giveaway on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/#!/kesha.gooding/posts/274288356019175
I really could use this bracelet as a reminder at this season of life. I feel scattered all over the place and frazzled with life’s expectations and demands. I need to remember to be still and allow myself the time to know God and then to trust Him. But I cannot fully trust until I fully know… or at least be still long enough to listen and know Him far, far better than at this moment. Soon I will be 55… my life has been a rocky on. I really, really need to Be Still.
Be still…..my mind doesn’t like the slower, quiet pace. Listening for Gods voice, Waiting for His leading. I only have one baby who still needs me to do things for him and my heart aches a bit that the season I love is getting ready to end. But I am embracing this new season of motherhood by being still, beginning my own metamorphosis of sorts, transforming into something new. I can adapt, with Gods help!
This post reminded me of a moment I shared with my daughter and my mom just a few weeks ago. We were at church the day after my oldest daughter turned 13 (a teen!) . Grandparents were in town for the birthday celebration and came to church with us the next day to hear her sing a solo on Youth Sunday. She was all dressed up and looked so mature. But, she was a bundle of nervous energy and anxiety. As she rushed by us in the foyer, she accidentally knocked over a toddler, who started wailing. My daughter looked mortified, looked at us and then reached down and picked up the toddler to comfort her. As my mom and I watched her rubbing the little one’s back, we had visions of the future. Here was this young girl growing into a woman (a mother someday) right before our eyes. We teared up and could hardly talk. It’s all going by too quickly!
I already subscribe. I love it!
I clicked like for your FB page.
and it’s showing on my FB page, but I have no idea how to give you a link to that share. Sorry.
I have young children (my oldest is almost 10)…but am an OLD mom (42)! It’s SO easy to wish for days ahead and not focus on the here and now. What a timely reminder to BE STILL, WOW! really spoke to me this morning. I’ve been eye-ing the new Faith Collection and LOVE all of it! Thanks for the chance win!
I am a subscriber…
I “like” you on FB…and I think I would like you ALOT in person ;)! (a true kindred spirit)
Be centered and know yourself is what this says to me. Kindof like listening from the inside out.
Email subscriber.
In the fast-paced world we live in, and in this instant gratification society we inhabit, it is incredibly difficult to “be still and know”…my mind races in high gear; the enemy bombards me with all kinds of “what ifs”; and it becomes almost second nature to kick it up a notch, rather than being still. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post, Robin, and appreciate the reminder to me…today…please re-visit this idea often to remind me yet again! Please enter me in the drawing for this beautiful bracelet!
BLessings and love,
Lolli/aka Lisa (a fellow Tennessean)
I linked on my twitter page: @lisaasyler
I am a follower of yours and have been for years, via email…and I follow you on twitter, facebook…all of it!
…and here’s my post on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisaasyler
I read your post and would love to win that beautiful bracelet!
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
email follower
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
I really want the “It is Well with My Soul” one. 🙂
Anyways, your kids look great in front of that fountain in Bavaria!
I already subscribe via email. 🙂
hey i’ve read it 🙂
i’ve tweeted too…@whytinkerwai
i’ve shared on facebook as well 😛
Awww, I love your post! As a mom to 3 kids (boy/girl/boy) myself I can so relate. They’re now 23, 17 and 16. How time flies and when I look at them I still see their 4 year old selves. 🙂 Squirrel!!
Subscribed to your RSS using Google Reader – my email on this is artsychaos at gmail dot com
Clicked the FB like button above. 🙂
Amazing, as always, Robin. You captured it so well. Once in awhile when I gaze at my adult babies, I see an expression and they look exactly as they did at 3 or 6 or whatever. I love how you tied it in to the divine.
Love this, so much.
I love her stuff and these are no exception.
And here is my tweet and Facebook link:
Your kids are gorgeous!! And I too have given up chasing never land….. Sigh. Love Lisa’s new collection!
I tweeted. 🙂 https://twitter.com/VSliker/status/243006286210416640
https://twitter.com/LPARA/status/243025699647148033 I tweeted. Because it was a great read and blessing 🙂
YES! I love the juxtaposition of adventure with being still…
Great giveaway!
