I’ve been counting down the days not only to share this with you, but to see it myself!!


Listen to Your Mother - Atlanta 2014 - Mamas Way by Robin Dance.jpg

 A few months ago I mentioned taking part in Atlanta’s inaugural Listen to Your Mother Show and today my performance is available on LTYM’s You Tube channel.  I’m thrilled to …and it’s good.

I don’t say that from a position of arrogance, not at all! I say it because not only is it a lovely tribute to my own mother, it is testimony and evidence, sweet mama readers, that you are making an incredible difference in the lives of your children.

If you’ve lost your temper or been too screamy or over-reacted in a way that demanded apology, I hope you’ll be heartened to know your children are a forgiving lot, and not only will they not hold it against you, they’ll forgive AND forget.

If you think your children aren’t listening and watching, think again. You’ll find yourself in them soon enough (an argument to be intentional about what you say and do).

If you have young children and you or your spouse are battling a terminal illness, if death should meet you while they’re still young, I hope you’ll be encouraged to know your children will remember the important things you live before them.

If you watch, tell me your favorite part? I’d really like to know!


(Subscribers .)
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Listen to Your Mother Show Collage - Atlanta 2014


Listen to Your Mother - Atlanta 2014.jpg


With thanks to Jana Anthoine and Miranda Wicker for their leadership and countless hours (and for casting me in Atlanta’s show) and to Ann Imig for her original inspiration and vision for this celebration of motherhood. And to my own babies and mother who are mostly responsible for the woman – and mom – I’ve become.

Lisa Leonard Mama Necklace



Photo credits:

Cast shot with title, Lyssa Sahadevan

Cast toast, Jana Anthoine

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