I’ve taken to calling her Mayberry, this place that has gentled her way into my heart.
There’s no Andy or Barney but it’s small town and slow and her people simmer friendly and open. I know when it’s time to go for good, she’ll hold back a sliver of my heart. How could that not happen when you live in the place fairytales are born?
Burghausen is home to the longest castle in the world, so it makes perfect sense to have a party that goes on for days. And based on the crowds and revelry, I think every one of her 19,000 residents showed up or somehow took part in Burgfest 2012, a Renaissance Festival of Epic Proportion.
Burgfest is sensory feast.
Festival eats and drinks, of course, but the scents, sights, sounds and tactile experience filled me to the overflow. Imagine men, women and children celebrating their heritage fully committed with wild abandon. In a storehouse of memory, this one dazzles me dizzy.
Their commitment to authenticity is remarkable, a romantic depiction of Medieval times. Puppet shows, live entertainment, reenactments…all made me long to understand the language. Then again, I understood enough.
Children of all ages had a difficult choice to make: what festival novelties to take home.
It was all I could do not to buy Renaissance clothing (or a COOL bow and arrow
)–you know me and my propensity for wearing princess dresses…. If only I had known I needed cash! (After the fact, I realized I could have gotten a deal on period dress at Amazon
. Le sigh….)
I’ve never considered going to a Renaissance Festival before, but if they’re anything like Burghausen’s Castle Festival, attendance is just a matter of time (DO tell if you’ve been to one yourself).
Have you subscribed to blog updates yet to follow this series? Tomorrow I’ll complete my recap of Burgfest with my favorite discovery of the day: the thing squeezed my heart so tight I can still feel the hug months later….
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What a fun thing. But then, who else does fun better than you do??
Wow, that looks fun and colorful! The photo of the bathers in the wooden tub made me laugh.
I love seeing your gorgeous pictures of what you’re doing on the other side of the globe!
This year for 31 Days I’m reading ONLY the Bible and writing devotionals. http://www.vanderbiltwife.com/2012/09/31-days-of-the-book/
“but the scents, sights, sounds and tactile experience filled me to the overflow. Imagine men, women and children celebrating their heritage fully committed with wild abandon. In a storehouse of memory, this one dazzles me dizzy. “—> Oh my gosh!! I just adore this line!!! This is how I feel about the production of Lion King. Have you seen it? Oh my goodness!! It’s AMAZING!
Anyways, thank you for taking us on this great journey. I love following people who are in different countries. It gives me a taste of the culture, the language, and the people. Your pictures are great!!
Thank you!!!
Oh Robin! what a gift! thank you for being my german eyes and ears and nose..I could {almost} smell the wurst!
MAny blessings dearest!
That looks like so much fun! I’m living in Northern Germany this year but haven’t stumbled upon anything like that yet! It does seem somewhat like the RenFest I’ve been to but my RenFest is rather small.
(Also, since you asked, my 31 Days is 31 cups of tea with Jesus. Today’s topic was how I believe Him when it comes to my love life. Check it out at madwoman427.blogspot.com)
So neat, Robin! I’d never heard of Burghausen before, but it looks just beautiful. This summer we were just a bit north of there, though, in Braunau, Austria, which is a town worth going out of your way to visit if you haven’t already been there.
Hi Robin. You have some beautiful pictures. And a great way of writing your adventures, so I’m telling me friends on fb so they can follow along, too. 🙂 My family and I are in the middle of a one-year adventure in Bavaria also. I’m excited to read your perspective on the whole living in Germany thing. So fun. I am so happy to read about how you love the people here. Aren’t they just so nice? When I tell a German person how nice I think the Germans are, they always look at me funny. 🙂 I’m writing a 31 Days thing too — Life. Unafraid.