You know I am a *satisfied* subscriber 🙂
SHOCKED i wasn’t already a FB fan! I am now…
and I tweeted – but the link keeps breaking… so will you trust me?
I absolutely love Lisa, and You.
Wonderfully and beautifully written. <3
2 of my favorite jewelry makers are both talented women named, Lisa… <3
I am not trying to win – I just… your thoughts about motherhood at once challenge and encourage me all the time. I feel so new at it, only five years in, and I feel like I have failed so much. They grow without our permission, they have different love languages, they think they are equals and wiser and more than they are, and I let them think that because that is love sometimes, not making them into what I think they have to be. The being still… oh the being still and seeing them. I blink, and they are changed.
P.S. When are you going to hire me in for a family shoot? Hmm? I am so in.
This is ALWAYS what I’m needing to be reminded of. It’s like my default setting is STRIVING. Oh to rest in the deep rest of God. 🙂
I subscribe in a reader. 🙂
I love your words as you speak on your children growing up & leaving the nest. It gives me strength to slowly let go. My oldest is a junior this year its starting to hurt my heart the goodbye. But they never really are ours are they?
I do subscribe in a reader 🙂
They do grow up fast, don’t they? It makes me so grateful that there’s a twelve-year age difference between my girls. I get to experience/ enjoy two different seasons at the same time.
I jot down Bible verses on sticky notes to post at the bottom of my screen at work. I’ve had two words– “Be still”– staring back at me for two weeks now. =]
I’m so grateful that there’s a twelve-year age difference between my girls. I get to experience/ enjoy two different seasons at the same time.
I jot down Bible verses on sticky notes to post along the bottom of my computer screen at work. I’ve had two words–“Be still”– staring back at me for two weeks. =]
Oops! Firefox crashed, so I started over… I didn’t realize it posted before crashing. =/
I tweeted earlier…
Yours was the first blog I started following. =]
And, I Facebook liked a long time ago!
(But I’m not a stalker?!)
As I read your post I am reminded of the years of photos I am presently sorting through.
I want to tear up as I remember their childhood and at the same time rejoice at who they can become.
They will always be a part of my heart.
I clicked like for your facebook page.
I often go back in time and remember my 6 kids growing up. Wonderful memories. I would love to win the bracelet!
Robin, I loved the way you described motherhood… seeded in the Divine. I loved how you described seeing your children more fully, good, bad, and ugly, when you are just still and watching. Time passes so quickly and there is the chance that we will miss so much if we don’t take the time to still our selves and just “be” in the moment, watching and waiting ever so patiently for the things that God wants us to see. Thank you for a lovely post and reminder to just be still and know today. I imagine that I will see EVERYTHING more fully because of it!
I tweeted here… https://twitter.com/courtneyfanning/status/243338635045392384
I follow through Google Reader 🙂
I shared on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/courtney.fanning?ref=tn_tnmn
I liked on Facebook!
It is amazing how quickly our kids grow up and how much time I waste doing things that don’t celebrate them, capture them…I love “Be still and know…” it is such a good reminder to me that I do need to trust and Know that God is in control. Not to let stress and worry consume the loving moments with my kiddos! Thanks for the reminder!!
Learning to be still is something I continually am working to achieve more fully. Perspective is huge, and we truly need to are things from an eternal point of view to live more fully in this life.
I love it. Would love to win!
I liked your facebook page! 🙂
I love the verse from Psalms: Be still and know that I am God. I have a lace wallhanging with in on my living room wall. When I get overwhelmed with
I am a step mother to two adult children who I raised since they were 5 and 6. They are going through a season of not needing me/shutting me out and it is so extremely painful. I pray about this often and the answer I get is ‘be still and know’. Someday soon they will come back around, I know and so does He.
I just found you via In(courage) and had to come here! First I read your post on the in(courage) about living in Germany. That hit home for me because our daughter, son in law and 3 year old grandson moved in July to Vienna, Austria. Missionary work for two years. So I related to a lot of what you wrote there, then I came here. I have 3 grown daughters all moved on and yes, I totally ‘got’ this post here about your babies and letting them grow up and how hard this is…it is what we are called to do; raise them to be good responsible loving, christian adults but, letting go…is hard! To look into their eyes and know they are adults and not babies is a rough one. Let go and let God!
