Always and forever

Always and forever

  He looks at her with hungry eyes, indifferent to the ears that might hear that don’t belong to her.  When he finally speaks, his voice is satin, silken and soft, honey’s sweet drizzle. He purrs. “You look luscious….” Their eyes are...

Simple (?) Marriage Advice

Though my niche at Simple Mom is parenting teenagers, Tsh extended freedom to her contributors to deviate from our typical topics while she is on break this summer. I decided to take advantage of her offer, with one caveat: This post isn't for all readers;...

Trust ~
5-minute Friday

trust noun \?tr?st\1 a: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.  b: one in which confidence is placed2 a: dependence on something future or contingent; hope Quick – Who are the people and/or what are the...

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