I shared the image online with a one-word caption. Not even a word, really. A number.
It was vaguebooking at its finest, bait, an indictment. The first comment was a single-word response – Argumentative – and I suppose it was, knowing my own thoughts.
Three giants, the tallest over 100 feet, boasting of something but I’m skeptical as to what. The cynic played with math, a dangerous proposition for a girl who lives among words not numbers–
Oh, the possibilities, the tangible good $700,000 could do…
- sponsor 128 children for Compassion International throughout their entire tenure in the program (presuming they start at 6 and age out at 18).
- help protect 23,333 vulnerable women through Samaritan’s Purse
- sponsor 116 entire projects for Charity Water
- change the world through Freeset USA’s Give to Grow Freedom projects for women at risk of sex trafficking
- cover the cost of 46,666 Shoe cutting parties (for ten) from Sole Hope
- support the rescue work of Exodus Road
I looked closer to home, what $700,000 could do in our hometown…
- that $700,000 would amplify to $7 million if given to the Chattanooga Area Food Bank
- it could fight childhood cancer through the Austin Hatcher Foundation or Jack’s Chattanoogins
- make an unimaginable difference for No Place Like Home Field
- provide a year of sleep for 383 people or 350,000 meals at the Chattanooga Rescue Mission.
And it would explode my Salvation Army virtual kettle.
When I pass under the shadow of those crosses, I shake my head and tsk judgment. I see pride and arrogance, a monument to man, Babel’s Tower. I grieve the greater good that could be accomplished by putting that money to better use. But…
What if I’m wrong?
This image stirred up interesting conversation in my social networks, so much so I found myself wrestling my judgment, wanting to find loftier ground, and finally processing it in writing. Please continue reading Crosses and Planks at Deeper Story today; and add your respectful thoughts.
You hit the nail on the head! It is ok to put up crosses, but are they only decorations or does the person truly understand what the meaning is of a cross–Jesus laid down His life for us?
I would rather they give some money to Relay for Life to help erradicate cancer, a food bank, prison ministry, or in our area “Good Samaritan Ministries” to help homeless and less fortunate.
God Bless! 🙂