by Robin | Apr 21, 2014 | Adventures in Germany, Europe, Funny Stuff!, Humor, Memoir, Personal, Uncategorized
I’m out of breath riding backwards on a train sitting across from an Asian student who doesn’t speak English but who does speak German. She’s working on an exam of some sort, using a pencil and block eraser and painting her words beautiful, none of...
by Robin | Jan 9, 2013 | Adventures in Germany, Europe, Funny Stuff!
When I visited Venice last summer, one of the most unexpected discoveries was a fair trade shop somewhere off the beaten bath canal, whose name escapes me now (but I probably couldn't say anyway). The shop was overflowing with interesting bags and accessories, but...
by Robin | May 9, 2012 | Adventures in Germany, Funny Stuff!, Memoir, Personal, Travel
Salzburg is famous for a lot of reasons ~ birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart where The Sound of Music was filmed beautiful baroque architecture with some of the most famous churches in the world it sits at the northern boundary of the Alps and borders the Salzach...
by Robin | Dec 4, 2011 | Funny Stuff!, Humor, youtube ROCKS!
This is four minutes of the funniest, cleanest hilarity I've ever seen, and it's Greg's and Ryan's reactions to reading each other's lists for the first time that put this video over the top for me. Over one million hits to You Tube suggest...
by Robin | Aug 18, 2011 | Blogging, Food and Drink, Friends, Funny Stuff!, Nature
"What happens when you play Barry White to your carrots….." Reason #128 while Jill aka The Diaper Diaries is one of my favorite bloggers on the planet–this was her Facebook status this morning. And in consideration of my bi-polar...
by Robin | Jun 30, 2011 | Family, Friends, friendship, Funny Stuff!, Great quotes, Humor, Kids, Life Philosophy, Mom stuff, Personal, Teens & Tweens
Sometimes I do or say things my kids don't care for. Like when I tell them "Do (or don't do) ________, or I'll take a baseball bat to your knee caps." For example, "If you or any of your friends ride your RipStick down our VERY STEEP...