Quote from "A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet" by Sophie HudsonSophie Hudson speaks my language:  

Southern, Story and Sass.

Mounds and mountains of all three.  

And she understands and rightly uses ALL CAPS (and parenthetical asides) EXACTLY and APPROPRIATELY when necessary to maximize effect.  That's an art.

Perhaps better known online as BooMama, she celebrated the debut of her first book yesterday, A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet: Southern Stories of Faith, Family, and Fifteen Pounds of Bacon.

BACON, y'all–What a BRILLIANT addition to any book title!

If I wasn't on the road (and if I was a better writer-aheader), I would have published this yesterday.  Or the day before. Except you couldn't buy it the day before so maybe today IS better.  

A Little Salty to Cut the SweetI was not just tickled pink to receive an advance copy (and treats, y'all), but HOT PINK, and all I can say is this is a delightful summer read.  And delicious–it ends with recipes mama-tested and generations-approved, complete with brand names.  Because in Southern cookin', Land O' Lakes butter is not the same as butter.  Amen. 

If you follow BooMama's blog, you've likely already met the cast of characters; but if not, she takes time to introduce you to each and if you need a chart, there's a nifty family tree in the front of the book to keep track.  Let's just say I happened to refer back to it a few times BECAUSE I HAVE A NEED TO KNOW who everyone is and how they interrelate.

"A Little Salty…" is nothin' if not a tribute to family and how they shape a person.  

(l-r) BigMama, BooMama & Pensieve Mama :)

From She Speaks '08 ~ http://bit.ly/1b4J4uU

At times poignant and other moments pure-T laugh out loud, you'll find 186 pages of family, faith and fun, a literary cup overflowing with cheer.  Sophie is a gentle storyteller, having learned from the best:  her family.  Her faith is natural, never preachy.


I've followed BooMama about as long as I've been blogging, pleased to have spent a little time with her.  I've learned from her, laughed with her, been inspired by her…and genuinely love her.  It is my pleasure to celebrate this milestone with her in some small way by sharing her book with you.


Bloggers at She Speaks including BooMama and Pensieve!!

Dawn (My Home Sweet Home), Shannon (Rocks in My Dryer), Jo-Lynne (Musings of a Housewife), Melanie (Big Mama), Annie (Annie Blogs), Sophie (BooMama), me, Valerie (Valarie at Home), Lisa (Simply His) and Sarah (Genesis Moments)

Would you like to win a copy?   Share a link to this post on Twitter or Facebook OR Pin it on Pinterest, come back here and comment how you shared it, and please tell me your favorite thing about the South!!  
(p.s.  Comments written in Haiku may or may not have an edge….)

 This is my little love gift to you,
and a thank you to Sophie & her publisher, Tyndale, for gifting a copy to me.  

~  ? ~ That's it!  ~ ? ~

Deadline to enter is Friday, June 7th @ midnight EST, U.S. addresses only.

And if you're ready to pony up the less-than-the-cost-of-a-movie-and-popcorn to buy the book, here's my Amazon affiliate link for under $12!.  Good, clean fun and endearingly entertaining, it's the best buy of the summer if you ask me. 🙂

If I haven't convinced you to add this to your summer reads, maybe Sophie's own voice will….  Enjoy!


Congrats to #26, Lib!! 
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