New subscriber via email! 🙂
Liked your facebook page! My FB name: melody roby olson
Just tweeted this: A heartfelt post by @PensieveRobin on #motherhood #parenting & being still + a @LisaLeonard #giveaway
from Melodymaeoslon
I know how you feel! I have started each of my quite times sitting at my Daddy’s feet thanking Him for all we have and each moment of my girls’ lives and then what don’t you want me to miss?
Our daughter is 2 1/2, but already I feel like time is going too quickly! I love the wonderful reminders on each jewelry piece. Reminding me that God has our life (including our little girl’s) in His hands.
I also liked your FB page! 🙂
I haven’t looked at the classic ” be still and know” passage in awhile, but from what I remember , it’s a war passage, more like “step aside, stand down, and watch ME do the work. I can take care of this.” I love that image!
Robin, your site is amazing! I’m glad I found it. Thanks also for the giveaway from Lisa L.! Her jewelry is not just beautiful but also touches the heart. “Be still” is my daughters life verse…
Also your comment is “the essence of motherhood” “a slow dying”? It is not! 🙂 As our kids get older, we then become a ‘second mother’ to our wonderful grandchildren, and on it goes… 🙂
Susan G.
ps Your ‘kids’ are beautiful. 🙂
I feel the same way about out two sons…
Our oldest just turned 24, graduated from college, has bought his first home and gotten engaged!
Our youngest son is in his third year of college
out of state…Be Still and Know That I am God
has been my favorite Bible verse for many years.
I have wooden signs hanging in different rooms of
our home with this verse on it.
Lisa Leonard is amazing and many thanks for this
delightful prize giveaway!
I am an email subscriber of yours…
Again, many thanks!
Thanks bunches, Cindi
Hi again Robin,
I think I have jumped thru all the hoops! LOL
I just signed up to receive Pensieve emails – thank you! 🙂 Sorry, I don’t tweet! 😉
Lisa’s jewelry touches the heart, as well as being fashionably beautiful…
Blessings to you,
Susan G.
“Facebook Post!”
Thank you!
I “Like” you on Facebook!
Merci, Cindi
Cindi Hoppes
Sometimes, I think the busyness is about guilty-ness. I guess it might actually be a diabolical plot to keep us from being still so that we can know that the Lord is God (for us too)!! I often am busy because I feel guilty if I am not – like I am doing something wrong if I am not doing something and there is always something that needs to be done!! Guilt of this kind then, is not from God. We need to feel guilty for not being still!! to know HIM!! Thanks for the chance!!
I can already feel this teeter-totter into the eternal, and my little one is only 3 and a half. I love this quote: “The way a mother knows and loves her child is seeded in the Divine.” There is something eternal and supernatural about motherhood, no doubt.
I just love her collection of jewelery! Great reminders! And I plan to subscribe to your blog! What a great read!
I have now “liked” your facebook page. Looking forward to reading your posts!
And now I have activated my subscription (via e-mail) to your blog.
We also have a teenager. (Hard to imagine.) It is God’s plan to place one day at a time in front of parents. To enjoy one day completely. Imagine if we went from infancy to grown up too quickly. We couldn’t appreciate the road to be traveled. Each stage is to be savored and treasured.
Being still and knowing is extremely hard in these times. Child-like faith and perspective are vital.
I subscribed.
Isn’t it so unbelievable how we forget to quickly about the most powerful, loving, omnipotent force EVER!? I’m always surprised, ashamed, and then pleasantly relieved by that.
I tweeted it here.
Seeing our 12yr old (turned 13yrs while they were with us) daughter with our first foster family (newborn, 3yr & 7yr) was poignant and reflective. What a glimpse into her future. She did not have much time to be still and know while they were with us. None of us did quite frankly. Because she is an only, the experience was overwhelming.
I truly don’t know how people function without the Lord. If we hadn’t been faith believing during those 4 months, we would have failed. I found the situation to be overwhelming. Breaking down each task into one moment at a time made it possible.
Be still and know that I am God is a short but powerful verse that I have recited many times in my life!
Ah, the word “babies” even caught this great-grandma’s eyes. They will always be our babies, just as we are His. And doesn’t that make it seem strange that we sometimes closet ourselves away from Him as if we didn’t want to know Him? But then we humans are strange creatures. Great blog! Great giveaway!
