A week ago an opportunity to join the speaker team for the landed in my inbox, and after learning the details, I had to say “Yes!” The chance to encourage women and point them to Jesus during a global pandemic? What an incredible “Get-To” opportunity! Take that, Coronavirus, COVID19, and all manner of quarantine and sheltering in place!
The # is bringing together 40 authors, pastors, podcasters, and speakers with the singular goal of speaking truth into your lives right where you are. Some of the names are familiar and many will be new introductions, but all are promising to bring a word of hope and assurance. (Going into the conference, I only knew a handful of the speaker team–Kristen Welch (one of my oldest blog-friends-turned-real-life), Katie Orr, Jill Briscoe, Jamie Ivey, Lauren Chandler, Jess Connolly, and Erin Weidemann), but I am thoroughly enjoying getting to know everyone else by stalking their social when I have a moment for that.)
I shared this with my email subscribers yesterday (and if you don’t already, you can subscribe right here!)
If you’re like me, you barely know what month we’re in, let alone the actual date. Maybe you’re gripped by anxiety and haven’t ventured out your door during Sheltering in Place orders. Or, perhaps you think the entire world is overreacting and COVID19 isn’t as bad as the headlines suggest. There is an actual truth to the extraordinary season we find ourselves in, and I’m convinced God is the only one who has a clue. Everyone else is just spitballing. How else can you explain the inability for scientists, researchers, and the medical community not to be able to come to consensus?
One thing is for sure: we’re all over the impact and repercussions of Coronavirus. All of us have suffered loss, and my heart goes out especially to high school and college seniors, families having to figure out how to homeschool (how do you do this when both parents work?? what about single parents?), those who’ve lost jobs…or worse. 🙁
Don’t you want a break from this madness? I know I’ve never needed a retreat more than right now (anyone with me?)!
And I especially need trusted voices pointing me to Jesus, reminding me of the great Hope we have no…matter…what.
Register NOW to claim your spot, get early bird pricing *and* if you’re one of the first ten registrants using my link, you’re eligible for a FREE book!
The #OnlineWomensRetreat begins at 8:00am EST on May 16th, and you watch each session from the comfort of your own home! Right now you can take advantage of Early Bird pricing — just $40 — plus, save an additional 10% by using code ROBIN10, but I encourage you to act fast: I’ve promised a FREE COPY of my For All Who Wander Journey Guide to the first ten people who sign up through my link, and there are still some yet to be claimed. After May 1, the price will go up, but you’ll still be able to use code ROBIN10 to save 10%. (Free copies of the Journey Guide are limited to contiguous US addresses, and you need to request your book by 5/1. It won’t be mailed automatically because I don’t have your address. 🙂 )
You might hear a lot of the speakers saying that for the price of a family meal at Chick-Fil-A, you get more than 30 sessions that will encourage and challenge you during this wild and unprecedented time because it’s true! We all need convenience and flexibility right now. With the Online Women’s Retreat you get to set your own retreat schedule: pick the sessions that are exactly what you need and watch them when you can. (They will also help teach you ways you can make this even more like an actual retreat!)
Please please share this post with any of your friends who could use a powerful dose of encouragement.
Tell them they have to do this with you 🙂 ! You can even text, marco polo, or start a Facebook group and all do it together. Speakers will provide discussion questions after each session to help you connect with others, too.
I’m working hard to bring you a brief but strong word of encouragement, and I sincerely hope you’ll take part. No session will be over 30 minutes, and truly, these women (and a few men) count it a privilege to serve you in this season. Scholarship assistance is available to those in need; see the site for details. Plus, there is no charge for our hard-working healthcare heroes (check out the site for those details, too).
Got questions? Please leave them in comments!
Hi Robin,
Just registered with your code! I’m super excited to hear some great messages from the speakers!
Regarding the book, how do we know if we qualified for the free copy? And if we have, what steps do we take to claim it?
FANATASIC, Lacia! I know you’ll be so encouraged during the conference <3. Shoot me an email at robindance(dot)me(at)gmail. People are registering but not requesting the book in every case, so you've got one!! (Assuming you have a contiguous US mailing address 🙂 )
I just registered too! Wondering if I qualified for a free book also? Thanks so much!
Yay!! But you gotta send me an email with your address requesting your copy!! So excited, Jenn!