There's no telling how many passwords I have, but they're easily in double digits. I haven't happened onto That One I use for all accounts, because on one hand that's not best and safe practice, but also accounts dictate different terms for their passwords. Combination of upper and lower case, use of numbers and letters, some type of protocol using your name–you know the drill.
Writing for sites beyond my own, typically I'm assigned a simple password with the instructions and admonition to change it as soon as I log in.
But there's one I just can't revise; I received it forever ago and it's become a
battle cry.
For the Christian life, isn't that the way to The Way?
Put on your new nature,
created to be like God—
truly righteous and holy.
~ Ephesians 4:24, NLT
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
~ Psalm 51:10, NIV
And do not be conformed to thisworld, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
~ Romans 2:2, NASB
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Joining in Deidra's Sunday Community, a place of contemplative Ancient Words.
Perfect prayer. What should be first on our lips. And we forget and strive to remain the same, or to change ourselves instead of the simple surrender.
Thank you!
Amen!! Great prayer. Love the picture too.
Hope your day is blessed…?
I second that prayer/password
His Fire Fly,
Ugh…yes…I always think I can do it on my own. History would say otherwise…. :/.
Thank you, Susan :).
I guess that means we could hack each other's account. Which is fine, cause I trust you :).
Hi Robin – I’ve arrived via Deidra’s Sunday Community. I know what you mean about all those passwords – and I’m prone to forget half of them. *sigh* How awesome is it that we don’t really need one to enter into worship or relationship with the LORD? May your Sunday be blessed!
Brave prayer, Robin! Brave you!
Isn’t it just frustrating? too bad we need those passwords.
welcome to the sunday community.