I’ve subscribed to your blog using FeedDemon reader.
And here’s the url to my Tweet: https://twitter.com/Sherrey_Meyer/status/243575007983329280.
I absolutely adore your writing style. It reminds me of my own so it makes perfect sense to me. I too struggle with my children growing up and not needing me as much, but I know they are turning into amazing adult people. Thank you for the opportunity to win this bracelet.
I love the reminder that God wants to be known and He doesn’t leave it a secret on how to be known. Sometimes it’s so hard to just be still – especially in my newest season of being a mom. It’s so much easier to keep going rather than to just listen to Him and be with Him. I want to teach my daughter that it’s important to take a break from everything and be with God. I hope she sees it and notices it. Yes, she’s not even 2, but she picks up a lot! Thanks for this great reminder to be still!
I am subscribed via email! Love getting them!
As Mother to one daughter and two sons who are grown-up in my sight, but in my heart they remain my babies. Thank you for this post. I am encouraged to be still before my Father knowing I am still and always His child, always growing.
I subscribed to Pensieve by e-mail
Trying to really “see” my birthed ones
where they really are. Validate their “now”
because that’s all we really have.
I read it….and I enjoyed your writing.
Thanks for the give away.
I LOVE Lisa’s jewelry! What a beautiful way to remember that God is always there for you 🙂
I subscribe to your blog via email.
“Be still, and know…because I need to be reminded that being still ENABLES me to know.” That was a WOW thought for me as striving comes so naturally in most areas of my life to make things work. Being still is like surrendering my independent nature, letting go of my “I know better than you God” attitudes, my ways, my words and really listening to the ONE who knows me best, share what He wants me to know about Him… I cuddled a baby withdrawing from drugs close to my heart today at work. The peace that came over that precious little one as she totally relaxed in my loving arms was amazing. So why is it again we don’t let our Heavenly Father hold us quietly more often than we do?
Be still and know that I am God
This scripture, which is on the floor leaning against the wall(on a plaque) right next to my TV stand, I walk by it every time I let my dog outside and look at it often BUT am I really still with Him?,sometimes I think I am and other times I cannot believe the day has slipped away Thank you for sharing..this is a reminder of how I (we) really need to on purpose take the time and meditate on this scripture and turn our attention more on God. I don’t have twitter,but I liked you on fb 🙂
Hi…I’m back.
I subscribed!
Can’t wait to win something
by LL : )
I find it hard to be still and “hear” God sometimes to. I think we are just so on the go, that sometimes it is hard to turn that off.
Your children are beautiful, and no they are not babies anymore but they will always be your baby
I cannot agree more that time slips by quickly and that being still is a skill I need to embrace and work on becoming better at. It is all too easy to get wrapped up in our fast paced, don’t wait world. Patience is a virtue. Of course, children grow up too fast and lose the “needs” that we want to hold on to. Life is challenging.
Thanks for the words and the giveaway 🙂
I’m an email subscriber, thank you!
I like you on facebook (Kellie Conklin), thanks!
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/KellieConklin/status/244463861565108224
Thank you again!
I reflect every day and the bracelets remind me of my quiet time. saltpepper1_2000@yahoo.com
Being centered quiets the ouside and expands upon your gifts inside. It makes you a better listener. I’m a happy email subscriber.
Beautiful jewelery…I love “he calls the stars by name” 🙂 jenniferpeaslee at gmail dot com
I subscribe with Google Reader
I love the bracelet and I need to win it!!! I liked reading all of it.
i need help remembering sometimes, i always want to fix things and i can’t!
I love the wonderfully made necklace 🙂
I’m an email subscriber.
Lisa Leonard created these beautiful bracelets. She let you choose one. Thanks.
To be still and just see and know- that is a great gift and one that many of us do not practice. But i know what you mean- I stare at my daughter and see that toddler who let me hold her hand as I walked her into the classroom that first day, or the seven year old that gratefully tugged me along to trick-or-treat. And I also see the woman she will be, the love of life that will grow and the wisdom she will gain… such wondrous moments these are! Such blessings!
Subscribed to your emails
Tweeted as @wordromancer
I read it and would love it!