by Robin | Mar 8, 2018 | Compassion - India, Compassion Bloggers, Compassion International, Good causes, Inspiring, Love Gifts, Personal, Uncategorized
I’m sitting at my kitchen table where the sun is piercing filthy windowpanes, a thing I notice in the morning but forget by noon’s shadow. A ladybug sits on the sill, I’m assuming dead. Our home is a death spiral for pretty bugs dressed in red with...
by Robin | Nov 16, 2012 | Compassion Bloggers, Compassion International
There are a lot of people out there telling you to follow the Compassion Bloggers in Peru this week, but I’m the only one who’s telling you to stay away. I can hear what you’re thinking: “How dare you say such a preposterous...
by Robin | May 11, 2012 | Compassion Bloggers, Compassion International
I started blogging in the Fall of 2005 after a friend invited me to read hers (I didn't know what a blog was prior); my first post referenced an article that reported the number of blogs to be 30,000 strong. Today, Mashable author Sam Laird reports...
by Robin | Mar 9, 2012 | Compassion Bloggers, Compassion International
I saw his face, I learned about his plight, and now I'm asking you to help. Because the truth is, if you're able to read this (as am I), you're (we're) in a position where you can help. A little, a lot, it's of no concern to me…but it...
by Robin | Sep 19, 2011 | (in)courage, Compassion Bloggers, Compassion International, Faith, Inspiring
This post will be most complete if you add your own favorites ~ Inspiring quotes or favorite scriptures that esteem joy. Please share your voice in comments. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. ~ 3 John 1:4 Hope...
by Robin | May 29, 2011 | Around/About {weekly link-love}, Compassion Bloggers, Compassion International
A collection of links I love, sites I like, interesting reads or cool happenings nearby. Lisa's call to action for the residents of Joplin is a small initiative with big heart. Help her help them. A perfect example of "Just Do Something!"...