The One Thing That Can Change Everything
The past two years have brought with them the greatest sorrow of my adult life. Cruel, rare, and unfamiliar diagnoses became the story my loved ones are living. Glioblastoma, Li-Fraumeni Syndrome, peripheral nerve sheath tumor, breast cancer… Really, God?...
How To Add A Little More “Happy” To Your Thanksgiving (Before you shop all those Black Friday sales)
Popping in to share one of the BEST online deals I've found to save money when shopping online: Join Rakuten and shop through their site! I've been shopping through Rakuten since 2021, and I've earned enough cash back to make it worth my while to sell my...
Four Fun Ways to Focus on Faith, Family and Gratitude on Thanksgiving
Years ago, I managed a parent’s morning out program at church, and my role included curriculum and craft planning. Oh, how I loved fall’s inspiration. I didn’t have to look beyond my front yard and calendar for ideas – leaves changing color always put on a...
Our Real Superpowers are so Much Better Than Comicbook Counterfeits
All of us have something special within ourselves that impacts others and can alter the atmosphere around us: Everyday superpowers. Not exactly the blockbuster movie variety, but superpowers nonetheless. Attitudes and influence that shape opinion, encourage...
Van Camp’s Classic Oven Baked Beans (The Best Baked Beans Recipe!) – Saved From the Label Years Ago
Van Camp's Classic Oven Baked Beans recipe from the back of the can's label is my favorite, and arguably, the best, oven baked beans recipe in the world. Okay, maybe that's a stretch, but these baked beans taste like a bygone era and were so much better than...
A Helpful Read If You’ve Ever Felt Like You’re Failing in Your Faith
Sometimes I feel like the Very Worst Christian on the Planet because my faith seems to have grown more complicated as I’ve matured. Instead of seeing God’s love and the way He’s working all things together for good in the midst of heartache and trial, I’m...
If at First You Don’t Succeed, When Should You Try, Try Again?
Maybe the fourth time would be a charm. I sure hoped so. Even though I was determined, I wasn’t sure I could take another disappointment. Was this the God-given “desire of my heart” spoken of in Psalm 37, or simply me pursuing something I wanted in my own...
Holy Saturday, 22,281 Days Old, and the Oldest Psalm
In the Christian tradition, today is Holy Saturday, the observance that ends the Lenten season, the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, the day between Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection. It is also my birthday and I am 22,281 days old. When I...
Why I Like Having a Word of the Year (Do You Have One for 2024?)
Do you shudder and cringe at the thought of New Year's resolutions or do you love making a list every year? Do you feel like a failure if you don't keep them perfectly, or are you defeated before you even start? I hope not. Doing a little bit of something is always...