I’ve been counting down the days not only to share this with you, but to see it myself!!
A few months ago I mentioned taking part in Atlanta’s inaugural Listen to Your Mother Show and today my performance is available on LTYM’s You Tube channel. I’m thrilled to …and it’s good.
I don’t say that from a position of arrogance, not at all! I say it because not only is it a lovely tribute to my own mother, it is testimony and evidence, sweet mama readers, that you are making an incredible difference in the lives of your children.
If you’ve lost your temper or been too screamy or over-reacted in a way that demanded apology, I hope you’ll be heartened to know your children are a forgiving lot, and not only will they not hold it against you, they’ll forgive AND forget.
If you think your children aren’t listening and watching, think again. You’ll find yourself in them soon enough (an argument to be intentional about what you say and do).
If you have young children and you or your spouse are battling a terminal illness, if death should meet you while they’re still young, I hope you’ll be encouraged to know your children will remember the important things you live before them.
If you watch, tell me your favorite part? I’d really like to know!
With thanks to Jana Anthoine and Miranda Wicker for their leadership and countless hours (and for casting me in Atlanta’s show) and to Ann Imig for her original inspiration and vision for this celebration of motherhood. And to my own babies and mother who are mostly responsible for the woman – and mom – I’ve become.
Photo credits:
Cast shot with title, Lyssa Sahadevan
Cast toast, Jana Anthoine
“Being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t scared, it just means you keep fighting for hope and praying for miracles.” Yeah. That one was just written into my quote book. xo
Well, that’s a writer’s honor (thank you, friend). And it’s one of my favorite lines :).
Robin, that was wonderfully wonderful!! Your personality came through and it was as if the written word was jumping off the page…does that make sense? I could see your words, yet you were speaking them. I could see you as a little girl soaking up every ounce of your mama’s love and wisdom. And she was a good teacher because the proof is in your beautiful children. Well done girly!!
Your encouragement always means so much…thank you. I love how you “saw” the words, first, because of course, that’s how it began. Clicks on a keyboard, words on the screen….
This was so perfectly you! I’ve heard you tell many of those stories before but all of them together was especially sweet! Well done, Mrs. Bernstein, your daughter was taught well!
It was fun telling’ ’em all together like this and it makes me smile for you to recognize ’em. For the first dozen or so times I practice-read it, I’d cry. But LTYM is insistent we read our pieces aloud EVERY DAY, and that’s so wise. By the show, I didn’t just not cry, I delighted in the entire night! Surprisingly collaborative for us all to have written individual readings.
OUTSTANDING, ROBIN. Thanks so much for letting us watch, listen and learn. Truly wonderful.
I’m grinning, friend; you have a way of bringing that out in me. 🙂
This was amazing. I wish I could have been there to hear it in person. What a wonderful memory to share with us all.
Oh, gosh, what a kind thing to say. It was a wonderful experience all ’round and I’m thankful LTYM finally gave me reason to write all that out.
Oh, Robin! This is absolutely beautiful. I’m so honored that you joined us for our first year. Your Mama would be (IS) so proud!
JANA! I MISS YOU!! Thank YOU so much for listening and hearing with your heart! You gave SO MUCH of yourself to all of us and I’m so, so grateful for the experience. Truly, it was a special place to be and I loved our cast :).
Love this, Robin. LOVE the way you live bold and beautiful. *clapping wildly*
Robin, this was perfectly delightful. It would be hard to pick a favorite part, but I did LOVE “Age is the price you pay for living.” You are just too precious.
This was about the best thing I’ve ever seen on the internet. Thanks for sharing, Robin. xoxo
That was absolutely beautiful! It made me cry!! I wish we could be neighbors. You have Godly wit and wisdom and seem to be a fun person! Wish I could have heard it all in person!!
My mom was much older (40) when she had me. By that time there was already 3 other siblings. She was busy taking care of them and some of the time she worked outside them home. This year more than before I miss her. She died in 2009, but truly was gone 2 years before with sundowners and dementia totally bedridden. She needed routine or she wouldn’t know who you were.
Bless you and your mother! Happy Mother’s day!
Thanks for sharing!!
You never cease to encourage me, Beth. Hope you’re doing well and blessing upon blessing to you. Living through a parents illness is never easy. Thank God for the little graces along the way.